ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.

Ship 03 (USS Hopper) Divisions 013 and 014 (Brother Divisions)

Welcome to the Division Discussion for Divisions 013 and 014

These two divisions are brother divisions and will be training together from the beginning through BS21 their final test. Your SRs, soon to be SAILORS, are becoming friends, and some of them may be heading to A School together.

Get to know each other, your SRs are!

Please still use the Main Wall of the PIR Group to post questions, and concerns, we “veteran” moms don’t always get to into the discussion area as often as we would like.

Every single question that is asked is important Every single concern is genuine Every single member is important to us We don't want to accidentally overlook any of them or you.

Hang in there!!!

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    Got a phone call yesterday that my whole family missed!  I was so upset when I saw "payphone" on caller id in the late one was home....and he said he hasn't gotten any letters from us....that saddens me too because I sent my letter over a week ago!  He sounded so bummed that he hasn't heard from us.... On a lighter note...I did book all my reservations for our trip out to Chicago...very excited about all that.  We are staying in Marriott- Spring Hill good reviews

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    Hello all, I have some news.   Just got a surprise & very brief "reward" call from my son in Div014.  He was upbeat and even jovial - he sounded like his old self.  So thankful to hear the confidence back in his voice.   He shared that their division is working really well together, and has earned every flag, except athletic.  He spoke proudly of the teamwork in this division and their ability to meet the challenges ahead.  Hooyah! 

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      Just a quick hello to all of you! My husband is in Ship 03 Div 014.  I hope you are all doing well

      **16 DAYS LEFT*** :-)
