Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • debbiekp

    My child had legal step closer...
  • debbiekp

    Thank you Batmom. It has been a hard path for my son but he will get through it. I know i am selfish but it will be so good to see his face and hug him.
  • Navygirlmom

    Well got the dreaded call today......Almost 3 weeks in and she was transferred to Ship 5 today and is separating.......Disappointed for her because she was really excited about this opportunity.....She told me 2-3 weeks before she comes home but she did not know.....Anyone have any idea how long it takes?

  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    I am still here too to support others. My daughter has been home about 2 weeks and is doing pretty good. to Navygirlmom ship 5 for the girls is not bad according to my daughter. She said kind of boring but all the girls were nice and she was able to purchase internet time so I was able to somewhat communicate with her. It took her about 3 weeks to get home so hang in there. I know as all the other Mothers know it is hard but alot of support on here, so here is a "hug" you are not alone................

  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    Oh hello batmom and sixftblnd :)

  • debbiekp

    Im still waiting to here when my child gets to come home. Legal completed last Friday. Im so ready to see him. He has been missed so much.
  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    To Debbie they seem to send alot home on Friday's so... maybe this week now that would be great .. hi batmom Im sure Jared will find a great job it just isn't ready for him yet and Kelsey is doing pretty good she is keeping busy I think that is the key I think about how she waited in DEP for 10 months waiting for the MC job and how she gave up a 4 year paid schlorship and cut all her off to like a crew cut for boot camp and quit 2 jobs ... boy or boy but what is suppose to happen will so she is starting to make new plans she will be fine in time so onward we go just venting AGAIN hard to believe how things turn out some we just don't understand but have to accept it ..and boy your son is tall

  • Navygirlmom

    MC Mama ship 14 div 094, thanks for the kind words. I have gotten to talk with her a couple of times and am greatly relieved that she is ok. Sounds like she is in for a boring couple/few weeks. It has to be hard to stay for them all to be there knowing that they are done and wanting to be home and moving on with their lives.....

  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    well on a positive note.. she will still earn money while waiting and will have time to adjust and make some new friends there and will appreciate all she has at home and gives you something to look forward to. All will be great and she can have time to make new plans hang in there good things are on the way......

  • JenBo

    Hi everybody. I got the call today. My husband is being separated. I'm not sure where to go from here. Our future and all of our plans were riding on this opportunity. Will he be able to contact me soon? What determines how long they stay in Great Lakes for?

  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    Hello JenBo I am only writing from what I know so... I know they get to call when they get to ship 5 they will get to go to legal that usually takes 1-2 weeks then about 1 week or so they will get info on travel info to go home. If they are fighting the seperation they can be there quite a while. They do get paid while they are there and can purchase some internet time when they are allowed so communication tends to become more frequent than in boot camp. They can get some education paid for once they come home I don't have that link but I know sixftblnd has it. She will be on and will hook you up. All will be ok try not to focus on what could have been but start making new plans like many have said to me things don't alway work out the way you planned but when one door closes another one opens. my guess plan on him comming home in about 3 weeks or less. try not to let yourself go crazy trust me it will be ok....

  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    ps there is no determined amount of time that they are there but the average is about 3 weeks

  • debbiekp

    Hello. I got word my son is coming home Tuesday. So it seems three weeks is the norm. I cannot wait to get hands on him. He is ready for his next journey.
  • JenBo

    Thank you MC mama. I would really like some information of schooling as I think that is the next logical step for him. He gave me a second call a couple of hours ago. He said his indoc is tomorrow and legal should be a week from then. I'm not sure if he's planning on fighting. From what he's said, I don't think he feels he has a good chance. Do you know how often they actually get to call? He said he only gets to call on certain days but others have said they can call every day. I just want him home... It really adds insult to injury that he is going to be home shortly before his prior PIR date. My heart is hurting so much for him right now. He gave it his all, but his reason for being separated is something he had no control over. I only wish this happened sooner so he didn't have to waste a whole month at RTC plus his time at ship 5. Oh well, I suppose you live and you learn. There must be bigger and better things for us outside of Navy life.

