Where do I start?

Series of blows one after another to my Sailor.  Top student in A school told pick of Commands on dream sheet.  Got a letter saying he was top student we should be so proud/commendation letter in his folder.  Gets none of the 3 on dream sheet due to clerical error according to A school.  Only one in the middle of COVID sent in the spring to a carrier in Norfolk.  All other graduates remained in Pensacola for montsh after due to COVID. When he got there, no commander to report to, everything closed, no transportation no place to eat galleys closed, no people to meet. 

Oh, in A school he was told if he signed up for 2 more years now fast track to E-6.

After two weeks assigned an officer. Lives on the ship in port.  For days no running water, galleys all closed for COVID, no car to get to Norfolk restraunts, no uber due to COVID.  He had to buy a car to get basic needs.  Ship unlivable. Bathrooms closed all over the ship, little food available.  He had to get an off campus place to stay with other sailors who cant live on the ship. Paying 400 out of pocket and Navy won't reimburse saying the ship is his place to live though it is under construction.  Several sailors have COVID who are working on the ship.  

Upper command dysfunctional. Works he ass off, told to do all of these quals so he could rank up to E-4 or 5.  Worked several hours on the quals then told another error in what he was told or paperwork issue.  He did not get the opportunity for upgrade or pay grade he was offered after committing to additional time.

All of the sailors are feeling very low and some suicidal that are attached to this ship.  Oh, he also got very sick and they did not test him for COVID and he had to get his own test. I am afraid for his morale as he keeps getting lied to, promised things that don't happen and working him like a dog.  He is afraid even to take off for medical attention. 

Now this weekend they locked everyone in Norfolk and he can't come home for Thanksgiving. He will be alone/no one has made plans to have have him. 

I am very concerned that something is wrong and he is getting screwed but does not know how to advocate for himself. What is his recourse.

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    OMG I feel your pain!  I do.  Not to your degree but I hear you loud and clear!  Where the hell do our "kids" go for help?  My son is 19 years old, he made a mistake enlisting. Period. Not the end of the world yet it feels like it is for him.  He is miserable.  He is holding it together but his immediate supervisor is a real jerk and he is afraid if he does approach him with his desire to be separated/discharged, he'll get shit-on even more than he already is. 

    I keep trying to encourage him, stay in the day, make the best of it, you signed up for this, you can do anything you put your mind to.....yaddy-ya-ya....my words bring him very little comfort. 

    I don't know how to help him and it is killing me. 

    I shall keep trying to guide him as best I can from home but I too am anxious for any responses too!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Best wishes to your son.  And mine!  :)

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      That’s incredible.  What happened to you son? Did you ever find out who he is supposed to talk with to straighten out this waste of some excellent sailors?

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        Navy Dad x5

        Any updates? I have just joined this forum but it sounds like a call to your congress person for relief. They can and will get to the bottom of things, I know from experience.
