ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.

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  • jrk'smom

    I like this a million times!!!!

  • Merissa1992

    I me too!!!! I'm way beyond ready to see my SR
  • Merissa1992

    Take out the *I* I got a bit to excited lol
  • CatMom509

    Hello All!

         "Let your eyes look straight ahead,

          fix your gaze directly before you.

          Make level paths for your feet and

          take only ways that are firm."

                                     Proverbs 4:25-26

  • Ndlove09

    Hello everyone!! **16 DAYS LEFT** :-)

  • liz

    Does anyone know of any other type of transportation besides a taxi that would take us to the airport to spend time with our sailor on sat. the 22 of Nov.
  • liz

    Hello everyone
  • diannep

    liz:  Sarge's shuttle, which is actually a taxi, can take you to the airport to visit with your sailor.  Are you going to his MeetandGreet the night before PIR?  If so, you can ask him then about maybe putting you with some others he is taking to the airport to visit with sailors.  Would save all of you some money. him at email: or 847 212 0246 (text of call)

  • liz

    Diannep do u know how much he would charge to take us
  • CatMom509


    Sarge's normal rates roundtrip are $99 roundtrip to O'Hare and $159 roundtrip to Midway.  That's per shuttle load too and not sure about if you happen to be flying out of the same airport where your new Sailor is flying out of.  Best to contact Sarge himself.  Wait for Monday though as he will be really busy with the current PIR group right now~~

  • diannep

    Liz:  Another option would be to try and carpool with someone else driving to the airport to visit their sailor (someone in your same division) and then kick in some money for gas/parking for them.  You will meet some of these people at the MeetandGreet and then again on PIR morning since you sit in division sections. 

  • diannep

    Good Morning Everyone!

  • CatMom509


         "Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers,

          and blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord."

                                                             Proverbs 16:20

  • CatMom509


    This scripture is so appropriate for the Battlestations that your SRs will be going through soon.  Perhaps you can share with your SR in a letter now.

         "Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

          I have summoned you by name;  you are mine. 

          When you pass through the waters,

          I will be with you; and when you pass

          through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

          When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;

          the flames will not set you ablaze.  For I am the Lord,

          your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior..."

                                                                     Isaiah 43:1b-3a

  • Shelly

    CatMom, That is beautiful and so appropriate  3 TY

  • amity109

    Oh my God. thanks to our Lord. Got a call from my son. He sound great. Making plans for PIR weekend and beyond. He will be a Petty officer in less than 6 months.He mentioned he's got his collar devices??? can someone explain? 

  • amity109

    I am so proud of my son : )

  • diannep

    amity:  Some of the sailors can move up during their schooling depending on the type of schooling they have/length of time....say from E-3 to E-4.  Others will have to complete the E-4 test....not all of those will be able to move up....even though they pass the test....depends on other factors too.

    As far as the collar devices he mentioned, those are for the Recruit Leadership positions.  Once Bootcamp is over, all of the Recruit Leadership is over too.  But the collar devices are pretty neat for them during Bootcamp!

  • kim

    I know the grads have a radius they have to stay within the weekend of daughter has to fly home on Sat out of Midway and I was wondering if my son can go with us to take her to the airport or if that is outside the radius.
  • CatMom509


    Midway is within 50 miles of RTC, but not sure if anyone is allowed to accompany folks to the boarding gates without a boarding pass.  It's different when you are seeing your Sailor or military loved ones off, but not sure about when it is just regular travelers.  Maybe call Midway Airport and ask?

  • amity109

    Thank you diannep. It's great to have someone to spell it out for me, I knew it was good because he was so proud of himself. My heart is full of happiness and love, and yes full of pride. 

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    I could not get this to load earlier. Grrrrrr...rrrr!

    amity109 - CONGRATS!

    Here is a chart of the COC at RTC (Chain of Command):

    Click to open in another page and zoom.

    Here is the link to RTC website that explains all the RPO positions (Recruit Petty Officers):

    Recruit Petty Officers

    Here is a pic of a Collar Device(I believe there are a different number of Chevrons depending on their postition) that the RPO's wear:

  • amity109

    Fireteamleaderwife thank you for the information.

    that's so cool. No wonder my son was so happy today. thanks for sharing. 

    Did I mention I'm so proud of my son? 

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Running around

  • diannep

    kim:  Is your son going to be flying to Pensacola?  I was trying to look at your page and figure that out.  Looks like maybe he is?????

    Scenario 1: If he is flying to Pensacola, he most likely will fly out on Sat. and just possibly from Midway--  but could be OHare (in that case, no, he would not be able to go to Midway with is highly recommended that sailors DO NOT leave the airports once they are bussed there....big trouble if something happens and they miss their A School flights).  If he flies from Midway (he will know by PIR) , that would work well since your daughter is flying from Midway too.  No, he cannot ride in the car with you to take your daughter to the airport, but you can meet him out there (he will be bussed in the wee hours to wait for flights).  If her flight leaves before his, then hopefully all of you would be allowed at her gate to visit since yo are a military family, but not sure on that.  Like CatMom said, you would have to ask at the airport. 