  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    my daughter was able to call about every other day or so and she came home 1 week before the PIR date so hang in there and yes there will be bigger and better things coming for you both

  • MC Mama ship 14 div 094

    yea!  good for you debbiekp enjoy giving him that 1st hug and let the new journey begin 

  • debbiekp

    My son has been able to call Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. He has also had access to the internet and we have been able to chat thru facebook. I feel like i cant do anything without my phone and ipad in my hands at all time to not miss that chance to speak with him. I just want to say thank you for this wonderful support group. So encouraging. And we get our babies back!
  • JenBo

    Thank you Angie, Debbie, and MC Mama for your answers. Through some networking I've found a promising job opportunity for him. I need to get in contact with him and see if it's something he would want to go for so I can help him apply. He will most likely be interested in going to school part-time while he works, like what he was doing before the Navy. He has some more generals to cover before he can work on major credits, so that will buy him time to think about what he wants to pursue. I'm hoping for the best. I'm so sad for him right now, though. I just imagine him sitting around while his division carries on without him... He was doing so well and had high hopes for his career when this opportunity was snatched right out from under him. I haven't received a call yet today, but I did get an e-mail. He seems like he's feeling more positive now, but I know this is really hard for him. Poor guy :(

  • JenBo

    Okay, will do Angie. Just curious, why exactly should he get copies of medical records and test results?

  • JenBo

    I got another call today. I'm really not used to this sort of contact, but I must say, it's a nice change. My hubby is in great spirits. He feels like he can finally relax since everything is now out of his hands. He did mention that he was housed with a lot of mentally ill people, which really rattles me when I think about it. I'm not quite sure if boot camp caused them to snap or if they managed to get through the system in their state... It's strange. It doesn't seem to bother him too much, though. I asked if he wanted any book in particular and he requested a couple things. I'm glad I can help him in that way. He doesn't really know much more. His legal appointment date is still undetermined.

  • Sunshine66

    I just wanted to write a short message in case a certain mom is a member here. My SR will PIR 3/8 if all goes well. He's had some issues but I think he's going to make it. However, his best friend was recently sent home due to asthma. It really broke my sons heart because they were really close and his friend had been instrumental in keeping my son motivated and was there for him when he was having trouble. They were going to be in school together for the next two years. He was from Missouri. So if one of you has a son being discharged for asthma from MO, I want to tell you how greatful I am for your son and that he was a good friend to mine. I know he is disappointed and I just hate it. We wish him the best.
  • Stephany (Nick from PA sister)

    Hello. I'm new to this group. My brother was just put in ship 5 last week. I'm not sure exactly why. He has only told us that they've decided to send him home. I have been active on other boards for his ship and PIR, but being there isn't going to help anymore since he's not with that particular group of people now.
  • debbiekp

    I'm so excited.  my son got home this morning at 1am after alot of plane issues and delays.  But he is home and doing good.  Thank you everyone at this site for your support.

  • TxNavyDad


    That's awesome he's home. Now he can start plan B. We will keep you guys in prayer for all the pieces to the puzzle to fall in place... whatever they may be.

  • kelly


    My son was just put in ship 5 for very painful headaches, theysay he has migraines, but he never has before.  You should be hearing from your brother more often.  I have talked to my son last night once drs made decision and moved him and again today.  Good luck to you and yours.

  • kelly

    Just wanted to thank everyone again for their thoughts and prayers.  You have all been of great help and support from the time my son left and I really apprecitae that.  Thinking he was meant to help others in a different way.  So he won't be a corpsman but he will most likely pursue hs EMT license and fire fighting.   All he needs to do is study again for EMT license and take the test.

    Again thank you all and God bless you and your SRs.

  • kelly

    sixftblnd2002 thanks for the encouraging words.  I know my son will put this behind him and move on with plan B.  Glad to hear your son is doing well.

