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Group Administrator: Kaye S.
My sailor just finished his schooling in Groton in December and graduated at the top of his class. He was fortunate enough to get his wish list granted and is stationed in Hawaii. He went underway for the first time for three days and just back back from a 12 day stint. The entire time he was freaking out, depressed, crying and just had a bad experience altogether (absolutely out of character). He talked to the chaplain yesterday and the psych group today who are going to get him an appointment with the psychologist. What are the real chances of him getting transferred to a surface unit? He does not want to quit nor does he want to be discharged.
I really don't think they will separate him from the Navy.
My son knew a few that couldn't handle sub and went to surface. Of course they won't be happy about all of the training but they don't want him to fail either..
Good luck and please let us know how it goes.
Feb 20, 2017
***Update and for Cbent that deleted the reply***
My son was put in to muster with other sailors that were either injured, separating or having the same issues. He was in a lot of separation classes and transition classes and was kept in limbo for quite some time. They also had him with a psychologist for a while who's main job was to get him back on the sub. She told him early on that she was absolutely not recommending him for surface duty and recently released him. In CT he was diagnosed with eczema which is supposed to disqualify from being in a sub, but the doctor in HI told him it was "contact dermatitis" which is what they say when don't know or care and gave him some ointment that didn't help. He went underway Friday at 1300 so needless to say I'm worried. The last thing he texted us was that he loved us and had a bad feeling so he is not "cured" of his claustrophobia by any means. I just pray that he's psyching himself out and will be fine.
Jun 25, 2017
Aug 20, 2018