ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.

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  • diannep

    Good Morning!  Hope all have a wonderful Sunday!

  • diannep

    How wonderful, J Freshie!  I know you were so proud!

  • CatMom509

    Blessed Sunday!

        "For God is the King of all the Earth;

         sing to Him a psalm of praise.

                                             Psalm 47:7

  • kim

    Can anyone tell me the best place to sit to see my son who is a body snatcher. He told me he is on the right side but I don't know if I should sit high, low, or in the middle to be able to see him
  • diannep

    kim:  Get there early and check out different locations.  I would think in the middle of the bleachers or the top row (leaning against the wall) would be the best places, but you need to plan to be at RTC when the gates open (6:30) to have a choice!  That top row goes fast.

  • Geneline Allen

    My son will be graduating this day I live in stlouis,mo and was trying to find out the best way to get there on amtrek or driving and how I get there i really don't travel?
  • diannep

    Good Morning!

    Geneline:  Hard to tell you which way would be best for you.  Are you more comfortable on a train?  If so, then Amtrak may be the right choice for you.  Driving?  Then go that route.  It is really up to you which way you are more comfortable.  If you took a train, are you planning to rent a car in the GL area or just use Sarge for taxi services?  Lots to think about when making the decision. 

  • Tink2319

    Did anyone get a phone call last night? My SR called after I had left for work. He had a 4 minute conversation with his Stepdad. He said he only had 5 minutes. He told him he chose a different job, so he will have a lot less schooling. Was this the "I'm a Sailor" call? Did I miss out? :(

  • SBMom

    Hi. If we were to make a door banner for my son, can we bring it with us to PIR?
  • jrk'smom

    Anyone know if the Navy Lodge has irons in the rooms? I didn't see it on the amenities list. Thanks!

  • LorenaB

    Hello everyone! I have a quick question, my plane lands in Milwaukee at around 5:00pm. So that means if I did go to Sarges meet n greet it would be a bit late. Would I be missing to much info about PIR weekend?? I'm staying at the navy lodge but will he have a driver for us in the morning?
  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    LorenaB even if you get to the meet and greet late it is still worth going. So much fun and full of info. The Navy Lodge has a shuttle to PIR and it is only $2 per person but arrange it early because it fills up quick. 

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Good morning everyone. I am so sorry I have been MIA. I just returned from Great Lakes for 7/7 PIR :) Two of the other PIR facebook group admins and myself went there to gather information to better help all of you get through the boot camp experience. We have some friends there who gave us a tour of the bases and see how it all works. It was amazing. We went to the blood drive and donated blood (my first time ever) lol.  We got to go to the NEX, we saw the photo lab, the phone banks, the chapel and we sat in the lobby of the Navy Lodge everyday greeting families as they arrived and talking to Sailors after PIR. We also went to Sarge's meet and greet and had a wonderful time. We went to several restaurants and toured several hotels to see where the best places to stay were and where to avoid. I even took the train into Chicago and then a cab to the aquarium and the Navy Pier. It was all so much fun and I am very pleased with the info we were able to get. I know it is going to help us help you even more than ever before. It was a great time :)

  • diannep

    SBMom:  Sorry, no banners/posters allowed at PIR as they block the view of some.  Best to puts those up in the hotel room/door, to honor your new sailor!

  • diannep


  • diannep

    Tink:  No, this was not the I'm a Sailor call.  This PIR group won't start BattleStations until later this week....continuing next week.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    jrk'smom - When I stayed at the Navy Lodge a couple of years ago there was an ironing board and iron in the room.

    It just occurred to me as I wrote this that it seem that it would be a requirement in a Navy hotel, wouldn't it? Too funny, lol. I mean heck with all the ironing they do...

  • kim

    Lala Ribbon the Residence Inn still a good choice...also restaurant suggestions?
  • jrk'smom

    FTLW- I re-read the amenities list and this time, I actually read it. They have them there. LOL


  • CatMom509

    Hello All!

