PIR Reference Information

A permanent place for information about PIR. Forum discussions have been created to serve as file folders for specific details regarding different aspects of PIR. Please post information in the appropriate forum discussion. Thank you!

How do I find out when my son's PIR will be?

How do I find out when my son's PIR will be?  He shipped out on 3/5/19.  Have not heard from him yet except for a "micro call" telling me he had safely arrived (while drill sergeants were YELLING in the background! lol).  Thanks for any help!

  • up


    You should get the formal letter in about 9-14 business days and this will have PIR info.  Be sure to join the boot camp group (I posted the link in the Welcome on your page) as you will find answers to most of your questions there.  Once you know the PIR date then you can join that group.  Usually you count 9 Fridays from when they left to get an idea of when PIR might be.  You could be looking at a 5/3/19 PIR but don't make any plans until you get the formal letter.
