ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.

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  • CryptoDad

    Live streaming PIR

  • cc2014

    Thank you CryptoDad!
  • kim

    Keep me posted about the baskets. I'm from Kansas
  • CatMom509

    J Freshie & Heyma,

    I was going to post a little announcement asking if someone from your group would like to head up a Basket Project Raffle to help Sarge and his wife out who do the Meet & Greets every Thursday evening.  You can make basket with items from your state, or other themed ones to be raffled off at the Meet & Greet.

    If you'd like to start one for this group, please let Sarge know at 847-212-0246.  Call him later Sunday or Monday.  You two could work together on this project.  Start a discussion in the Discussion Forum, so those who are interested could pop in there to let you know~~  Thanks!

  • diannep

    cpcabe:  Here is more info on the Recruit Religious Petty Officer from the RTC site.  Congrats to her!

    Recruit Religious Petty Officers (RPO) (RPO3)

    There will be at least a Catholic and Protestant RPO appointed for each division. If a division has three or more recruits of the same religion, a religious petty officer shall be appointed to represent that faith. RPOs are responsible for:

    1. Ensuring all recruits who desire to pray are afforded such an opportunity at tattoo
    2. Attend mandatory meetings at the Chaplain's Office Thursdays at 1900 commencing on the first Thursday following 1-2 DOT and continuing until graduation, with the exception of FAST Cruise and Recruit Reception Night.
    3. Report to the chapel each Sunday 30 minutes prior to the scheduled service to serve as a chapel assist or usher.
    4. Ensure all personnel desiring to attend divine worship services are aware of location and time of services.

  • diannep

    Good Morning!

  • cc2014

    Thank you diannep!
  • diannep

    You are very welcome, cpcabe!

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Hi everyone, my grand baby is finally getting better and we took her to the costume contest this afternoon and she won first place :) Everyone loved her scuba costume my daughter/Sailor made for her. I hope you all have a great Halloween week :) 

  • CatMom509

    Sure, J Freshie!  Looking forward to see the discussion up and when it is, please make an announcement here for the ladies~~  Thanks~~

  • CatMom509

    Awww, Lala, so glad your cutie pie scuba grandbaby is feeling better! 

  • CatMom509

    Hello Friends!

         "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything

          by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present

          your requests to God. And the peace of God,

          which transcends all understanding, will guard

          your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

                                                            Philippians 4:6-7

  • kim

    Lala...she's adorable...that outfit is amazing
  • diannep

    Yes, Lala.....your daughter is quite talented.  So cute!

    Good Morning All !

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Thanks so much she is getting better but still has some very grumpy moments. But she has improved a great deal in the last few days. It is hard on babies when they are sick but it is also hard on moms and grandmas as well.

    She got the idea on pinterest, so many cool costume ideas on there :)

  • CatMom509

    Blessed Sunday!

         "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you.

          Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

                                                                      John 14:27

  • diannep

    Good Morning!

  • Merissa1992

    Good morning everyone
  • 4LeafClover

    diannep... Thanks for all the information!

  • CatMom509

    Hello All!

         "We know that God causes all things

          to work together for good to those who

          are called according to His purpose."

                                                  Romans 8:28

  • diannep

    You are welcome, 4LeafClover!

  • jrk'smom

    Good morning everyone!!! Getting closer and closer. For those starting week four, light those blue candles and send good thoughts :)

  • diannep

    Good Morning!

  • Merissa1992

    Good morning! How is everyone doing today?
  • peejinator

    I received a letter from my SR yesterday and he said that his division is a "push" division, but that they are all doing well and so far, still on schedule to graduate 11.21.14.  Apparently if you are in a push division, nobody can fail anything, or the entire group stands to have their graduation pushed back?  That is the impression I got from his letter.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    They tell them that...its a "threat motivator" to try and put it nicely. It's not true. And they will tell this to any Division not just the Push ones.

    Divisions do not get held back...Only individual Recruits. Once a Divisions Graduation date has been set it will not change. Hold backs are on an individual Recruit basis based on failure to meet criteria in Boot Camp.

    Push Divisions get formed  a bit later than the otherDivisions in the TG and so have to "push" to catch up in training.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Push Division: a division in which some recruits who arrive in one week are held in P-days until more recruits who arrive in the next week finish P-days to fill the division. The recruits arriving the second week are pushed forward a week and are at the RTC 7 1/2 weeks rather than the typical 8 1/2 weeks that others in the division are or that others who arrived on the same day will be

  • diannep

    Posted on RTC site:

    TG 2 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902) Graduate Friday, November 21, 2014. Each recruit will be permitted 4 guests

  • CatMom509


         "The Lord will guide you continually,

           giving you water when you are dry

           and restoring your strength."

