Norfolk Sailors - Family & Friends

For families and friends of Sailors who are stationed at Norfolk; for either Sea Duty or Shore Duty Sailors. Just make sure to keep OPSEC issues in mind and not disclose ship movements in advance.

Weather - Norfolk


My son just graduated Prototype in GC and is being sent to Norfolk to the USS Newport News sub.  He says all he knows is that he will be living in barracks, but can't get any more information than that.  

Does anyone here have experience with barracks housing in Norfolk?  Thanks very much in advance.

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    My son is/was on the USS Newport News.  He is headed to shore duty for the next 2 1/2 years and is going to Yorktown.  He got to the boat in 2015 so I am trying to remember how it was for him at the time.  If I remember correctly he had barracks for a few months and then they deployed and when he returned he went into PPV. PPV is like dorm rooms where you share a common area and have separate bedrooms and baths.  They did inspect the PPV and even if his room was clean but the common area and kitchen was not he could and would get in trouble. He was got married that year and moved out once his wife moved to Norfolk.  I can tell you there is a lot of turn over on the boat at this time as several are going to shore duty or different bases.  Not sure if the XO and chief are staying the same.  They have had a great Ombudsman but her husband is headed to HI so they have a new ombudsman.  Wendy is nice and learned a lot from our past ombudsman so she should be very good about keeping you informed if your son remembers to put you on the ombudsman list.  He will have to do it you can't.  I also know they will be deploying this year and depending on when your son gets there he may leave with the boat or if they will send him out when they port.  Do not expect much info or communication is there deployment is like the earlier this year.  In fact they were extended for an extra month.  Total 220 days and a lot of it the boat was running silent, meaning no communication.  if he does not have a car he may have a hard time getting around.  :Large base and long walk to their pier.  Hope this helps.  Do not worry he will be fine.  They have done a lot of work on the boat since they got back in Oct.  We toured the boat at Christmas as it would be the last time we could before out son left it.  

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    The “barracks” are nothing like what housing was like in GC or prototype.

    My grandson, shared a space with two other sailors. With no room for his belongings.

    He had to keep his belongings in his car. This space was in a converted old school.

    He went from feeling like he was in college with a nice room to now feeling like he was in the military!

    Fortuanlly he was able to finally get permission for “off base” housing with a room to himself.

    That was after about 4m time.

    Hope this helps

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      You will be able to email and he will
      Email but it will be very rarely. The subs are known as the silent service for a reason. Unless they come up the communications are very sporadic. Also not fussing but try not the put dates on media. They could change all plans and shut down their communications. This is the new normal.