Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • diannep

    Kudos to you ladies here who are encouraging!  I know the others so appreciate it!  :-)

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

  • wfindley

    Angie, on behalf of all on this site.  You need to back off.  I'm not sure what the circumstances are with your son, but I can tell you my son was put in the ship because he had not admitted that he had taken medication for ADD in high school, has not taken since then and it was for learning purposes only.  He also had taken medication for a back issue which was not disclosed.  He did not say he took them per instructions from his recruiter, whcih I understand happens alot.  He has passed all drug tests during his duration of 7 months, he was in DEP.  He now is coming home and can re-enlist in 6 months after getting waivers for the above.  Also, keep in mind that my son's grandpa dies and was buried 4 days before he left, and his granpas sister died 4 days after him.  Do before you make comments as you do it might help if you know all the circumstances and don't make broad statements like you do so well.  So you can back off, obviously not every son is as perfect as yours.  As the old saying goes if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.  For those moms who have sons in ship good luck and keep your heads up and tell your sons to.

  • Patti

    Wfindlet, well said! I came to this site for support and understanding and I feel like the last few days it hasn't been that at all. We are moms and we worry and we KNOW our children and you know when something isn't right. And we DO NOT need another mom attacking us or ours kids! If you can't be supportive and this isn't a place where people, can express their thoughts concerns worries ect then you need to leave this page!
    My son is being separated for anxiety and sleep disorder and that is a bunch of crap! But I am supporting him and he will be home in a week! I know my son and I know he would have done well given a little support and our letters.
    I don't care what anyone Says my son was and is cut out of the navy maybe the navy isn't Cut out for my son!
  • wfindley

    Patti, what seperation did he get.  Did he meet with an attorney before he went to legal?  My son got a RE8 and was told he could re-enlist in 6 months.  The attorney suggested that rather than situp there and fight it.  Good luck.

  • Patti

    I am not sure yet he met with legal yesterday and will be home next week but we didn't talk long last night he did say they told him he could reenlist in 6 months with 2 doctors waivers , I don't think he will .
  • wfindley

    My son was told the same thing.  He said since he now knows what it is all about he is going to re-enlist with his waivers.  Tell your son if he wants it to go after it.  Don't let someone else decide his future.  If they said he could re-enlist he probably got an RE8.

  • wfindley

    I did not mean to literally speak for the entire group.  Everyone handles things differently and have different cicumstances and to make genral statements is not appropriate.  I guess you could say my son was a wimp and didn't have the mental to stick it out, but what would any boy did if he grandpa was buried 4 days before he left and his aunt died and was buried 2 days before he left.  No one knows what their boy would do once all that happen and they are suddenly in a new place with new things and people.  All situations are different so that has to be taken into account. Angie said -Yes you all would like for your recruits to get another chance, or for RTC to allow them to be homesick, but that isn't the case.  Not everyone can cut it in the Navy. I guess Angie knows everything about the Navy and on this site moms are not aloud to voice their feelings.  That's all they are doing.  People shouls just listen and not judge. 

    Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged!
    Let Him Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone

  • diannep

    Sigh.....I hope that all of the negativity can stop on here so that all can get back to supporting one another.  There are so many who need this site....comfort and info, that is.  Angie is ex-Navy herself so she does have some great knowledge, but in my humble opinion, is a bit too blunt at times.  Stating the facts can always be done in a nice way.  Like:

    "He/she can try to get back in with the waivers, and hopefully they may be able to, but right now with the economy so bad, it is tough."

    That is giving the info/facts without blasting people. 

    It's all in the, no coddling, no sugarcoating, but there is a nice "in between" that could be used rather than the abruptness and rudeness that has been posted in the past. 

    Now, hopefully we can let this matter die out and get back to helping those newbies who come here for help.  We N4Moms veterans over on the PIR sites are doing our best to give info when we can, but know this particular site here is for emotional support while in Ship 5 and more specific info.  We are the ones who send most over here.

    Angie, I respectfully ask you to read the intro paragaph at the top of this page and just try and be a little kinder when giving your info???  All can benefit from the info you have to offer from your experience and knowledge....but .... you know....

  • wfindley

    Agreed.  My son just called and comes home Tuesday or Wednesday.  I will be there to support his quest to re-enlist and hope he can because that is what he wants.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Here, here diannep.  Hand Clap

  • abbyblue

  • abbyblue

    gotta laugh and don't take things to heart...  people can and do have their own ideas and opinions. don't put a rope around your neighbors neck cause their dog pooped in yard.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Does.anyone happen to know if RoseR (the creator of this Group) is still active on the site? If not is there an active administrator for this Group?
  • abbyblue

    I send rose a message

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Thank you.
  • wfindley

    Shinx, sorry for jumping on you.  Just trying to figure out what he has to do next.  He was given an RE8 which means he can re-enlist in 6 months with additional waivers.  He does want to rejoin now that he has been up there for 3 weeks in Ship 5.  His reason for Ship 5 was during moment of truth he stood up, even though his recuiter told him not to.  He felt as he had to and they said anything hey said would not be held against the,  I am just oping he can re-enlist in 6 months like they said with no issues.  He said now that he is up there this is what he wants to do and hopes he gets another chance.  Just hoping them give him another chance.  He does ot want to go in DEP again which took him 7 months.  Hoping he can get in right away if they accept him back i.  ANy suggestions?