  • JenBo

    My hubby doesn't yet know when he will get to go to legal. He has been in SEPS for a week now, so hopefully he will go soon! I haven't talked to him today, so I'm crossing my fingers that he is there as I'm typing. We communicated back and forth and got a resume and application done for an interesting job opportunity a family friend referred him to. Turns out, the hiring manager was separated from the navy as well! He is interested in my husband and has shared his resume with a nearby location who will be hiring shortly as well. If he makes it in, he will be earning more than he would have as an E-2 (including BAH and BAS) to start with lots of room to grow and we can live within an hour of our families. Best of all, I'll never have to worry about having a deployed hubby. That's a HUGE relief. I'm really hoping for the best! I'm beginning to believe this truly is a blessing in disguise. 

  • cnwolfe

    My husband called me today from Ship 5... he said they told him legal is 3 to 5 business days. What's your husband's name--I can tell my husband and they can have us in common :) It's awesome he has such a good job opportunity coming up--it will all work out!!

  • Stephany (Nick from PA sister)

    We received my brothers blues in the mail today. I found it odd because I figured if they were sending someone home directly from boot camp, they wouldn't spend all that money on a uniform for them. Is that normal procedure?
  • kelly

    JenBo, cnwolfe ask your hubbies if if they now SR Nutter who is also in Ship 5.  Thinking they do, he's a people person and likes getting to know others, makes friends easily.  He's a jokster, so he usually sticks out.

    Stephany, Talked with my son yesterday about what he was wearing home.  He said he gets to keep his boots, sneakers and smurfs and that's it.  His work uniform and parka get turned back in, not sure if they get to keep raincoat. 

  • Stephany (Nick from PA sister)

    I'm not sure what the exact terminology is, but we received a Yellow t-shirt, a pair of pants that were about 4 different shades of blue with our last name on the back pocket, and a shirt with the same pattern and last name on a strip on the front.
  • kelly

    Stephany,  Those are they're SMURFs, the clothes that were issued to them in processing, they were also issued sneakers and boots, they also keep.  I'm surprised they were sent home because when I talked to my son he said that is the only clothing items they will keep and will be wearing those home.


  • Stephany (Nick from PA sister)

    That's what I was confused about too. He said he has the option to keep his sweats, but he would have to pay for them. Maybe he decided to do that, and will wear those home?
  • JenBo

    Kelly, I asked my husband and he does know of your son. Apparently he has the nick name Nutter Butter? Haha. He said he seems like a nice guy but never really talked to him. I let him know so maybe he will try and talk to him more now. My husband made a couple friends but he said they flew home a few days after he arrived. I don't feel very comfortable sharing his last name just for the sake of his privacy, but if you want me to ask him about your specific SRs I can do that. :)

  • cnwolfe

    Kelly, my husband knows your son, too! But lol he said they have like a crude nickname for him... a play on "Seaman Nutter" lol :) He said he's nice and is really chill; I got off the phone with my husband just a minute ago, and he's going to go talk to him tonight :)

  • kelly

    Jen Bo and cnwolfe  the nicknames they have for my son are ones that people at home have called him.  He always gets the nutter butter nickname.

  • TxNavyDad

    @sixft... That's awesome news. But I know you already knew that he was gonna pass with flying colors... What kind of an idiot is going to give an asthma test to someone who is sick and already has compromised breathing? What a dork!!

    Anyway... glad the tests came thru clean and clear. Good luck with the next steps!

  • JenBo

    Kelly, my husband called and told me that he and your son were working together the other day at the firefighting class site to get out of the compartment. He told me he talked to him more then and that he's a really cool guy. :) He also said that other SEPS people who went to legal the day before him (last Thursday) are on the departure list for Wednesday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he ends up on the departure list for Thursday, which will be posted today.

    SG- Welcome to the group, and sorry for the circumstances! I know it was so tough for my husband at first. It's hard to convey to them that they shouldn't feel that they disappointed anyone! He did something pretty amazing by simply being willing to join and go through the hardships of RTC. I hope that he finds his new path soon and that it's even better than what the Navy could have offered him!