         "God's voice thunders in marvelous ways;

          He does great things beyong our understanding."

                                                                Job 37:5

  • AmandaHisNavyGirl

    Hey everybody, quick question. If my SR orders his graduation pics when do we recieve them. Also if he doesn't order the pics when can I order them and when will I recieve them?
  • sodaknavymom

    Hi, just wondering what we're suppose to put in the gift baskets?  I could put one together from south dakota.  Is there a certain amount of money we're spend to make the gift baskets?

  • diannep

    AmandaHisNavyGirl:  If your SR paid for the piks, the SR can opt to pay to mail them home, with them usually arriving right before you leave for PIR  Others may pay for them but decide to hold them there and give them to you after PIR.  If the SR didn't pay for them, you get them at the Photo Lab after PIR and pay for them then.  You can order extra piks at that time as well.

  • diannep

    kim:  We stayed at Residence Inn when there.  Good hotel. 

    Hopefully Lala will pop in here and update us on hotels.....but those recently who stayed at Residence (I stayed there back in early 2010) have said it was good!

  • AmandaHisNavyGirl

    Thank you diannep
  • CatMom509


    If you haven't had a chance to check out my "PERTINENT PIR TIPS", now would be a good time to do so~~

  • CatMom509

    Happy Veteran's Day!!

    Thank you to all who have served, are about to serve, and are currently serving our United States in all our military branches~~

           "The Lord on high is mightier

             than the noise of many waters,

             than the mighty waves of the sea."

                                             Psalm 93:4

  • kim

    CarMom509...can you post the link to Pertinent PIR tips
  • Hygienistmama

    Should we reserve Sarge's shuttle form the navy lodge to PIR in advance? Or when we check in to the hotel?
  • diannep

    Hygienistmama:  Navy Lodge has its own shuttle service to PIR.  We understand it "fills up" so I would contact Navy Lodge now and ask about it.  If you decide to use Sarge's instead, you can contact him at: or text/call:

    847 212 0246

    Or....sign up for it at his MeetandGreet.

    kim:  CatMom's Pertinent Tips are in the Discussion Forum above....

    Good Morning All !

  • diannep

    And.....Happy Veterans Day....thanks to all who have served, sacrificed and for those who continue to serve to protect the freedom we have in this country! 

  • N4M10756

    I just called the Navy Lodge. The lady said they do not make shuttle reservations over the phone. It is on a first come first serve basis at time of check in. She also says that the 6am and 6:30am shuttle fill up really quickly but of you end up in the 8:00am shuttle, you will still make it...
  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    I would like to take this time to thank all of our Veterans and service members currently serving our country and protecting our freedom. I am so proud to call myself a Navy Mom and to know so many military families. Each one of you hold a special place in my heart. Thank you so much for your family members who serve our country and protect us every day. And, thank you for supporting them and for being here to support each other. We are all family now! God Bless you all <3 

  • diannep

    N4M:  Thanks for sharing that.  The bad part is that although you would arrive at RTC in plenty of time to make PIR, you will find many of the seats taken by the time you get into PIR Hall if on the 8 a.m. shuttle.  You still have to go through security and then walk to the hall, so probably wouldn't be in there before 8:30 or later (PIR starts at 9).  So---- hoping that you get on one of the earlier shuttles!   You can always use Sarge's shuttle service too! 

  • diannep

    Ok, someone sent me a friend request asking about a page about Great Lakes and the ships.....when I hit ACCEPT, it wouldn't let me go to her page to reply and I didn't notice the name, didn't know the PIR group.  If anyone on here sent that to me, please post here.  So sorry about that!  I have no way to private message you!

  • amity109

    I want to thank all navy moms who dedicate their time to make this process less difficult for New Navy moms. Thank you to all of you who serve our country and let us be free. Because freedom is not free.
  • diannep

    You are very welcome, amity!  And....I so agree.....freedom certainly IS NOT free! 

