PIR 9/2/2010

For all boot camp grads on 9-2-10

Ship 11 Div 300 PIR 9/2/10

Have you heard from your daughter or son?  My daughter is in Div 300 and she sounds good, but tired.  Interesting in hearing how your daughter or son is doing.
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    momofgm (Becca's Mom)

    Sniff, sniff wipe my tear away. I sure hope that is true. Thanks for sharing.
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    momofgm (Becca's Mom)

    I actually haven't heard from my daughter either someone else posted that I also haven't heard from her in three weeks either. I am so excited.
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      Mary-Ship 11 DIV300 PIR 9/2

      Well its our turn tonight! so sorry for giving out bum information yesterday, just couldn't not post it since my daughter wrote it in a letter. I'll let her slide though these kids have been through enough! God Bless each and everyone one of them and the other divisions going through they with it tonight! I probably won't hear my daughters voice live tomorrow since I more than likely will be in flight, unless she calls while we are laid over in Houston for 2.5 hours. My flight leaves at 6am tomorrow and doesn't arrive Chicago until 6:15 pm... long day ahead.

      I can't wait to meet each and every one of you!