  • JenBo

    Oh man, you guys. Today I got some disappointing news. My husband was finally able to call me just to tell me that he's not on the departure list for Thursday or Friday. I was so confident he would be since other people had departed that went to legal around the same time he did with the same code and everything. He mentioned that SEPS is getting a huge influx of people, which I can only assume is a result of the financial cuts made to the military. They're looking for any little reason to kick people out right now. They're even separating people who were in holding after graduation waiting to go to A School in Great Lakes. The irritating thing is that despite them literally running out of room for these newcomers, they only managed to put three people on the departure list for Thursday. THREE! I don't work there, so I don't know exactly what happens between legal and buying a plane ticket for a separated recruit, but I can't imagine that it's so difficult that they can only send three people home in one day. I'm seriously hoping that it's an incomplete list and they wake him up tomorrow morning telling him he gets to go home, but it's the military, so I can't bet on that happening. I don't see how the Navy can be so strapped financially that they are rationing uniforms but still lollygag around while they pay, feed, and house so many people that just want to go home and figure out what they're going to do next. I called legal and (politely) informed them that he is still not listed to depart and has a job waiting for him, so he needs to get home ASAP. I know it will probably just be ignored, but I'm hoping that it helps. Sigh... I just don't know what to do. I hate seeing my husband get strung along by them and punished for what other people at SEPS are doing. I can hear in his voice how much he wants to go home. At first, he was able to contact me several times a day. Now, he is lucky to get one short phone call because of others acting up and ruining it for everyone. This is so frustrating. All he wants is to be home so he can figure things out and he's been waiting so patiently, but they haven't granted him that yet. Sorry, ladies, but I just had to rant. I'm sorry if those of you with recruits in SEPS are experiencing the same thing right now. It's not fun, that's for sure.

  • kelly

    SG so sorry for your husband being in SEP.  Tell him it's not his fault, sounds like they're sending people home for the slightest problem.  My son is being sent home also, he was so disappointed, but God has other plans him and your boyfriend.  There is something he needs to be home for and some thing different he needs to do with his life.  Good luck to both of you.


    JenBo so glad to hear that your husband and by son were able to go work.  My kid is so tired of sitting around.  He is not one to spend much time just hanging around doing nothing.  As far as I know my son hasn't been to legal yet,he's been there just over a week now.  So glad both were able to get out and that they have connected, it will help both pass the time.  I so agree with you that they need to move people through SHIP 5 faster.  My kid said there were no PIRs this past weekend or this coming weekend so the captain should be able to concentrate on paper work to get this men home.  I am glad they are getting paid while in SEPS but what a waste of resources.  Financially the Navy is having a hard time but they have over 140 men just sitting around.  If they are able to work let them!  But most importantly get them outta there and home so they can move on with their lives.  My son must love having to be punished because of screw ups arriving at SEPS.  He had told me last week everyone at SEPS was doing what needed to be done so they were able to have a few extra privilages and they were being able to call home everyday.  I haven't heard from him since Sunday night and was getting worried, now I know it is because they are being punished because of others.   Thanks for the info. Hope your husband is on his way home very soon with my kid on his way also.  God bless you and your boyfriend. 

  • JenBo

    Kelly, I'm glad they've met, too. It helps to know some good people around Ship 5. Don't worry about the lack of communication. They are pretty much on lock down right now. I know my husband basically has had to fight tooth and nail to call me lately. It's ridiculous. That's one thing he was dreading about boot camp, living the consequences of other people's actions. Now it's happening ten fold. They haven't been allowed to go to the lounge at all or the NEX for longer than a half hour because certain individuals are getting into serious trouble at those places. Just because they have nothing to lose with the Navy doesn't mean they have the right to ruin it for everyone else AND make their families suffer. We both just want him to be home so badly and he needs to come home soon for that job. I'm about ready to buy my own ticket for him if that's the Navy's issue, even though it shouldn't be our responsibility paying after he was kicked out for such a silly reason. When your son arrives home, please tell him thank you for taking some time with my husband. I'm sure it has helped him. I hope he can go to legal very soon and finally get on with his life outside of the Navy.