  • Hygienistmama

    N4M10756-Thanks for checking with the navy lodge on the shuttle. I think I'll contact Sarge and see if we can use his shuttle. I don't want to wait til 8:00 to leave for PIR! I want to get there as soon as they open to get a good seat!! Haha-just like everyone else!!!
  • KaileeGirl23

    What airport does the sailor report to after graduation  if he has A school in Pensacola? 

  • N4M10756

    I agree! Sarge is the best bet.
  • diannep

    KaileeGirl:  Will be either OHare or Midway....your sailor will find out by PIR. 

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Kailee, it is not always the same. Some can leave from Ohare and others from Midway on the same day going to the same place. Be sure you get the info from our sailor right after PIR so you don't end up at the wrong airport Saturday morning.

    My son's car was stolen :( It was an older BMW and had broken down on the road and when he went back for it it was gone. It wasn't towed by any police, troopers or sheriff and he only had liability insurance on it. So sad that some people are so bad.

  • amity109

    To all Veteran Moms and specially to






    I want to express my sincere gratitude for taking my hand and guide me for what has been the most challenging 2 months of my life. I can not believe I will be heading to PIR in just 9 days, and this 2 months were easier thanks to the help of this great moms that have the time, patience and love to make sure we don't loose our minds during the process of delivering a new Sailor!

    Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You will be in my thoughts for ever.

    Please know that you make a difference in the life of many.

    God Bless you. 

  • jrk'smom

    Admins- Not sure if it's ok to post this or not, but what the heck...I designed a Navy Mom shirt yesterday after a bunch of us saw a great saying on the FB PIR group page.  I didn't set up the teespring to raise money or even get a profit, I just wanted to have something that expressed the pride that all of us feel.  So if you'd like to order, we have 6 days to fill 46 orders. T-shirts are $12.25, I think long-sleeved are $14 and hoodies are $24.99.  There is a ladies cut shirt in there too.


    Anywho... Navy Moms are the strongest

  • diannep

    Awww, amity, thanks so much!  Your N4Moms team loves helping on here! 

    Good Morning/Afternoon ---as it is about to become afternoon!  Been busy this morning driving up to get my 1 yr old grandson to bring him here for the was out and about very early!  No time to post here! 

  • marychris'smom

    Good Morning Moms!

    Only a little more than a week left to go - can you believe it's finally here??

    Okay - I need help...GULP! We are driving from Kansas City to Great Lakes, and we have lost the letter with the Passcode to print the vehicle parking pass. After checking with several people, our recruits are the only one who has that information. I am not sure if I will be able to get a letter in time, or talk on the phone to get it from him before we leave! So, when I asked about a shuttle from the manager at the Marriott Residence Inn where we are staying and explained my problem, he said to just go on N4M's and ask the moms in the same PIR because we all have the same password for our week/group.  Would someone please share this with me? My elderly parents are attending with us and it would be so much better if we can drive them..

    Thank you in advance for your help - I hope to meet any of you that can make it to Sarge's Meet & Greet the night before!

    Mary (Chris's Mom!)

  • ellen0502


    You can only get the password from your SR, it is not to be shared. When you get the "I am a SAILOR cal", ask your son for the password. If he doesn't remember it, have him ask one of the others in his TG also making a call, someone will know.

  • marychris'smom

    Thank you! I hope we get a call (or 2!) before next week - if not, no worries, we will make it work!

  • CatMom509


         "Lift up your eyes on high,

          and see Who has created these things,

          Who brings out their host by number;

          He calls them all by name, by the greatness

          of His might and the strength of His power;

          not one is missing."

                                                        Isaiah 40:26

  • CatMom509


    You can also take a shuttle to PIR.  Sarge can help you there.  Then you won't need a gate pass.  ($3 per person each way.)   847-212-0246   Sign up at his Meet & Greet on Thursday night~~