900's division sailors

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  • HealthHopeHappiness

    My hubby left 6/3. Just got his form letter! Ship 2/DIV 938! PIR 7/31!
  • Stacey

    Ok ladies I'm a little confused. So my husband doesn't play any kind of instrument so I'm confused how he is in the 900. Can some one better explain this to me? Thank you
  • Rhonda

    @love4one. He could of ended up in a 900 div if he ever did any sort of still team or color guard in high school, was in rotc, an eagle scout, or I have heard that if enough people with skill sets volunteer, they will put people with very high test scores in 900 div, because they think it will be easier for them to handle the extra suites. There are non-performing members in every 900 div
  • Stacey

    @rhonda- thank you. He did do sports in high school and did score really high on his test. Thank you though for the info. I'll take as much as I can get lol
  • Stacey

    Who is ready to hear our SR voice!!!! I swear today has gone by sooo slow! Lol I'm hopeing for a call tomorrow!
  • Stacey

    Any phone calls today?
  • Jes'awesome

    I can tell you I'm going cray too love4one
  • Stacey

    I just deep cleaned my kitchen hoping to make time go by lol
  • Jes'awesome

    Love4ond. Take your phone and your baby to the park.
  • Stacey

    I would but its way to hot here! Its already almost a 100
  • El

    Hi,  I received my son's form letter yesterday, and he is assigned to Ship 02 Div 940. I wanted to check to see if any other mom's daughters/sons were assigned to the same division?  Thank you


  • Holly

    My son is ship 02 Division 939! I am planing on doing the center piece for our Division for the meet and greet on August 6th!
  • Jes'awesome

    Hey holly. Was thinking of bringing some aloha for a basket. Need anything?
  • shangrilamama

    Hi El, my son is also Ship 02 Div 940.

    His brother just had PIR 1/9/15 but was not a 900 division so this is going to be a whole new experience for us.
  • Kelley

    I learned my son's Division last night. Miss him dearly and its only been a few days! 

  • jbf2006

    Kelley which division?

  • racermom55

    Hello El, my daughter is also Ship 02 Div 940.

  • Kelley

    Sorry, I was offline for the weekend! We were told he's DIV 941 on Ship 02 (USS Reuben James). His recruiter kept telling him, "Do NOT get assigned in the 900 Division!" I don't really understand exactly why that was.

  • jaysmom

    My son's recruiter told him the same thing, but when he got there, he joined the 900 division anyway and he is really happy he did.  I believe the reason they tell them not to join that division is because it is extra work. In addition to doing the normal basic training, they also have to practice for performances.  My son loves his Chief though. Said he is the only one that actually eats with his recruits. Unfortunately this is the last division he will be training.

  • jbf2006

    Kelley, my son is in the same division.  Are you able to make their PIR?  

  • Shelly5921

    My son also said he enjoys the 900 division. I got the impression from him they choose people they think can handle the extra work.
  • jaysmom

    I thought they asked if anyone had music experience
  • ⚓ darsatm ⚓

    this link might explain a little better the 900 division, scroll down past the 800 Division explanation:http://navyformoms.com/group/bootcampmoms/page/900-divisions

  • Kelley

    I'm still waiting for my first letter from my son. I bought the airline tickets to the 8/21 PIR. Working on the places to stay. I really want to hear from him to see how he's doing and exactly what he is doing in Div 941! He plays the drums, but he's 6'4". Body snatcher maybe?
  • Becky

    My son is in Div 935 and graduates next Friday, July 10th.  Needless to say, I cannot wait to see him again before he heads to his A school the next day.  Fortunately, we are local and he can come home for a couple of hours during his liberty and we're letting family & friends come over to visit & cook out all afternoon.  My biggest concern is him getting our black lab's hair all over his white uniform!

