Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • donnad

    Hi, bigmomma - I think I would call someone in the US Dept of Education and not Navy Legal Affairs. I would think that eligibility for a Pell Grant is based solely upon results of FAFSA application.  My son was separated after just a few weeks' in BC due to a minor injury.  He will begin school in July, a 66 week culinary program.  Although he is still very disappointed he will not be a member of he US Navy, I admire how resilient he has been in picking himself up and moving on.  It's a tough situation for all, for sure.  Best of luck to you and your son!

  • bigmomma

    Hey donnad and angie, thanks for your help!  Donna, the thing is on the FAFSA app we put independent veteran, but now the school is not agreeing with it.  This is the reason they are denying ind vet status:  

    "A member of the Reserves who was called to active duty but who was discharged before serving on active duty (e.g., due to medical reasons) is not considered a veteran.

    If a member of the armed forces was discharged during basic training for medical reasons, they are still considered a veteran for Federal student aid purposes so long as they served at least one day before being discharged."

    Now I say, isn't the Reserves "armed forces" too?  

    Military also says:  "Members of the National Guard or Reserves, however, are only considered to be veterans if they were called up to active Federal duty by presidential order for a purpose other than training. A member of the National Guard or Reserves who is called up to active State duty is not considered a veteran. A key issue is whether they were under the control of a regular component of the US Armed Forces or remained under the control of the National Guard or Reserves."

    and I ask:  Since he was FT, wouldn't he have been a regular component of the armed forces?  

    Ugh, we fall into a loophole where no man has gone before!  

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    bigmomma - If I am reading it right...the second paragraph (from FAFSA) negates the first?

    I mean he was a reservist "called to Active Duty" (BC-active status)) and "served one day".  

    On the Military one.

    FTS perform Active duty services for Reserves. They train and administer to the Reserve Units full time keeping up admin duties and making sure they are deployment ready (reservists still have to do a PFA two times a year like ACDU and keep up their medical and dental as well as schooling etc.) They receive the same pay, allowances and benefits as Active Duty.

    I have been scouring the Net for "proof" that they are considered Active Duty. They get the benefits, time served =ACDU and such but they are technically attached to a RC (Reserve Component). They are reservist serving in a full-time capacity.

    It's just hard to determine if the "afterword " of BC  "counts" (In other words that reservists are on Active Duty but are reservists) as far as FAFSA. Like was mentioned, you're going to have to talk with FAFSA and maybe gather some info to arm yourself with.

    Here is the milpersman doc about FTS:

    Navy Personnel Command FTS Enlisted page:

    That's all I could find as "hard" info and I am not sure they really help. :-( Sorry.

  • abbyblue

    A VFW Service Officer will:

    Offer research and advice to veterans who wish to handle their own claims.
    Assist veterans who are filing original claims for compensation and/or
    pension with the Department of Veterans Affairs and complete the required
    VA forms on behalf of the claimant.
    Assist veterans in reopening claims for service-connected disabilities and
    complete the required VA forms.
    Follow up on status of claims filed by veterans with the VA Regional Office.
    File Notice of Disagreement with the VA Regional Office if a veteran
    believes the decision made by the VA was incorrect.
    Review statements of the case from the VA regarding denials of claim and
    assist veterans with the preparation of responses.
    Assist veterans or surviving spouses in the preparation of appeals for
    denial of claims and file the appeals with the local VA Regional Office for forwarding to the Board
    of Veterans Appeals in Washington, D.C.
    Complete VA Forms other than for original claims.
    Answer/research telephone inquiries regarding medical, death/burial and
    other miscellaneous benefits.

  • landlockedmom(Ship 12, Div 079)

    So, if a college is trying to tell someone that being separated from basic training is not active duty for someone who was enlisted in the Navy, can someone refer us to documentation that in fact that person is qualified as veteran for Fafsa purposes as active duty?
  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    hi all- I am new to this group- just got the call on friday-  I have some questions- she is being separated for ptsd- due to the death of a bff- and the therapist really pushed her- so she wants to reenlist at a later time- what are her chances of fighting this- and able to still have a sep code to re enlist later- she's been in fit- h8urt her legs- sent to rcu- still problems with the legs- then had a doctor call her unfilt and lazy- not sure where to go from here- I want some answers before she calls next because she is afraid to fight it because she heard- they would give her a code to not be able to re enlist-- please advise....

