Girlfriends, Fiances,and Wives of Sailors

Hello my name is Keisha and i am the creator of this group. Thanks for joining and i hope that all the advice this group gives is helpful

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New here!

Hi. I just joined last night. I wanted to introduce myself. I’m linda. My boyfriend is in Great Lakes now for basic training ship 02 Div 950. Then after graduation he immediately ships off to A school in SC. This is all extremely new to me and his mother. I’m likely going to have a lot of questions in the future so bear with me.
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    Hi Linda, my boyfriend is also on ship 2 div 950, after BC he is going to A school also on SC. This website has been really helpfull, the sisters of my boyfriend and myself are just so lost on the whole process. Did you already got the Form letter?
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      Anti M

      Are you both in the bootcamp moms group?  It is very active and informative, and is for all loved ones, not just moms.

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        Hii I have q question im kinda new to all the navy talk I hear duty day is hard my boyfriend is a e3 i think he'll be e4 this April he has duty day tomorrow morning or Thursday how do i deal with it im so confused I want to help him relax but I dont know much myself!