Two New Sailors!

Ministry to the Military at The Lighthouse
Wow! We had a really full day of ministry today! Kaitlyn, our new sailor, was going to join us today for church, and then for pot roast with potatoes and carrots for lunch, with Klondike bars for dessert. She texted us and said she had invited a friend to come to church with her. So we invited him to come over to the house for lunch too!
Yvonne and I got up early and started the roast and potatoes. Then we drove to Norfolk Naval Station and picked up Kaitlyn and Vladimir and headed up to Greater Discipleship Center for breakfast before church, followed by worship.
After church we came to the house, put the finishing touches on the pot roast, and had lunch. Vladimir was scheduled to fly out to his ship in the middle east today. But on the way to the airport, he found out his flight was cancelled. So we came back to the house and played Skip-Bo. Vladimir won the game! Then we shared prayer requests and prayed together. Finally, we drove Vladimir and Kaitlyn back to the base.
This was a grand day! Thank you Jesus!!
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  • John and Yvonne

    Hello Northwoodsmom!

    Thank you for your message. And thank you for letting your son know about us. :) We will also hold him up in prayer! How old is your son now? It's always hard when our children walk away! But the Scripture says that Jesus leaves the ninety and nine and goes after the one lost sheep!

    Yvonne and John

  • Northwoodsmom

    Thank you for praying for my son, he is 29 and a late bloomer. When he was younger he was so in love with Jesus and I would hear him singing songs to him. He use to memorize bible verses and I know with all my heart Jesus will bring him back. I truly love the song " The 99" it touches my heart so. God Bless you for your ministry for our young people.

  • John and Yvonne

    Sometimes when they are on their own, they wander. But the Lord loves them and the Holy Spirit can bring back to their memory the songs they use to sing and especially the Bible verses they have memorized!  Isaiah55:10-11 says, "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

    We have his word that all those verses  will be used by the Holy Spirit to bring them back to your son's memory! Praise the Lord!

    We will continue to pray until those prayers are answered!