  • donnad

    Liz'smom ship 14 div 179  I would suggest to you that you advise your daughter to speak with a counselor (I understand they are available to the SRs).  She should be advised as to what options she has; i.e., separation with an RE3 (general medical issue) or whether or not she is eligible to stay and appeal any Navy decision.  My son was eligible to stay for 16 weeks (at GL) and appeal the Navy separation decision, but there is little to occupy the SRs time and it can be quite lonely, depressing.  My son chose to come home, RE3 code.  He was told he could re-enlist (and most are; I would imagine your daughter would be eligible for this, too); however, upon further investigating the re-enlistment policy, less than 1% end by ever being accepted again as a Navy Recruit.  My son would tell you to have your daughter come home, recuperate, start life anew as a civilian.  Being in the holding unit and in Separation is not a pleasant experience.  Hope some of this helps.  Good luck!

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    Thank you...I do know of a few that have stayed and fought this and won- I just want her to be completely informed and not afraid, as she stated to try and fight this...She does in time want to re enlist-  If she does she wants to come home- then I will be ok with that too- how do you deal with the sadness of all of this- I put my heart and soul into those letters while she was in Fit and RCU...

  • donnad

    Liz'smom - how to deal with the sadness - it is the hardest thing we have ever had to do.  So much time devoted to the Navy, DEP, BC only to see the dream come to an end.  Although my son has been home for a few weeks' now, the sadness and "shock" (there is no better word) still remains; it has lessened; however.  My son started his life at home immediately by enrolling in college, asking for his old job back, etc.  We prepared friends and family, letting them know he was headed home so that he would not have to explain himself 1,000 times.  I see the look on his face, as he still wears his Navy tshirts around, and I know he would rather be a Sailor.  As moms, we bear the brunt of this sadness for our children, and it is so hard.  I keep saying to myself, that the Navy was not in God's plan for our children.  Keep strong, Liz'smom, for your daughter, as she will definitely need it when she comes home.  If you would like to chat further, do not hesitate to send me a private message.  God bless...

  • texasmom

    donnad - my son is going through the same thing and as a mom, it's so hard to watch the emotional struggle they are in after being sent home and their dreams shattered.  He's been home a week and still wears his Navy t-shirts and talks about "right now we would be doing...".  The son of a close friend of ours left for the Navy 6 weeks before my son did and is now in A school so that makes it even harder, hearing the stories about how well he is doing and how much he enjoys it.  You can just see the grimace on my son's face, but he smiles and nods. 

    Liz'smom - it's going to be hard when your daughter gets home, she will be riding that emotional roller coaster. Be there for her, listen to the stories, visit this site from time to time, post your thoughts and share your story with others going through the same thing.  It has really been a saving grace for me!!  Maybe look into some counsoling, if she's open to it. 

    God bless to both of you and your families.  And thank you for being there to listen.

    texasmom - Mary

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    Hi All- touching base- She put the smile back on face! God how I love my SR- She is coming home to heal- but is fighting to make sure she gets the right code she can go back after some college.. I am happy to hear this, and she is extremely proud at what she has already accomplished- Now I just can't wait- she's not sure when she'll get to Legal, but she's prepared... I love the contact after 3 long months of living for letters. My Son is almost sure he wants to join the Navy- I told him he better prepare- cause I can't do this all over again- so for now I am preparing for her Homecoming and excited-- God Bless!

  • Chantily6971

    My son is being separated.  He called me crying last night and didn't want to talk about whatever happened.  I am so worried about him.