  • Mightymouse

    Becky, shouldn't he be able to change while he's with you? Or are you thinking as soon as you walk in and the lab being excited? How nice of him getting to go home for a little bit.
  • Shelly5921

    Jaysmom-music experience is one question but i think they also ask people with no music experience but played a sport.
  • LPEquestrian

    My Daughter is Ship 02 Div 942 PIE 08/28/2015. Just found out what division 900 is really proud of her. Between her band experience in high school and her CAP honor guard training. I know she can do this.
  • turtlegirl428

    My son is Ship 2 Div 942. So proud and excited!
  • lm243

    Just found out my son is on ship 02 division 943. Any others out there?
  • Lu-Ems mom

    I GOT MY PIR LETTER SHIP 2 DIVISION 943 I'm one relieved mama tone to mail some letters :-) :-) :-)
  • trishmix

    Does anyone have the live site to watch graduation from and possibly the two dates graduating sailors from 9/4/15 will perform in ?

  • jbf2006

    You can view Friday's PIR at this link: http://www.livestream.com/usnavyrtc

  • U2navymom

    Hi! Just found out my SR is Ship 02 Division 944. So proud! I look forward to learning about 900 divisions.
  • Greenbelli

    I will be leaving this group, thank you for all the information regarding the 900 divisions, it was very helpful!! 

    Prayers to all the new 900 division moms, hang in there, it does get easier as time goes by! 

  • Proudmama

    Hello everyone. My daughter is in Ship 02, Div 945.  So happy to be informed of this group. 

  • jbf2006

    welcome... There's alot of good information on the site. Good luck to your daughter...

  • Misty Cheyann's mom

    My daughter is also ship 02 div 945
  • helenlpw65

    Seen my SR working the PIR today as Honor guard and body snatcher! It was quick but but I could make him out! So handsome in his uniform. Two weeks to go!!

  • Emily'sMom

    Just found out that my daughter is Ship 02 Div 946. Any others??
  • Brenda

    My daughter is in Ship 2 DIV 945

  • austin'sproudmomma

    just got a letter from my son, ship 02 div 946

  • Crimsonturtle

    My son is ship 2 division 946
  • lorelle&marleesmom/Ship02DIV939

    My son is no longer in the Navy. Couldn't handle it and wasn't for him, unfortunately. I'm leaving this group. Good luck to all of your children.

  • NavyBandMom

    Finally got our letter!  Division 946!

  • Samantha

    Any parents out there with a son/daughter on Ship 2 Div: 947?

  • Emily'sMom

    Hi Samantha. My daughter is in Div 946
  • Samantha

    I just found this in researching our division GREAT INFORMATION!!!

    Here are the current 900 Divisions:

    941: Ship Staff/Honor Guard: PIR 08/21/2015 TG 41 - 9 Divisions (275-282 and 941)

    (Division 941 will also perform their duties during the 08/07/2015 PIR and the 08/14/2015 PIR.)

    942: Sticks (Flags): PIR 08/28/2015 TG 42 - 7 Divisions (283-288 and 942)

    (Division 942 will also perform during the 08/14/2015 PIR and the 08/21/2015 PIR.)

    943: Triple Threat: PIR 09/04/2015 TG 43 - 11 Divisions (289-298 and 943)

    (Division 943 will also perform during the 08/21/2015 PIR and the 08/28/2015 PIR.)

    944: Ship Staff/Honor Guard: PIR 09/11/2015 TG 44 - 13 Divisions (299-308, 817, 818, and 944)

    (Division 944 will also perform their duties during the 08/28/2015 PIR and the 09/04/2015 PIR.)

    945: Sticks (Flags): PIR 09/18/2015 TG 45 - 10 Divisions (309-316, 819, and 945)

    (Division 945 will also perform during the 09/04/2015 PIR and the 09/11/2015 PIR.)

    946: Triple Threat: PIR 09/25/2015 TG 46

    (Division 946 will also perform during the 09/11/2015 PIR and the 09/18/2015 PIR.)

    947: Ship Staff/Honor Guard: PIR 10/02/2015 TG 47

    (Division 947 will also perform their duties during the 09/18/2015 PIR and the 09/25/2015 PIR.)

    948: Sticks (Flags):

    949: Triple Threat:

    950: Ship Staff/Honor Guard:

    951: Sticks (Flags):

    952: Triple Threat:

    901: Ship Staff/Honor Guard:

  • jbf2006

    941...This is finally your week! 

  • Emily101

    Does anyone have a loved one on ship 02 DIV 945?