My son has his first station to Greece. He has Verizon for his phone plan. He needs something new because he doesn't have an international plan . Verizon only offers one for 40 dollars but you only get 100 min. and text per month. Can anyone share options to look into?
My daughter is stationed in Japan and we use Facebook video chat and calling. As long as she has data it doesn't cost and believe it or not the quality is actually pretty good.
We also use Facebook messenger to send messages and pictures back and forth.
Hope this helps.
Jul 13, 2017
My son has been in the Navy for 7 1/2 years now and he only uses Facebook messenger, or calls me through Facebook or Skype but that's because he is in and out of different countries.
I can understand your son wanting a phone plan when he is there. Like with my daughter we wanted her to have a phone for emergencies and I think he will have to have a phone for his superior to reach him when needed.
Take care, Paula
Jul 13, 2017
Jul 13, 2017