Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

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  • LoriM

    Broxy,,,those who get a bus ride home are RE4-fraud,,could med info left out and whatever,, recruits that don't have ID or those who live close.  So there are a few reasons.

  • LoriM

    Broxy,, was wondering if you heard anything on when your recruit will come home?  Been praying for all.

  • NavyMomYve

    I'm so hurt that I can't b there for my baby girl she was sent to Ship 5 yesterday due to her back she was crying cause she really wants to b there and become a sailor she feels alone and confused :( she never went to doctors for any back problems when she was home so she don't understand how this came about she pass her physicals in Meps it's all so confusing any tips will help
  • NavyMomYve

    Thank you heymomlpn I'm trying so hard to b strong for her but its so hard when u hear u baby girls voice being sad
  • NavyMomYve

    @heymomlpn can u give me the correct address so I can write to her she said she mail me a letter with the right address but I don't want to wait til that letter I want to send her letter now thank u
  • NavyMomYve

    @heymomlpn thank u so much I appreciate it prayers to u n ur son just want to hold my baby girl :(
  • MyKidIsInNavy

    just add SEPS Male or Female after ship 5 so it goes to right compartment when sorted

  • NavyMomYve

    @mykidisinnavy thank u for the info sent her letter out this morning
  • Broxy

    Lori M. Sorry I'm not sure how this site works real well. I have not heard anything, but thanks for asking:)
  • NavyMomYve

    It's been three days that I have not spoken to my daughter I'm worried how many times are they allowed to call :(
  • MyKidIsInNavy

    They usually call twice a week but that is not for sure either.  They still maintain military order and can lose phone time for various reasons.  They may occassionally pop up on facebook or an email, so always check for them there too

  • NavyMomYve

    I'm so beside myself my family can't seem to understand the pain going through all they say she's fine they don't seem to understand the toll these kids have to go through in there physically n mentally I just want her home so I comfort her n let her c it's not her fault I hate the fact that they are going through this horror just send them home to their love ones :(
  • NavyMomYve

    Thank you moms for the phone info if it was not for u guys on this site I don't know what I do
  • MyKidIsInNavy

    NavyMomYve, do your best to hang in there and encourage her to focus on plan B now.  The normal time in Seps is averaging about 38 days once they arrive on Ship 5, so it is not a quick discharge process.  I am so sorry

  • MyKidIsInNavy

    There is also a facebook SEPS/Ship 5 group if your on facebook?  You should check it out too....

  • MyKidIsInNavy

    Many are in SEPS now going on 3 1/2 weeks and have yet to see legal, 1 was just over 1 month and just saw legal for the first time, no date yet on when he will be home yet either, usually you see legal twice or have to wait for the departure lists to come out and see if your name is on it

  • NavyMomYve

    Wow had no idea it was that long they told her it can take up two weeks they just them want to hear instead of being upfront with them ill b sure to adk my baby girl if n when she seen legal I know she's confused whether to appeal it or just come home and try to reenlist she's so determine but I'm going to take steps and come up with a plan b going to speak to her old college once again ladies u r helping me so much thank u for the advices n keeping me sane God Bless you n ur recruits :)
  • mchristian17

    OMG Just reading all of this sound so much like what my daughter is going thru. On Aug. 22 she was send to medical because her left knee was swollen and was feeling tingling in her left arm and numbness. She had to wait til the 28th for a follow up  if she didn't want to be discharged which she didn't. She was given pain killers for the pain and was put in LLD. She called us for the 1st time on Sept. 2, saying she is much better a little sore but she was gonna stick it thru. Now on 9-5 we received a call that she is on Ship 5 because of the Tendonitis on her knee and also depression and anxiety. Really? She was so disappointed in herself about being sent home. But I did all that I could and told her she did all she could and that what matters. Now its the long wait to when will she be sent home. 

