Brand new to the website and this group. My son is Ship 02 Div 904, I am still trying to figure out what that really means and looking for any other families that might have kids in with my sons group.
902 is the Sticks and Flags division. They will perform at the 11/6, 11/13 and the 11/20 Graduations. There is information for the 800 & 900 divisions I think it is under its own section under Groups.
My SR mentioned possibly getting a visit to recruit heaven ... This was in his letter and then also mentioned it yesterday when I got to talk to him. Should I send a gift card from the link here on N4m site or how would they pay for anything?
We haven't been on this site lately, but to any of you who have sons or daughters at the school of music, and they can't go home for Thanksgiving, we would be happy to invite them over to our home to join us for our Thanksgiving dinner.
When we atttended the chapel on LIttle Creek we had a lot of sailors, soldiers and marines come over to our house on the weekends and for holidays. If you go to our page on this site, you can get an idea of what we do. :)
It was always so much fun to have them over to the house and sometimes they would bring their instruments and play them after dinner.
I feel for you Ken! I can't believe you haven't heard yet. Mine is 901 too but didn't say if anyone didn't make it or if all passed. I'm sure you're son is fine!! He did make it sound like it was 80% mental & teamwork and 20% physical. Yours probably had watch or something silly and missed his phone call ?! I wish I had an answer for you.
My son left for boot camp on 11/5. Just received the form letter today. He has been assigned to Division 907, Ship Staff/Honor Guard. Does anyone have any details? I've researched some and it's too early for me to receive a letter from my son as yet to inquire.
Pip, I have the same questions! My husband doesn't play instruments or sing, so I guess he'll be doing other things! Since there are no graduations the 2 weeks before theirs, will they not have extra graduation performances, or will they do the two before the holiday shutdown?
@Sourpatchkid I'm going to send you a friend's request. That way I can provide you with the information that I have stumbled across so far. Together, maybe we can figure it out.
Also, my grandson was 950 (Ship Staff/Honor Guard) last month. I know that can mean many different things, but rail guards are often seen and photographed by folks prior to the start of graduation. If body snatchers are seen before, you might get a picture of them too, but they are not often seen during graduation. My grandson was the Time Orderly (rang the bell as high ranking officers arrived for the graduation) so he was seen clearly for the PIR just before his PIR, but the other two graduations, he had ward room duties. We didn't see him at all, but the value of that assignment was that he had opportunities to interact personally with many officers, including the RADM who gave the commencement address at his PIR. Hope this little bit of personal experience helps, but the link should help you with many roles. It is quite an accomplishment to complete boot camp. My thanks and congratulations to your recruits.
Thank you for the information! I'm guessing that my son will inform me through one of his letters what his role will be within the Ship Staff/Honor Guard. Until then, I research and guesstimate. I appreciate your sharing! It's giving me more of an understanding. Thank you!
I have a son in 902. I haven't heard from him in two weeks. Would love some information if anyone has any. Wondering when they are going through Battlestations and when to expect the call.
Sue, actually, he is in DIV 909 rather than 902. He would have had holiday routine for the first time on Sunday and the letters would have been mailed yesterday, so you should receive a "real" letter later this week. See Letter Writing & Fun Stuff/Questionnaires to send to your Recruit.
Make it a habit to check your My Page because you may have comments from Members and not even know it if you have the notifications turned off for comments on your My Page. To reply to someone who leaves a comment on your My Page, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" (you will have to do that if the person has their profile set to "Just My Friends") below the comment.
Got the call from my son, he's a sailor! So relieved and happy that he's overcome this last part of his bootcamp training! It was torture wondering how he did and not knowing but alas the call came in around 2 this afternoon! He sounded in great spirits but also tired and exhausted... My poor baby! I hope everyone is as excited when their calls from their sailors come through! It is awesome to know they passed their final stage! Can't wait till Friday! Congratulations to our new sailors!
Received my first letter from my son that wasn't a form letter on Saturday. I was actually reading it when he called to check in. He seems to be doing great. He is in Div 909 and his PIR is 01/08/2016
My son is Ship 02 DIV 910. When I spoke with him on Sunday he said he his duties would keep him off the floor during PIR and we wouldn't even see him until afterwards. He seemed pretty excited about it but I was really hoping we would get to see him during his PIR.
I haven't received any letters, except the form letter. On the up side, he has called me on Dec 6th Dec 13th and we were able to talk for about 8 minutes each time.
I've received 1 form letter, the "Adopt-A-Sailor" form and a scribbled note that was only a few sentences long. It looks like there is a time limit on writing because it ended in mid sentence and thought. No signature either. Oh! And 2 actual phone calls and 1 30 second one over a week ago. I was hoping to hear from him last weekend. I hope that he has a chance to call before Christmas.
Check out the Page.
Oct 20, 2015
My daughter is in div 905 how do I know how things r going
Oct 21, 2015
Ship 02 Division 904
Oct 22, 2015
Brand new to the website and this group. My son is Ship 02 Div 904, I am still trying to figure out what that really means and looking for any other families that might have kids in with my sons group.
Oct 22, 2015
Oct 22, 2015
Kim R
Oct 22, 2015
Oct 23, 2015
I still feel stupid with my questions but does anyone have a child in div. 905
Oct 23, 2015
That is where my daughter is
Oct 23, 2015
Navymom#5, don't feel stupid; this is the perfect place for that question. I left info on your My Page, including the link for your PIR group.
