ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.


This is their final test.  After this, they graduate and are sailors!  It is a 12 hr overnight drill testing them on all they have learned and what they may encounter when they are deployed on a ship.  It takes place on the Hollywood designer-created USS Trayer, a very realistic ship that will allow them to be tested on everything.  They head over there in the evening, and have their capping ceremony the next morning.  At that time, they trade their RECRUIT caps for their NAVY caps.  A very emotional time for these new sailors who have worked so hard!  Later that same afternoon, you should receive that much-anticipated  "I'm a Sailor" phone call.  HOOYAH!

Teamwork is the name of the game. They are divided into small groups and are evaluated as team members as well as individually.  This is what one Chief said about BattleStations:  150-300 SRs go through at a time, 3-10 of those will fail and have to repeat BattleStations, teamwork is the key...if all SRs keep their mouths shut, focus and listen, and work as a team, they should pass.  *If they don't pass, they go through again ...and pass....this could even be the night before PIR...but no problem, they will be at PIR, but probably in the balcony, in uniform but very tired!

They go through with their brother division.  900 and 800 divisions go randomly, unless there are two 900 or two 800 divisions in the group (rare but it happens).  Sometimes 2 sets of brother divisions go together; sometimes a set of brother divisions with the 800 or 900 group.  Occasionally only one set of brother divisions goes through.  They start with the lowest-numbered divisions (except the 900 and 800 divisions which, like I said, go randomly).  They do not go on Fri or Sat nights because of Captains Cup on Sat....a fun athletic competition between divisions in that PIR group. They can start Wed or Thurs night the week before PIR week...or...start Sun or Mon night of PIR week.  Just depends. 

If an SR has not passed all of his/her final tests, he/she will not be allowed to do BattleStations until those are passed.  Most get that done in time to still PIR with their group, but occasionally someone won't and will be held back until the test is passed (in FIT DIVISION if failed PFA), then participate in BattleStations with another PIR group.  He/She will not be allowed to to participate in another PIR once they miss their own PIR,  but will instead head straight for A School upon the completion of BattleStations.  Those who pass before PIR can do BattleStations as late as the night before PIR usually.  

The "I'm a Sailor" calls usually start around 2 pm GL time, but sometimes start later.  So best to have those phones close by all day.  Please ask your sailor if all in his/her division passed and post that.  Some may not get their calls if they had watch, etc.  So it would be nice for those ladies to know that they have a sailor instead of having to wait a day or two for that call to find out. HOOYAH! 

Below is an interesting PowerPoint that Craig (retired sailor) put together about BattleStations.  Enjoy!

Great video on BattleStations:

BATTLESTATIONS SCHEDULE (posted after completion)

Th/F    11/13-11/14     009-012

M/T     11/17/11/18     013/014/902

T/W    11/18-11/19      015-018

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    I'm so exited just reading your post. I am praying for all recruits to become sailors. 

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      Thank you so much for posting this.  I find myself obsessed with finding out as much as I possibly can about what our SR's are going thru. So this is perfect.  Thank you!!

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        Karaoke Darth

        I'm so excited for my SR to get to Battle stations! He calls so happy and excited! I'm sure he will do well under the pressure. Thanks for posting when they may go through it.