    Scenario 2:  If he doesn't fly out until Sunday, which sometimes happens, he will have Liberty with you on Sat. so should be able to ride to the airport with you since it is within the 50 mile radius they must stay in during Liberty. 

    Scenario 3:  Staying in GL for A School....same as Scenario 2!  He will have Daytime Liberty so could go with you to the airport, unless she had a very early Sat. morning flight. He will have "Liberty times" when he can be picked up/returned.

    So the only way he would not be able to ride in the car with you is if he flies out on Saturday because he is then bussed with the other sailors.

    I hope I answered your question????

  • diannep

    Good Morning!  Still having problems on this site.  I was unable to send a private message this morning.  I have contacted the Administrators and hope that the problem is fixed soon!

  • CatMom509

    Happy Friday!

         "Let us not become weary in doing good,

          for at the proper time we will reap a harvest

          if we do not give up."

                                                       Galatians 6:9

  • kim also you have gone above and beyond. Thank you so much. I don't know how we would make it with you Veteran moms:)
  • diannep

    You are very welcome, kim!  We love helping on here!

    Problems with posting/sending private messages seem to now be fixed on here.  YEAH! 

  • LorenaB

    Hello everyone! I am new to this group but my husband is in div 014! I just wanted to ask if anyone has had any experience going to PIR with a baby!? It might seem like an out of the blue question, but everything from the plane ride to the car ride to the actual graduation is eating at me! Can anyone give me some reassurance?

  • Judicita

    Got a phone call!!!!
  • Judicita

    Our boys are talking about their moms! ;) you know how i mentioned before about the guys singing happy birthday to my son... well one of you mom's must have told a son which started a conversation about us mommys... He thought it was really neat how us moms associate. He sounds happy.
  • Judicita

    Our boys are talking about their moms! ;) you know how i mentioned before about the guys singing happy birthday to my son... well one of you mom's must have told a son which started a conversation about us mommys... He thought it was really neat how us moms associate. He sounds happy.
  • LorenaB

    Judicita! Cool so happy for you!
  • LorenaB

    J Freshie Any advice is a blessing so thank you! I have my mother in law who will be traveling with me but I wasn't sure about changing and feeding on the plane.. I nurse and formula feed but wasn't sure if I'm allowed to take the purified water and formula. She will be 2 1/2 month when we depart!
  • kim happy you got a phone call. What div?
  • Judicita

  • Judicita

    JFreshie.... your son must have received the letter unless someone else wrote about it too. He sounded happy when he told me. He is counting the days just like we are :)
  • srmama

    How do we get back to hotel after PIR if we took the hotel shuttle to the ceremony?

  • diannep

    srmama:  You will meet your shuttle in a designated lot.  Some may give you their cell number and tell you to call them when you are ready to go back to the hotel to make sure you get in their car.

    Good Morning All !  Have a great weekend!

  • jrk'smom

    Just printed my gate passes!!! I'm so ready for PIR to get here! I wrote my son his 5th to last letter LOL

  • Tink2319

    We can t print ours. Password works, we can view the pass, but can t print. :( 

  • ellen0502

    Try using a different browser for the pass. It should work for you in Internet Explorer.

  • Tink2319

    That worked. Pass is printed. Thank you so much. Feel like an idiot because that is how we print our pay stubs. Lol Hoping to hear from my SR soon, its been 3 weeks.

  • diannep

    I was having a problem these past 2 days, intermittently, with being able to post and/or send a private message.  I finally contacted Tiffany, the administrator on this site.  She told me the best browsers to use on here are Google Chrome and Safari.  Of course,  use neither of those, but finally the browsers I use (Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer) worked. 

    J Freshie:  I hope that you finally got your pass to print!

  • amity109

    J freshie

    The pass is only for the vehicle gate pass. If you can not print it out then  you can take the shuttle from your hotel to PIR. Your SR has already given your names, so you should not have a problem to get in.

  • CatMom509

    Hello All!

         "How priceless is Your unfailing love!

          Both high and low among men find refuge

          in the shadow of Your wings."

                                                        Psalm 36:7

  • kim

    In addition to my kansas basket my SRs girlfriend is making a navy fleece tie blanket and I crocheted a navy and gold earwarmer to go with it for the raffle
  • diannep

    Also, for those who want to drive to PIR but don't have the gate pass, they can park at the train station (paid parking, but not too much) right past RTC.  That way, if they plan to take the train into Chicago after PIR, there car is right there!  It is about a 1/4-1/2 mile walk back to the RTC gate.

  • diannep

    Glad you figured it out, J Freshie, and got your gate pass!