Oct 23, 2015
Oct 24, 2015
Oct 26, 2015
Oct 26, 2015
amanda, your recruit is being paid and he probably still has money on his NEX card that he received at the beginning of BC.
Oct 26, 2015
Navymom#5 my SR is in division 905 as well. Performing huh? Thanks! NCNavymom, I didn't know that.
Oct 30, 2015
Navymom65 (Kim)
Yay!! Got the adopt a Sailor form and a short note from my girl!!! Oh how good that makes this mama feel!!!
Oct 30, 2015
Oct 31, 2015
John and Yvonne
Hello 900 Division moms!
We haven't been on this site lately, but to any of you who have sons or daughters at the school of music, and they can't go home for Thanksgiving, we would be happy to invite them over to our home to join us for our Thanksgiving dinner.
When we atttended the chapel on LIttle Creek we had a lot of sailors, soldiers and marines come over to our house on the weekends and for holidays. If you go to our page on this site, you can get an idea of what we do. :)
It was always so much fun to have them over to the house and sometimes they would bring their instruments and play them after dinner.
Let us know............
Yvonne and John
Nov 1, 2015
Nov 4, 2015
Nov 4, 2015
Nicks mom
Got nicks box today. Hope info packet will be soon!
Nov 11, 2015
Nov 11, 2015
My son left for boot camp on 11/5. Just received the form letter today. He has been assigned to Division 907, Ship Staff/Honor Guard. Does anyone have any details? I've researched some and it's too early for me to receive a letter from my son as yet to inquire.
Nov 13, 2015
Nov 14, 2015
@Sourpatchkid I'm going to send you a friend's request. That way I can provide you with the information that I have stumbled across so far. Together, maybe we can figure it out.
Nov 14, 2015
Sourpatchkid and Pip, here's a link that explains some of 800 and 900 division duties.
Also, my grandson was 950 (Ship Staff/Honor Guard) last month. I know that can mean many different things, but rail guards are often seen and photographed by folks prior to the start of graduation. If body snatchers are seen before, you might get a picture of them too, but they are not often seen during graduation. My grandson was the Time Orderly (rang the bell as high ranking officers arrived for the graduation) so he was seen clearly for the PIR just before his PIR, but the other two graduations, he had ward room duties. We didn't see him at all, but the value of that assignment was that he had opportunities to interact personally with many officers, including the RADM who gave the commencement address at his PIR. Hope this little bit of personal experience helps, but the link should help you with many roles. It is quite an accomplishment to complete boot camp. My thanks and congratulations to your recruits.
Nov 15, 2015
Thank you for the information! I'm guessing that my son will inform me through one of his letters what his role will be within the Ship Staff/Honor Guard. Until then, I research and guesstimate. I appreciate your sharing! It's giving me more of an understanding. Thank you!
Nov 15, 2015
Nov 16, 2015
Kim R
Nov 16, 2015
Remember that BST dates cannot be posted openly. See Battle Stations-21 (BST).
Nov 16, 2015
We have a son in 902, PIR 1/8/16, no mail yet other than the form letter.
Nov 24, 2015
Sue, actually, he is in DIV 909 rather than 902. He would have had holiday routine for the first time on Sunday and the letters would have been mailed yesterday, so you should receive a "real" letter later this week. See Letter Writing & Fun Stuff/Questionnaires to send to your Recruit.
Nov 24, 2015
oh sorry you are right. Ship 2, Div 909.
Nov 24, 2015
Nov 24, 2015
Make it a habit to check your My Page because you may have comments from Members and not even know it if you have the notifications turned off for comments on your My Page. To reply to someone who leaves a comment on your My Page, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" (you will have to do that if the person has their profile set to "Just My Friends") below the comment.
Nov 24, 2015
Nov 27, 2015
Dec 2, 2015
@MYBIGSON.. what ship and div is your son?
Dec 2, 2015
Just heard from the recruiter that my husband is in DIV 911 so he is with the band geeks... I said yep, that's my husband!!
Dec 3, 2015
Received my first letter from my son that wasn't a form letter on Saturday. I was actually reading it when he called to check in. He seems to be doing great. He is in Div 909 and his PIR is 01/08/2016
Dec 7, 2015
Dec 8, 2015
Dec 8, 2015
Hoping for a call today. How are you all enjoying boot camp?
Dec 13, 2015
Dec 15, 2015
Dec 17, 2015
I haven't received any letters, except the form letter. On the up side, he has called me on Dec 6th Dec 13th and we were able to talk for about 8 minutes each time.
Dec 17, 2015
Dec 17, 2015
Yeah. Probably not the best time of year to send a loved one off to Great Lakes but that's what the MEPS Detailer offered and he took it.
Dec 17, 2015
I've received 1 form letter, the "Adopt-A-Sailor" form and a scribbled note that was only a few sentences long. It looks like there is a time limit on writing because it ended in mid sentence and thought. No signature either. Oh! And 2 actual phone calls and 1 30 second one over a week ago. I was hoping to hear from him last weekend. I hope that he has a chance to call before Christmas.
Dec 17, 2015
Jan 17, 2016