Ministry to the Military at The Lighthouse!

Ministry to the Military at The Lighthouse
Thank you all for your prayers!
Saturday night was great! Brandon (stationed at Naval Station Norfolk) and Anita came over and we ate pizza and brownies for dinner. Then we played Skip-Bo. It was a new game for Brandon. We all enjoyed it. Anita won the game and I had Brandon present the winner's trophy to her.
Afterward we talked about church and faith, and then shared prayer requests and prayed together.
  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    So glad you all had a good time John!  And Yvonne looks great too ;-D

  • Chipmunk

    John and Yvonne, I am so glad you had a wonderful time!!  It is good to see the ministry moving forward!

  • belovedbyHim

    What a delightful time you all had.  Praying that you have many more and for Yvonne to continue to improve!