900's division sailors

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  • PapisMom(SHIP 02 DIV 933)

    Thanks bluediamond
  • bluediamond

    Betsy~ tried leaving a comment on your wall but couldnt...anyway... Glad to meet another 933 mom.
  • bluediamond

    Your welcome Papismom..
  • anxiousmom

    My daughter is in Ship 2 Div 935 ....anyone else??

  • Trojans12

    Anxiousmom ... My daughter is ship 2 division 935 also, have you received a letter yet?
  • anxiousmom

    Trojans12.... She called the last 2 Sunday's.. The first call I missed but talked to her last Sunday. She said she wrote everyone but I haven't received it yet. She will be holding the Wyoming flag :). For graduation! Exciting.... She got my first letter with some pics which she said they have to keep in a little drawer. Have you heard from your daughter?
  • Trojans12

    So Both my kids are in the 900 divisions! And they saw each other!!! Same ship!
  • Dylansmom (Ship 02 DIV 942)

    My son is DIV 942. Just found out today. Anyone else?
  • shay_SRmom

    Division 943.  Just got my letter today!!

  • Dylansmom (Ship 02 DIV 942)

    Congrats shay_fsmom! My son is 942, so they will be in PIR 8/19 and 8/26 together. Is your SR Triple Threat?
  • lemonelephant

    Dylansmom, I believe that Division 943 is Ship Staff/Honor Guard. See the Page, 800 and 900 Divisions.

  • shay_SRmom

    Dylansmom - I am not sure. I am hoping that he will tell us when we get his first letter.
  • lemonelephant

    shay_fsmom, your recruit is in Ship Staff/Honor Guard.

  • lemonelephant

    Dylansmom, every third 900 division is Triple Threat, so consecutive numbered divisions would not both be Triple Threat. That way one of each of the three types of 900 divisions is available for each PIR.

  • Dylansmom (Ship 02 DIV 942)

    Thank you lemonelephant! I got a call from my SR yesterday and he is playing center snare. Now I know what to look for in the live stream on 8/12 and 8/19.
  • lemonelephant

    Dylansmom, wonderful!

  • Amorresperroz

    Thanks lemon elephant for guiding me here who ok my son is also in 943 as well
  • lemonelephant

    I'm glad I could help.
  • Jojo2167

    My SR is in Division 947. Does anyone else have a SR in the same Division????
  • MarlaMama

    Our daughter is in Div 942--PIR Aug 26,2016.  She is in choir. We're from North Fort Worth, TX

  • Dylansmom (Ship 02 DIV 942)

    Hi Marlasm! My son is Div 942, playing snare. Did you see the PIR this morning? 942 performed today!

  • MarlaMama

    Dylansmom, Our daughter asked me not to watch, but I think I won''t be able to stand to wait!! I'm going to check the video when it is posted, and I scheduled myself as free next week so I can see it!

  • Queen55

    Anyone with DIV 951?
  • NavyWIMom

    My son is in DIV 951 too.

  • Queen55

  • becathena73

    TO ANYONE WITH SR's IN 949 - 951. Just got a phone call from my sailor and he told me to look at this site and i would see a group shot of their divisions.  Glad he told me i didn't know about it lol so im going to post the link here for others who may not know as well  https://www.facebook.com/ASBPGreatLakes/

  • Queen55

    Thank you.. I found mine!
  • DC72

    I saw my sailor too! No phone call, but as long as I got to see her and her smiling face, I am a happy Mama!
  • Queen55

    Ship 2 DIV951
  • Apple Lisa

    Ship 02 Division 902 here!
  • Craig

    Posting to keep this group active...
    “Deleting inactive members - The ad agency that handles N4M is in the process of updating the site. If you have not been active since 12/1/15 you will be deleted to make room for new members. You will be able to re-join. If you don't want to be deleted you will need to post something in any one of your groups to activate your account. They have already started deleting members.”
  • Helena

    Just received my son's first letter.  He is Div 912

  • ArmyBrat&NavyGirlfriend

    Helena my boyfriend is in your son's division as well :)
  • ProudAunt08

    My nephew is on ship 02, div912, and I believe he said he's part of the honor guard...can someone tell me more about that?
  • lemonelephant

    ProudAunt08, The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will give you info on that and more.

  • Mom2NixPix

    Got the first phone call tonight. My SR said his Div 915 is pretty smart and have not been IT'd to death. Said they are working SMARTER and not HARDER.

  • Christiane

    I just read about the meet and great, hope to go tomorrow night! My son is in 909, maybe see some of you there!
  • Stacey

    Ship 2 div 913 my girl will hold the Mississippi flag
  • Stacey

    @shawnmom yes, I hope we get to see pics on the 20th
  • lemonelephant

    Division 913 should also perform during the 01/20/2017 PIR and the 01/27/2017 PIR as well as their own PIR on 02/03/2017.

  • ProudParents

    My SR is ship 2, div 917...anyone else? Can anyone tell me about this division?
  • lemonelephant

    The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 917 is Triple Threat. Division 917 will only perform in the 03/03/2017 PIR.

  • Navymom1

    My SR is div 916 any others?
  • Mrs.Met

    My SR is div 917. Hoping to connect with others.

  • ProudParents

    just saw that division 917 will only preform at their own PIR, was hoping I'd catch a glimpse via the FB I'm on.
  • TipperZoey

    My recruit is division 916 as well.  It is disappointing we will not see them perform except at their own PIR

  • LisaZski

    916 is supposed to also perform at the Feb 10 PIR. I am holding hope they will!
  • TipperZoey

    I hope so too.  My co-workers daughter graduated in November and she was performance division as well and we were able to pick her out during all the performances we watched.

  • hold"a"me

    My son is also in division 916.

  • kwmw228

    My SR is in Division 916