Girlfriends, Fiances,and Wives of Sailors

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POA to get a military i.d.

Hi! My SR left for BC on 28th of Nov. I received THE BOX on Dec. 6th. Still waiting on his form letter, personal letter and DEERS. He did not leave me a POA before he left because the recruiter said we won’t really need it until he gets out of BC. Am i able to get a military i.d. Card without him or POA? Thank you.
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    I just went through this. You should be fine to get your ID all you need is the DD form 1172-2. I received that form from my husband while he was in boot camp about a week or two after the box. Another perk of getting that form is the return address was his address so I knew where to send letters earlier than when I got mail from him/his form letter.
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      I got my form from my husband last week. About a week or so after “The Box” showed up!! :)
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        You can get it once you get the letter from your husband. Make sure you have prof of insurance for your car and tittle in your car or they will not allow you even on base. My in-law works at the base now at the gate and he has turned away 25% of people because they are missing one of the items. Make sure you have your marriage license and birth certificate of any children so they can get on deers also