  • wfindley

    That's fine. Don't want him to be told he can get back in by legal go through all the steps and they know before he even starts the process he won't.
  • wfindley

    Are the waivers for the navy r any branch. Does he have to wait six months to get the waivers. Can he get them as soon as possible. He was told he has to get letters for some things. Waiting to see what he has as far as paperwork when he gets home. Sorta wished he would have stayed up there and fought it.
  • wfindley

    So he doesn't have to wait six months?
  • diannep

    I stand corrected, Angie.  Sorry, didn't mean to offend using the ex-Navy term. 

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    I think we knew what you meant diannep!
    To us civilians "ex" doesn't seem like a big deal. We don't mean it in a negative way. It's an innocent misunderstanding. I did it all the time until my husband told me what they prefer to hear. This goes for all branches of the military, law enforcement, fire department etc.
    Ex, would be somebody that got kicked out, fired. So for somebody that fulfill their commitment they like to hear "former". Example : A Marine does is for your commitment and leave the service , "Joe here is a former Marine .
    for the retired, "Bob here is retired Army ."
    "That's all folks !" :-D
  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Wow, gotta love that auto correct!
    "does his commitment" not is for your!
  • abbyblue


  • wfindley

    My son got home yesterday. He was separated re8 so he wants to reenlist after his gets his paperwork in order.
  • diannep

    alohacoffee:  Just saw a post not long ago where someone was back at bootcamp again, after waiting a year, getting a waiver, and getting back in.  We had heard that no waivers are being accepted now because of the overmanned situation in the Navy, but this person got back in.  So you never know!  Hope all works out for your son!

  • diannep

    From what I have heard, all branches have been affected somewhat in this area.  But the Navy has been hit very hard by budget cuts, and so it may be worse for the Navy.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW


    I have a question for the moms that have been through this.

    Did you find out your loved ones RE code from them or legal (if you were able to speak with them)?

    Did you find out before the actual papers were processed to be separated or after?

    What I am trying to find out is if you can find out the RE code and happen to disagree with it and then want to appeal to have it changed before the process is completed.

    Thanks Moms and Loved Ones!

  • sunny2372

    My son is being sent home (not sure exactly when) and I have a question.  It might be a silly one but I have to ask.  Since he sent all of his personal belongings home when he arrived at boot camp- clothes, shoes- what is he going to have to wear when he comes home? 

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Not silly at all...very legitimate question. You're not the first to ask it!

    When the recruits first arrive at RTC they are issued PT gear for P days. They will wear those home.

    Safe travels to your son and a bright future :-)

  • wfindley

    My son just came home. Got a few shirts, shorts and sweatshirt, shoes misc and they charged him $650. A little excessive I think. He said he got a uniform and boots but had to give them back. Looks like double dipping to me.
  • wfindley

    That being said it looks like they reissue the  boots and uniform, since he could not keep them but still got charged.  $650 is alot of money for a pair of shoes, shirts, sweatshirt, gym shoes, underwear and shorts.  It is what it is.

  • wfindley

    So we pay for them and then they resell and make more. At least give them the boots.
  • abbyblue

    some good comes from the resale them The us navy sea cadets< a program for kids between 10 to 18 year olds get buy those used uniforms and boots which many those kids don't have money to buy new ones.. just think of it as a nontaxable donation

  • chris's wife

    My husband just called me bawling saying they are sending him home for Raynaud's Disease?! First of all, he doesn't have that... at all. Second, he's been getting harassed for his religious beliefs. I get that they are hard on them on purpose to toughen them up, but this seems a bit extreme to me. I'm just so lost right nowpw and don't even know where to begin dealing with all of this. Any advice would be very appreciated!

  • wfindley

    chris's wife hang in there. my son has been home a week from ship 5. on the good side he starts a full time job tomorrow.  at first we were upset that he was sent home, but i think sometimes things hapen for a reason. not sure if he will try to reenlist or not.

  • proudproudmama65

    My son and I filled out his application, leaving nothing out. He had , in the past , been on ADD medication, but not for 3 years. Well let me tell you that application "got lost " by the recruiters and they had him fill out a different one without the history of ADD and was told not to ever mention it.
    His medical records were reviewed and he's out.
    When a young man is told if you don't write down anything in your past that's not on your application and we find out, you will be discharged and it's basically criminal. He did the right thing.
    If his recruiters would have left the first application alone, he, we,wouldn't have had this stressful, heart ache.
    How many kids does this happen to?
    I contacted the commander of recruiting just so they know this happens
    My son is a strong , intelligent, resourceful person. Like all of your children, they will be fine and successful. Hang in there moms.
  • chris's wife

    I want to thank everyone who has been encouraging and supportive recently. It feels good to have strangers pray for you and support you. As far as my husbands status, he called me today and told me that it was a big misunderstanding and that he gets to stay and graduate with his division, as long as everything goes fine from here on out. That was definitely the happiest phone call I have ever received!! So again, thank you all for the prayers, thoughts, advice etc. My husband sounded so happy tonight, and I'm so glad he gets to continue working towards his dream. I feel so awful for anyone who has to go through something like this. Please know that all of you are in my thoughts, and I wish you sons and daughters, husbands and wives, etc., the best of luck for their future.

