Care Package Ideas!

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Cake and pies in a jar - Links to recipes

These are great to send abroad to sailors on deployment.

Here are a couple of Links for recipes and instructions:

Tip: Pie in a jar - I bake my crust a few minutes before adding the filling just to firm it up and start the baking proceess for a more crisp crust.
Before baking make sure jar rims are wiped clean for sealing lids when they are done baking.
AS Soon as I took them from the oven I put the canning lid/rings on to seal them..carefully wiped the edges so I could get the ring on, let them cool. They sealed up nicely. checked the lid to make sure there was not movement the next day. wrapped them in bubble wrap, placed them in the center of a box added other edibles to pad them & to keep them from shifting in the box and took them to the post office.

Cake in a jar website:

all the directons are on this website...very popular..

VERY IMPORTANT key is to have clean jar rims before wipe off any cake batter that may have gotten on the jar rim so lids will seal. Put lids and rings on jars as soon as they come out of the oven. The heat is what "seals" the lids on.

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    Marcy ~ Corpsman Mom

    A ton of great single-serving recipes to make in a mug are at this link including peanut butter mug cake, apple or pear crisp, chocolate cake, carrot cake, brownie, deep dish chocolate chip cookie, and coffee cake in a cup.  Link:

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      Marcy ~ Corpsman Mom

      Came across this article from Clemson University that recommends NOT sending 'cake-in-a-jar' - I love making my pie-in-a-jar, but am going to stick with sharing them here at home with family and friends  :)

      "...homemade breads or cakes in a jar are not safe and should not be mailed to service members. Many recipes for quick breads and cakes are low-acid and have the potential for supporting the growth of bacteria, like Clostridium botulinum,if present inside the closed jar. These products are also not recommended for canning. In fact, most of these products are not really 'canned.' The directions call for baking in the jar and then closing with a canning lid without processing in any way. When these products are made commercially, additives, preservatives and processing controls not available for home recipes are used. Manufacturers of canning jars also do not endorse baking in their jars, and glass jars are not recommended for mailing."

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        These are very cleaver ideas.  Love these ideas.