

Glen Ellyn, IL

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
had concerns or fears
Our Navy experience so far...
is a work in progress!

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  • lemonelephant

    Make at least change 3 at the bottom of OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (clickable link) and change the Privacy Settings for this page from "Anyone" to "Members." 

    There may be other changes you need to make as well, so read and consider each of the changes. 

  • Chipmunk

    Good Evening - I saw your post - I was just checking to see how your sailor is doing? Has he gone to the fleet yet? Our plans to see our sailor have been delayed as well. 

  • Chipmunk

    Sorry, I didn't realize the discussion feed that came into my email was a reply to my question below. Your sailor came in a year after mine then. I hope you have had a chance to visit some, I know our plans last year got cancelled and this year it is up in the air due to the ship schedule. Feel free to reply to my comment here versus the discussion page. I moderate my comments but I usually check them at least once a day.