DEP-Leavin' for bootcamp in August

This group is for N4M members that have a loved one leaving for bootcamp in August...I will leave the year open so that even future Deppers leaving in the month of August of any year can join...Lets share stories, information, concerns, and questions

August 29 group

Daughter left August 29. I did not receive a scripted call. How do I get her address? Told recruiter would provide but nothing so far. Missing her!
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    Blue Mom

    You should receive the form letter by the second week. If you don't have it by week 2, her recruiter may have the info and be able to give it to you. I'm sorry you didn't get the scripted call, but honestly it's a bittersweet call. It's their voice but it's not the way you're used to hearing them. I don't think my son even heard me say "I love buddy" before he hung up.
    Write her notes everyday try to keep them positive and encouraging, she's going to need to hear your confindence in her. Then when you finally get her address you will have something to mail off right away! My sons form letter got lost in the mail I received his first written letter before the form letter so he went till week 4 before receiving mail from us.:(... Also I mailed our first letter priority but it didn't matter because it goes through processing at the base I guess and still takes 5 days, so don't bother doing that. My son has asked for news articles, and anything funny,wants to know any interesting things that we are doing. He also wants to hear from friends and anyone willing to write him. So when you get her address share with her friends and family that are supportive. Make sure you tell them to only send letters and cards, so they don't get in trouble for receiving anything they can't have. Hang in there and take care!
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      Thank you!! Helpful info and great advice!!!