  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    My son is being separated too.  He called and left a message with both me and my husband yesterday.  Unfortunately, we both missed the call.  He said he was being separated for high blood sugar, and that the good news was that he was able to reenlist when he gets the problem under control.  I also read that steroids can cause high blood sugar.  He was on steroids for two months leading up to bootcamp for a virus issue that he had.  My concern for him is that I have read that the odds of him being able to reenlist are very small.  He is so trusting and loyal, he is not the type to stay and fight the charge, he would never do that.  He desire to be in the military is a life-long dream, and he will do and believe whatever he is told by them.  I am so sick to my stomach over this and didn't sleep all night.  He will be devastated if he finds out that he cannot reenlist.  Is the percentage of reenlistment of recruits really that small? 

  • diannep

    Susan, Yes, the percentage of being able to come back and re-enlist is small, but there was a mom on a recent PIR group whose SR had returned a yr later to training, so it DOES happen.  With the Navy so overmanned now, they don't have to honor waivers to allow them to re-enlist.  Since it sounds like his high blood sugar could be temporary due to steroid treatment, I hope that he examines all possibilities while there at bootcamp before accepting discharge/future re-enlistment.  I know you said he is very trusting and will do as told, but this is a time that he may need to examine all possibilities.  Did you talk to his dr to find out how long the elevated blood sugar should last?  Please ask him to sign a waiver up there to allow you to speak to the "powers that be" up there if need be.  If he doesn't give you permission, they can give you no info.  This might be a time, since he is very trusting, that you need to be involved too.  So when he calls again (or write him), ask that he sign for permission for you to be involved in the process if need be.  I would also contact "Craig from Aurora CO" under the MEMBERS tab above.  He is a tremendous resource when SRs/sailors are being separated.  Tell him that diannep sent you over to him.

  • diannep

    Chantilly:  Sigh...not knowing why he is being separated must be so very hard on you.  I'm so sorry...hoping that he can call again and be ready to share with you what is going on.  Without knowing details, contacting Craig as I suggested below to Susan won't be of much help.  Hoping you have more contact with him soon....

  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    Thank you, diannep.  I have already sent an express mail letter to him that I hope he gets on Monday asking him to sign the waivers allowing us to get his information.  Being civilians, our son is the type to think we don't know much when it comes to the Navy process and it will be an uphill battle getting him to believe that the Navy does not always honor reenlistment.  Regardless we will do our best.  In any case, we will get more information when he calls, and after that will take your advice and contact Craig.  He is a very smart kid, an Eagle scout, and a life-long believer of serving this country.  It is heart-wrenching to watch him get his dreams ripped out from underneath him, and even worse to know he doesn't realize it yet.

  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    Thanks for the info.  Do you know if they can get email?

  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    Thx! We will walk the fine line of helping him and honoring his wishes, all the while trying to hold the faith and keep our trust in God. Easier said than done as I sit in the car tearing up while the rest of the family is in Mass. Being a mom is a heart-wrenching job.
  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    I finally just talked to my son for the first time since he left.  He said he was called out by the RTC during inspection.  They were angry with him and wanted to know about his past.  He said he didn't know what they were talking about.  They sent him to the hospital where he was told his blood sugar was slightly elevated 115 (can't be over 100) and that he was going home.  He said he felt he was punched in the stomach and had to hold back the tears, he didn't see it coming.  He went back to his division and told them he was being asmo'd and the RTC said, "Yes, we got rid of another one."  He is on Ship 4 and they worked out with the spec ops and those that need special clearance.  RTC's made it clear they were trying to clean house.  Out of 85, he said after two weeks they are already down to about 70.  Up until then he said he did his work and stayed off the radar.  I feel much better after talking to him.  I asked him to sign the waivers for us to be involved.  As I said, he believes he will be able to get the waivers to get back in even after I told him about the unlikelihood of that happening, but he still is trusting what he is being told. The Navy is losing someone who would have been an amazing sailor.

  • diannep

    So very sad, Susan.  Sad that the RDCs talk that way when someone is being separated like that, especially someone with a medical issue. 