    It's times like these that should make us all glad that our loved ones dodged the bullet of joining the military. Things are going to be really tough for lower ranked enlisted for a while. Seats are going to be cut and they could be discharged for any little reason the Navy digs up. I really hope everyone in SEPS finds a better path and realizes that it'll be for the best, even if it doesn't seem like it at first. If your son or daughter wasn't eligible for FAFSA as your dependent, their time in boot camp will make them an independent student whether or not they still live with you as they are considered a veteran when it comes to financial aid. It would be great if they could get help going to school because of this experience. Keep moving along. I know the process is drawn out and frustrating at times, but they will be home eventually and it will be a wonderful day. I just focus on the day that I can pick my husband up from the airport. Our goodbye before boot camp is an incredibly painful memory, so it will be nice to cry happy tears this time. 

  • JenBo

    Yay! Got a call today, my husband will be home on Monday! It's later than I had expected, but now I can stop wondering and focus on getting through the weekend.

  • kelly

    JenBo, I know spending time with your husband has made being in SHIP 5 easier.  I also know that the time they spent at the fire science site made my boy very happy.  Please thank your man for me for getting to know my son.

    So very happy for you that your husband will be home Monday! 

  • JenBo

    Kelly, I'll pass it along! My husband said Nutter is one of the best people he's met in SEPS. He mentioned where your son is from (literally as far away as you can get from where we live in the continental US, lol) so I suggested he exchange contact info with him. Has your son gone to legal yet? I was told that they are sending 12-15 people home on Monday, as opposed to 3 people today, so it looks like they're finally trying to get them out a little faster. Hopefully that will minimize the amount of time your son spends in Ship 5. My husband got a job helping out the organization petty officer, OPO, with confiscating and organizing all the newcomers' things. They literally have to take away their sewing kit so they don't stab anyone... Good old SEPS. I'm not sure if your son is in on that as well or not, but if not maybe he can ask about it. He said that it's helped to pass the time a lot and they need help with all of the new people coming in.

  • kelly

    Thanks for the info JenBo, I'm sure if my son had the opportunity to work, no matter what it is he would jump at the chance.  I don't know if he has been to legal yet.  Have not heard from him since Sunday.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will be one of the 15 leaving on Monday.

  • JenBo

    My husband called this morning and I asked him about your son, Kelly. I was told he went to legal either this past Thursday or Friday and that it would be safe to say that the Monday after this next one would be the very latest he'll be home by. He says it's still really hard to get to a phone, but he's been there a while and figured out what times to try getting a call. Apparently there are 170 recruits in SEPS now with big batches coming Monday and Tuesday. Their reasons for separating them are getting more and more insignificant. It really makes me wonder. 

  • kelly

    JenBo, Thanks for the info! M y son called today and he said the same thing, next Monday for sure but could be any time from This coming Wed until next Monday.  I told him to hope for this week but be prepared to be there until next Mon.  Please thank your husband fo me, and I thank you too.  You must be getting really excited for Monday, when your husband will be home.  I will keep you both in my thoughts that he has a quick easy and safe trip home.


  • JenBo

    Kelly, no problem! I'm glad your son was able to call today. A week is a long time with no contact in SEPS. Thank you for the well wishes. I can't wait for him to be back! I've been so antsy since I found out his departure date. Why isn't in Monday yet? lol! He got his itinerary today, so I know exactly when he'll be home a full two days beforehand! I'm in awe. Usually they don't know until the night before or morning of.

    SG, my husband went through the same thing... he said that people that got there 4 days later than him are already going home. It's really not fair how they pick and choose. He said it seems like the new people are going through faster since the influx. Is there anything pressing he needs to be home for? I've heard of recruits telling the SEPS admin about a job waiting at home which may light a fire under them to get him processed quicker. If he's been in for a full week he should have already gone to legal or should in the next couple of business days. It seems like in the military you have to be willing to be the squeaky wheel to get things done, from MEPS all the way to SEPS. Haha. If it doesn't happen soon, I would personally talk to somebody if I were him. 

  • JenBo

    Also, I wanted to mention that I've noticed that certain cases take longer than others. Asthma seems to be the worst since it has to be tested. Anything that requires testing will lengthen the process. Mental health cases usually seem to be processed before physical health cases. These are just things I've read and picked up from things my husband has said, but it may help explain if your loved one's time at Ship 5 seems to be dragging out longer than others.