Update on Yvonne's Recovery 3/26/23

Update on Yvonne's recovery...

I'm sorry that I have not updated Yvonne's condition for far too long. Several of you have messaged us and asked how Yvonne is doing. So I decided that I had better do it now!

Yvonne is recovering very well! We saw the doctor post surgery for the second time last Wednesday. He showed us the new x-rays and though pretty intimidating, they looked good. He said everything there looked good and was in the place it should be. We told him her legs were still spasming a lot at night. They don't spasm much in the day time. On the 10th of March he had increased her Baclofen dosage to 10mg three times a day which helped a little bit. Last Wednesday he increased her Lyrica dosage to 150mg at night instead of 75. Which has helped reduce the nighttime spasms further. Please keep her in prayer for this. They are much less frequent and much less painful when she does have them. But it's still frustrating going through the night getting up three or four times.

She came home from Lake Taylor Rehab Center and immediately started home health care OT and PT. We requested the same two therapists she had last year and got them! They each come twice a week on alternate days. They are working with her on her posture and balance and walking. Both therapists say she is doing very well! Last Wednesday Kia (OT) actually had her walk a little obstacle course she set up in our living room. Yvonne was able to walk (although with great difficulty) about 10 feet without the use of her walker. She walked the rest of the way using only one hand on her walker. The improvements are actually very dramatic!

She still has a good deal of pain, but not near as much as before. Her biggest problem right now is her fear. That is the primary issue keeping her from moving her feet to walk with less dependence on her walker. The Lord really spoke to her through our pastor's (Lance Matthew Bacon) sermon this morning. Please keep praying for her for courage, balance, and the ability to use her legs with less and less dependence on her walker. We are still believing that God promised us that He would restore her to health and heal her wounds. And we all know that He who promised is faithful! So we keep holding on unswervingly to the hope we profess.

Thank you for your love and prayer support!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    John - I am so sorry that Yvonne has been dealing with this for so long.  What a fighter she is.  I'm sure this has been difficult for both of you, please let her know we are thinking of you both and continued prayers for her recovery - and to be pain free.