  • diannep

    ...the extreme budget cuts in the military (Navy has really been hit hard) are affecting all of this...there is zero tolerance for most issues since they have too many SRs anyway.  It even continues in A School/C School and into the fleet.  Heartbreaking that we are the smallest Navy in the world anyway....but getting smaller by the day....

  • Chantily6971

    Susan844, are you on Facebook?  Believe it or not, and this totally shocked me, but separated people can buy an hour of facebook time a few times per week.  My son did that and sent me a message.  Yours might too.  If you are both on Facebook, that will be a way faster way to communicate.

  • Chantily6971

    Marylou, I sent you a friend request on here, but are you on facebook?  My son is separated and on ship 5 and I am sorry to tell you, but it take s a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks to come home and some people are there even longer.  I just don't understand it.  Why in the world would the Navy want to waste money paying these kids for sitting around doing nothing all day when they could be home with  their families?  Also, another piece of bad news I heard is we have to pay 700 then another 400 for all of the uniforms we are never going to use.

  • Chantily6971

    Marylou-I contacted my congressman and got a call back, but it didn't do much good.  They said if they do a congressional inquiry, it will take longer because it has to go through the Pentagon.  I don't think they get any travel money and from what I hear, they may owe the Navy money when they get back, for all the uniforms they will never want to wear.  Sadly, I guess we just have to wait this out, but it is very difficult.  I am so glad I have you and the other moms to talk to.

  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    Thanks for the advice on sending money for the travel home.  My son still has not seen legal, so he won't be home for a couple of weeks at a minimum and will be traveling from Chicago to L.A.  Sadly, he will be there on Independence Day.  When you see your child's lifelong dream dashed, it is such a grieving process.  

  • Chantily6971

    I just sent you a friend request.  A few of us on here on going through the same thing.  My son called me crying on Friday night with the same news.  He didn't want to talk about why and I still don't know what happened.  They are going to let her communicate via facebook in a few days if she is on facebook.  If you are on there, send her a message and she will get it faster than mail.  She has to pay 5 dollars for it, so if she has no money, send her her atm card if she has one.  I will inbox you the address of ship 5 tomorrow.  As tough as this is, when you talk to her, keep everything positive.  They feel horrible right now.  We have to build them back up.  My son said the food is good and they get to watch movies sometimes.  They are allowed at least 2 phone calls per week so keep your phone near you.  He said they have couches and board games.  They wake up at 6am and have to clean up.  Once in a while, they have to stand watch for 2 hours.  Though the phone number is on this site, many of the moms told me not to call because then our kid gets harassed for the rest of the time because their "mommy" called.  Hang in there.  We can support each other.

  • Robynkm

    hello ship 5 parents, I haven't been on in a while. Pop in once in awhile. My son has been home a little over 6 months now, back in college & doing great. He had talked about going back, I had hoped he would but he is loving school & is looking forward to the future. I think I had a harder time getting over this than he did. He was sent home due to missing some paperwork on an MRI done 3 years ago. He told some of the thing that happened while at BC & I understand why he wouldn't want to go back. It is true it will take 2-3 week to get travel date, it was 5 weeks before my SR got home, due to the large numbers in S5. As for when they get to come home, most do get to fly home unless the live close then its bus or train. My SR came home in PT sweats, tennis shoes, ugly glasses (LOL) a really nice jacket, a backpack full of everything he could cram into it. he said some of the guys tied their boots to their backpacks but he hated them & left them on his bed. One thing to remember if they are flying there is the USO in all airports. They were a godsend for us. We were called on Sunday & he would be home on Monday afternoon. He called Morning morning "we are on our way to the airport" They dropped them off at the airport, 25 of them, at 10:45am. Around noon he called to tell us he was at the USO flight was cancelled due to bad weather. The USO gave them food, drinks & let them call home. It was 7 cancelled flights & 22 hours before he got home. USO gave them a place to sleep with pillow & blanket. Those people are angels. While on S5 the best thing you can do for you child is to stay positive & write them every day. I pray daily for the families  & SR's on ship 5. I have walked in your shoes, it will get better.

