DEP-Leavin' for bootcamp in August

This group is for N4M members that have a loved one leaving for bootcamp in August...I will leave the year open so that even future Deppers leaving in the month of August of any year can join...Lets share stories, information, concerns, and questions

My Son is off to start his adventure 8/27/19

Anyone else saying goodbye tomorrow?
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    Ugh! I am.  I just got home from dropping my son off at the hotel.  I will see him swear in tomorrow morning.  I feel like my heart's been ripped out.  How are you all holding up?

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      Tonight was our last night home together... We jokingly called the "Last Supper". I am falling apart every other moment it seems, and my husband is so happy and excited for our son. I am not looking forward to goodbye tomorrow.
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        This is day 3 without my Son.  I am all right, but have to try to keep busy so I don't think of him every second.  My daughter went into his room the day he left and made his bed and straightened it up, but I made her close the door.  I haven't gone in his room since he left.  Even the thought of looking in his room and him not being there brings me to sobbing tears.