  • LoriM

    NavyMomYve,,, my daughter went through the same SEPS and it took several weeks,, however mine is reenlisting too,,, the nice thing is all the time spent on that base counts towards your time if you reenlist.. so my daughter has basically 98 days of seniority for faster pay raise the next go round.  So it is not all bad... It does take time to get all recruits through separation for several reasons,,, physical issues,,1) they can not travel til the Navy feels they are fit for travel because it is on them if recruit is still injured 2) they have time there being counseled on what their discharge is and has so many days to appeal right then and there (kind of like a mortgage you don't get money asap because of right to rescind) 3) Paper work is sent back and forth Washington to make sure all i's are dotted and t's are crossed..and amongst all of that they are debriefing them to come back to civilian watching movies, ordering food from off base,, I realize people who have never been in the military do not realize that even after a few weeks recruits learn a different way of life.  Hang in there,,, your recruit will make the right choices for them.  She may be encouraged if you tell her the time will count for her if she reenlist... I know we as parents worry when things don't go as our kids planned and worry about their well being,,, trust in the Lord.  The kids, no.. adults, even if they are our kids,, will make it through and come out stronger than you could ever imagine!!!  Keep us posted,, we will be praying for her!

  • NavyMomYve

    @LoriM thank u so much for the info n ur kind words I will def keep u posted :)
  • mchristian17

    I pray everyday that she does get to re enlist. She called yesterday that she had briefing on Monday. I talk to her and encourage her to make sure she read between the lines, don;t be afraid to ask question and let them know you want to come back. She says its about 17 days before legal. Awww the anxiety is killing me

  • SeansMOM

    Just got a call today from our son that he is bring sent home. He's been in BC for 3 weeks and hurt his back. He went to Medical and they told him he was having anxiety issues and they were discharging him. He is so upset and we are too. Do you not think anyone in BC has some anxiety? He said it would be 2 to 3 weeks before he gets to come home! Sounds like the navy throws around the anxiety word alot!
  • SeansMOM

    It's so depressing that the navy is letting our children down. I just wish we knew when he would be home. If they don't want them in Navy and they are using the anxiety as a reason to get rid of them then they need to send them home faster! Does anyone know if he will come home in Navy clothes or will he get to go but some regular clothes?
  • LoriM

    Please read my comment, I think it is 8 down on this list.  After posting that I spoke to my daughter and she said if she would not have had the several weeks in separation she would not have been ready to come to civilian life... recruits don't know it then but she was so thankful for that adjustment time.  The Navy does know what they need.  They are giving the best care to our children.  Anxiety is high on the radar,,yes boot camp is very stressful and that is why there is a boot camp,,, if someone has issues there,, military may not be for them due to many reasons, including the safety of the other military people during conflicts every sailor and soldier needs to know his fellow sailor/soldier is strong and they can turn their back and be sure they are safe with the other person doing their job and not having an issue at a dangerous time.  I realize in civilian life people may never experience anxiety but stress does make it is show it's ugly head.  Most people don't even know they could have it.  I hope nobody takes this an insult as it is to help all understand why anxiety is an issue.  Anxiety does not have to be an attack,, it can be simple words of feelings,, please trust these people they do not want anyone getting hurt or killed if they miss someone that has the tendencies to have full blown anxiety under stress.  If someone has never been to boot camp they don't realize they prepare you for worst case scenarios,,, I know some say well this person won't be on the front line,,,their job may not be there but they could at anytime be reassigned, even on front lines,  to help wherever bodies are needed, that is why boot camp exist.  The schooling afterwards is really for your job.  I pray for all your recruits to do great things in life and if it is military encourage them to try again,, they will have to time to regroup and have a heads up of what they are heading into the next go round.  God Bless!!

  • LoriM

    I am sorry,,, for those who don't know, I was in the Navy too,, so I speak from experience.  I don't want you all to think I am just running at the mouth. 


  • NavyMomYve

    @lorim thank u for ur honest words n advice I know u just trying to help us moms who no idea what goes on in there n being that u experience it first hand helps wonders
  • LoriM

    Hi NavyMonYve... have you heard anymore?  Praying for you all!  Most recruits separated come home in their PT gear for those wondering.  I don't want to be mean to anyone on here ,, they are going through a hard time but I have to say the Navy does not over fill jobs,,, anyone who passes everything has their job waiting.  My daughter has been waiting weeks now to find out for sure if she has to wait the full 6 months or if because of her discharge code that she could go back sooner..  I am not happy it is  taking so long but there is so much red tape to get correct information.  Take care and praying for all recruits!!!

  • LoriM

    alohacoffee,,, contact your congressman/congresswoman to ask them for help.  They sometimes can write letters and contact who needs contacted.  Give them a try.  If this is what he wants don't stop looking.  Where are you located at??

  • diannep

    We have been hearing that about waivers not being accepted (this from some Navy personnel) right now...however, I did see a post recently from a mom whose SR had his waiver accepted in the past year and went back to Bootcamp.  So....keep trying!