  • texasmom

    Hi Ship 5 Moms and Dads.  I got that same dreaded phone call from my son 3 weeks into his BC and it was heart wrenching to say the least.  My son has been home for about 2 weeks now and is trying to get his life back on track.  I have been reading these posts and hope I can offer some helpful advise.  I just spoke with my son about the concerns of trips home and money.  What he told me was to have your sons/daughters talk with their head Yoeman or Unit counselor when they get to SEPS about going to the Navy Fed (bank).  They may have to set up a time to go.  If they don't have a Navy account have them discuss what their options are with the Yoeman or the UC, they can offer them guidence.  He had lots of positive things to say about the people in SEPS and how helpful they were.  As for coming home, they are not told what day they are coming home until 1-2 days before leaving.  As for the time of arrival, I got the phone call that morning that he would be landing at 11:30pm.  So just be prepared.  In the meantime, be positive when you talk to them, offer reassurance, and let them know they did not fail.  Many kids aren't brave enough to take the sets our kids took and that's huge!!  My son is beginning to get back on his feet but it was a roller coaster ride at first.  Just bare with them.  Maybe suggest counseling when they get home.  This site has been a God sent for me, even now.  God bless you all.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. 

  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    Thank you so much to those of you who have been through this earlier and are checking back in to let us know how your sons and daughters are doing.  It truly give me great hope.  God has his plan, although I sometimes get so sick of hearing that, even though I believe it, just knowing that you have been through this and are kind enough to help us all understand the process is truly uplifting for those of us hurting for our kids.  Thank you.  Something has to be said for the spirit of Ship 5 alumni!

  • Chantily6971

    Wow.  You guys have no idea what the support on this ship 5 group is doing for me.  You are helping me through one of the worst experiences of my life.  I just want my son home where I can make sure he is okay.  It is going to be a while, though.  He just got to ship 5 friday.  I still don't know the details of what happened.

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    Eagerly waiting for my call today- to find out if she has been to legal yet.. her room is ready-- she got Ship 5 on June 14th.. so legal should be any day now, and hoping for a her to be home prior to July 4th..

  • donnad

    Mom Ship 12 Div 289 -Address your letters to your daughter, as follows:

    SR Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

    Ship 5
    3610 Illinois Street
    Great Lakes, IL

    When she arrives on Ship 5, have her ask for a job; i.e., mail, laundry, etc.  It will help the time pass.  My son was in charge of laundry for his Sep division, and he said it did help pass the time.  I also wrote frequently and the mail, the phone calls they can make twice weekly is a Godsend for them.  It is still a very difficult place and a tough situation to be in.  I'm not going to sugar-coat it.  They get through it; really need their moms support, letting them know all is well.  Do not be afraid to phone Legal Affairs yourself if, after 7 days, your daughter does not have an appointment scheduled with Legal.  I did it; it does help. Since I am one of the moms who have gone through this, and my son has been home for a few weeks, happy to answer any more questions you might have.

  • Chantily6971

    asthma tends to usually take longer

  • Chantily6971

    Yes, you will get at least 2 calls per week and if you are on facebook and sr is too, they will allow sr to go on facebook 2 or more times per week besides the calls.  So if you are on facebook, you can send messages now and sr will get them soon.

  • donnad

    Chiefswifer51, how long has it been?  As I recall my son was moved to Ship 5 on a Tuesday - he phoned that day and then again every Tuesday and Thursday after that.  Calls generally came in about noon ET. So there was a week between calls, then they were more frequent.  In addition, he "traded" stamps for internet time (which costs them $).  Thinking of you....

  • Chantily6971

    My son has been there 10 days and still hasn't seen legal.  Does anyone know how much longer it might be?  Also, can anyone tell me what legal meeting is like?  Also, my son somehow lost his dl license and ss card.  Does that mean he won't be allowed to take a plane home to California?