                                             Isaiah 58:11

  • CatMom509

    I noticed there''s a bunch of SRs headed to Pensacola next.  Here's the link for the "Sailors in Pensacola A School...Corry Station too"  for you to join!  It is a very active group with lots of help from the veteran mom Beachbunny on there~~

  • amity109

    Week 4 of Training AKA Hell week

    The 4th week of training is nicknamed Hell week and it isjammed packed. There are 3 inspections; 2 divisional ones, the zone inspectionand the drill inspection and 1 personal inspection. Recruits have their secondPFA (timed 1.5 mile run, push ups and sit-ups). They also have live fire andget to shoot a shotgun and a 9 mm. They can earn a ribbon for marksmanship withthe 9 mm. If they qualify as a sharpshooter their ribbon will have a"S" pin on it and for Expert their ribbon will have an "E"pin. Experts also earn a medal. They have their pictures taken this week intheir dress blues. They make a visit to the tailor to get any alterations totheir uniforms made. They have their second academic test. It is a very busyweek, but once week 4 of training is done they are usually working welltogether as a team and know what the RDCs expect from them. This means lessyelling and IT.

  • amity109

    per Facebook group, this is what our SR's are going through this week. Say one more pray for your SR today : )

  • diannep

    Good Morning!

  • jrk'smom

    amity- Our SR's are strong! They are going to go hard and absolutely kill it this week. We are down to just a few more weeks. I really need to get a winter coat :)

  • jrk'smom

    Anyone else anxiously awaiting the posting of Wacky Wednesday? I have ladies at work checking FB for me too.

  • CatMom509

    Good Day!!

         "The Lord is my strength and my shield;

           my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.

           My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks

           to Him in song."

                                                           Psalm 28:7

  • Hygienistmama

    Question: I know only 4 guests are allowed in the drill hall for PIR, but is there a limit of guests to watch it streaming in the chapel? I heard guests can go in the chapel for that, right? And do these guests have to be on a list, or just those going into the drill hall?
  • CryptoDad

    Don't count on the chapel.

    The RTC Family Guide specifically states:

    Those who are not on the access list should remain off base and meet with their Sailor once he or she commences off base daytime liberty. We do not have a designated waiting area nor do we have a standby line.

    If you believe your circumstances warrant special treatment I would recommend calling RTC Public Affairs (847)688-2405.

  • diannep

    Hygeinistmama:  Yes, RTC asks that extras stay off base for PIR and watch the Livestream at their hotel, but they do have some allowance for them to watch in the Chapel.  Someone posted in a recent group that their extras were allowed in there and it wasn't crowded at all.  But there still is no guarantee.  I emailed Brian Walsh at RTC Public Relations a while back about this and he said they prefer extras stay off base but do make allowances in the Chapel.  There is no way that these extras will go to PIR Hall so no one should think that is a way to get in.  They check everyone at the door of the PIR Hall.  The extras can meet up with their sailors after PIR is over.

  • Hygienistmama

    Thanks for the info, diannep and Cryptodad. I'll just have extras stay at the hotel and not even try the chapel. I'm glad I asked
  • diannep

    Good Morning Everyone!

  • Merissa1992

    Good morning!
  • aileen

    Good morning!
  • Merissa1992

    How is everyone today?
  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Yes, snacks food and drinks are allowed.

    They actually have temp kiosks set up at either end of the PIR hall (I think it was both ends) selling drinks (coffee!!) and snacks like granola bars and treats. They remove the Kiosks before the ceremony starts.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    I hope they still sell the Sailor Hats ("Dixie" cups- the white Sailor hat for the men. Females wear a different style) for the kiddos. Veteran Moms, do you know if that is still true?

    They were $5 last I heard.

    These are great. They may want to wear Dad or Mom's hat and it is not allowed, this way they have their very own :-)

  • CryptoDad

    It could happen.....

    Female sailors offer mixed reviews for crackerjacks

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW


    At least they gave them a "fly"...could you imagine the female Sailors trying to undo 15-17 (can't remember how many right now. and Son is not around to ask and I am to lazy to look it up) buttons AND a tie up when they go to the head. Yikes. Smiley

  • Micaela

    Hi there! I'm a navy girlfriend and my recruits in DIV 012! Was wondering where people are staying/ how you're getting to graduation. I was told to stay at the Navy gateway inn and suites Great Lakes, but the people there said they don't have time to get us through the security and background checks? So we booked at the Marriott but don't know how we're gonna be able to spend $80 on a cab ride one way to graduation. Any thoughts? Info?
  • CatMom509

    Hello Friends~~

         "May the words of my mouth and the meditation

          of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord,

          my Rock and my Redeemer."

                                                               Psalm 19:14