  • donnad

    My dear Navy Sisters - Just an update on my son who was on Ship 5 due to a minor injury.  He arrived home Wednesday, and when that shaved head came around the corner at the airport, I couldn't have been happier to see him.  Even after a few short weeks in the Navy he has changed.  Ship 5 was far from pleasant, according to my son.  He has told us of a couple of incidents that occurred during his 2.5 weeks in separation, but basically he wants to block that time in his life from memory. 

    The disappointment still lingers, as I'm sure it will for some time, that he will not be a part of the US Navy.  Interestingly enough, he came home sick, had a cracked tooth, and is now on three different kinds of meds.  Looking forward to an appointment with his ortho doctor to see if  test results match Navy findings.  Not so sure they will.

    Made sure my son had an interview at the local college so that he can get past the nightmare of the last couple of months and move on with his life.  He will enroll today and continue his education (which he gave up for the Navy).  There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    I intend to remain a part of this wonderful group of supportive Navy moms/wives so that I might be able to help those who must endure the process of separation. 

    Thanks to all of those who supported me during this extremely difficult time.

  • Tconn9298

    My son was just moved to ship 5 today just curious will he still get the mail that was mailed to his previous ship. He sounded very down when I spoke with him and hope the mail would help.
  • wfindley

    My son has been home from ship 5 a little over 2 weeks and started having headaches, chills the last couple days.  Took him to the doctor and he has Hepatitis C.  What are the chances?  If you know what I mean.

  • diannep

    Tconn:  They should forward the mail to him until you get his new address.  Prayers for your son during this time.  I'm sure your mail will help alot!

  • Tconn9298

    Thank you Right now I am so overwhelmed with emotion. My heart breaks for him this was his dream since he was ten. He has always been my strong son and he sounds so broken..
  • diannep

    It is always such a difficult time when they are separated in bootcamp.  Is his reason for separation one where he has a chance to re enlist in the future?  I know that it will feel so good to get your arms around him---he will sure treasure that hug....and hoping that getting back home with family will be good therapy for him for right now.  Please tell him that we all thank him for trying to serve his country...a very honorable decision.  I'm hoping that if his dream is meant to come true, he will be back at a future date.  Just saw a post recently from a lady whose son was finally back.  So it does happen sometimes!

  • wfindley

    To all, this is my final comment.  My son is back from separation, found a full time job, things were going good.  Just found out he has HepC, so has to go to doctors to see what can be done.  There is no way he will get back in the Navy.  For those whose kids are still in ship 5 tell them to hang in there.  For those who kids are our of ship 5  if they want to get back in the Navy go for it.  If not there is another whole world out there.  Good Bye!

  • lindakint

    My daughter is receiving a medical discharge due to some issues with her heart.  What if any benefits will she be entitled to?  Will she be able to receive copies of her medical paperwork, etc.  Was she supposed to have the ability to talk to counsel before going to Legal?  Any comments would be helpful.

  • Tconn9298

    She will get to talk to legal they Actaully will do a briefing with her and and go over all the medical seperation discharge paperwork. I am not sure of how the process of getting records works. My son has been there almost two weeks and just met with legal yesterday.
  • donnad

    lindakint so sorry to hear about your daughter.  My son came home just about midway through BC - the result of a minor injury.  No benefits, just the paycheck (which is almost nil because they take out for supplies, shoes, uniforms).  Not sure about medical records, as my son did not come home with his.  I would phone Legal Affairs yourself and ask this question, particularly since you will most likely want to take your daughter to a cardiologist and it would be nice to know what the Navy docs found.  I would advise all moms to call Navy Legal Affairs office - I did, his time on Ship 5 was cut in half.  From what I understand from my son, there is little care while in Separation - call Legal Affairs and try to get your daughter home as soon as you can.  God bless..

  • wfindley

    My son came home about 3 weeks ago and he had a whole packet of stuff, including his discharge papers, medical writeups.  It was a big stack and the told him to make copies and keep in anoher place.

  • bigmomma

    Hi All, need some help.  My son was FTS naval reserves, but was injured in boot camp and being medically discharged.  I know he will have no bennies, but he should be eligible for independent veteran status for Pell Grant shouldn't he?  He's in an unusual situation I think, being labled as naval reserves, but FTS means he was on active duty; however, they are questioning it.  anyone know anything?  I might try and call Legal about it.  Thanks for your help!  God Bless