  • Chantily6971

    My son is allowed on Facebook sometimes but he has to pay

  • donnad

    My suggestion is that if it is over seven business days that your SR has been in Separation, phone Legal Affairs.  I was told by a Navy attorney that Legal should be in touch with any separated SR by that time.  For some reason, files often stay "stuck" at the end of a pile.  Remember, there are a few hundred SRs and others in Separation at any given time.  It's worth a call.

    Not sure what to do about a lost driver's license.  Perhaps one of the other moms can provide advice, OR, if you do phone Legal Affairs, they will definitely let you know how to handle this. 

    Good Luck!

  • Chantily6971

    So happy that you got a call :)  Sounds like your daughter and my son have been in about the same amount of time.

  • Tconn9298

    Not that is comforting at this moment because I was in your shoes less than a month ago. My son was medically separated two weeks before graduation. He was in ship 5 a little over three weeks. The phone calls were very sporadic however did talk with him over Facebook. He has been home almost three weeks now and has gone to work full time. I can honestly say until this happened I never fully knew the depth I could hurt for my child. This was his dream since he was 12. But obviously God has a different plan. Hang in there ladies-- this too shall pass--and I would be glad to answer any questions I can.
  • Chantily6971

    I found out from my son that they have a place they go to once a week or so that has a subway and a taco bell.  Also, when one person breaks a rule, the whole group is punished.  He told me that the other day, one recruit put a rated R movie into the DVD player and the whole group had to sit still and quiet for 5 hours and do nothing.  My son was asleep and nowhere near DVD player.  (They are allowed to watch DVD's but not rated R.)

  • Chantily6971

    My son finally got to go to legal today, (after 12 days of being there.)  He said he will be sent back home to California next week or week after on a bus, (3 day trip or so)

  • diannep

    Chantilly:  You have the option of buying him a plane ticket if you want. 

  • Chantily6971

    Marylou.  I am sorry to say but my son said nobody will see legal thursday-sunday because of the holiday weekend.  Diannep.  My son lost his drivers license in boot camp somehow so that's why they won't fly him.  You need an id to fly.  They take your navy id before you leave.

  • Tconn9298

    Marylou I know it isn't comforting but my son was there over Memorial Day and for some reason near the holiday we heard nothing from him for Almost five days. He said he would get to call twice a week but he very rarely ever was able to call. We communicated over Facebook more than anything and it seemed over the weekend that was sporadic at best. He was there a little over three weeks. Hang in there. I completely understand the wonder and worry was the hardest part.
  • diannep

    Oh, Chantilly.  So sorry about that.  Is there no way to get a duplicate to him?

  • Tconn9298

    Marylou he is doing okay. He feels like his dream was taken away and I honestly in ways feel the same. He wanted to be a SEAL since he was in 8th grade and put everything he had in it. And was medically discharge due to a "migraine" he had once and currently is not being treated for them. But as I told him God has to have different plans for him.
    He is getting back into the swing of things has gone to work full time and looking to go to the police academy in the next year. It will get better I promise, but those three weeks he was in ship 5 were miserable for us both.
  • Tconn9298

    Thank chiefswife and I agree. My husband was also in law enforcement for 20 plus years in Atlanta Georgia and is currently overseas in Afghanistan working for the military as a contractor. I have very mixed emotions but try to keep my opinion to myself but I am completely in awe of how this occurs. It has been hard but they do bounce back. And I have said before I never knew the depths I could hurt for my child until now. There is no greater pain. Hang in there it will be over soon.
  • Robynkm

    tcon were in Ga are you? We are in Ga also. My son has been home for 6 months now & doing well. The anger is hard to deal with at times I know. But life will go on. If I can be of any help I am here.

  • Tconn9298

    Robyn we lived on the south side of Atlanta but we actually moved to SC in December and my son stayed behind in Atlanta Til he left for boot camp. That in itself has also been hard since when he was separated he returned to our hometown as that is where his friends and gf of many years are. And yes the anger is hard but I keep reminding myself he is a tough kid with a good head on his shoulders and he will find his way.