  • MyKidIsInNavy

    Yes plus it will soon be the start of the new fiscal year for the Navy too...:)  All things are possible if you keep trying, not easy by any means, but certainly worth giving it your all....:)

  • NavyMomYve

    Today is my baby girls Birthday 19 yrs old missing her so much still no news if she's staying or coming home wish I can hold her n blow Bday candles with her ;(
  • tylersmom

    My son has been in FIT since 8/8/13. He still cant pass his run and he also has shin splints.  He told me he has like 4 more attempts or he will be seperated and will have to go back in 6 months and do boot camp all over. Now will he really goback in 6 months or is that what they tell the SR's? Or he said he could take a medical seperation stay for like 3 more months and he said they told him he will get half his pay and half medical for life. He has been in boot camp since 6/18/13 but he was in DEP for almost a year.

  • Daisy13 Ship05

    I don't even know what to ask.  I'm at a total loss.  My niece SR is being sent home.  I'm on here trying to find the right info to pass along to my SIL and when I'm writing to my SR.  I just want to say the N4M website and all the groups have been a blessing these past few weeks.  I don't know how our family would have gotten through without the info and support that is available here.

  • Daisy13 Ship05

    Angie  I guess you spark one of my questions.  Do the SR's get their full pay all the way through Ship 05 until they are sent home?  And what's this about reading they get sent home with bills to pay back the Navy for stuff in BC?

  • Lauren - Ship 11 Div 317

    For additional information there is a great facebook page, " ship5 SEPS"  I found this group to be really helpful as well as this one,

  • Daisy13 Ship05

    Thanks Lauren  I'll try there too.  

  • diannep

    Yes, Daisy....they have to pay the Navy back for their uniforms, etc....they don't get to keep the uniforms (they are sent home in their sweats, I understand)....but if they have not paid for them yet out of their pay, they must.  They can work out a payment plan with the Navy, someone posted. 

  • Daisy13 Ship05

    My SR says she gets to make calls on Mondays and Wednesdays.

    That seems to differ from what I read before of Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    Maybe its M&W for females and T&TH for males?

  • tylersmom

    My son just called, he past his run. He will be going to BS then I will be getting the "I'm a Sailor" phone call Friday. I am so very happy right now. Prayers was answered for my son. He said he had 16 seconds to spare. Wonderful!!

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    Anybody here with experience re enlisting after being sepped?

  • LoriM

    Liz'smom,,, my daughter just went to sign all her paperwork again,,, her test scores and physical are still good for at least a year, so that part will not have to be done again.  She re-signed all papers with proper date and then when all is approved she will just have to go to MEPS and either stick with her job or pick another and swear in.   As long as the government shutdown don't get in the way.


  • jae

    Has anyone received calls home this weekend?
  • BBowles Ship 11 Div 26

    I got the call yesterday from my son telling me was sent to ship 5 because he has heartburn... So he must be nervous.. ??... he took the bubble test which indicated he has PTSD?? He is being sent home they said it could be a month... Why so long?? He sounds soo sad. I have mailed him so many letters, will he get them? I'm so confused.. I feel helpless!
  • jae

    I will be praying for you both.
  • wyhes

    Sorry to hear that BBowless! I know it is difficult but be comforted by the fact that he is safe and nothing bad will happen to him. It takes some time to get the required paperwork for them to come back home. It is a disappointment for the whole family. Be strong and positive for him and for yourself. From what I understand they do get the mail that you already sent. They can also be sent books. I think the phone time is limited to the weekend. 

  • Kristi-Triton-004-111513

    Hello, I am seeking advice.... Just got the call that my SR is going to SEPS.  He has been diagnosed with high blood pressure, which he has never been diagnosed with before.  He was already there with a medical wavier for a knee injury, he went to med because of his knee aching, they gave him Naproxen which is salt based and one of its known side effects is elevated blood pressure. Something just isn't right 140/90 is high blood pressure?  They told him he could re-enlist to me it doesn't sound promising needing two medical waviers. Any advice?

  • Lauren - Ship 11 Div 317

    From what my son said, the sailors that try to fight discharge end up there way longer, waiting on appeals, it got to the point that we thought it made more sense to get him home, then to try to reenlist down the road.  If you want additional info, join Ship 5 Seps on Facebook, there is some great info there and I go back and forth between this site and FB, great support and people in the same situation for many different reasons.  Good luck to you both

  • diannep

    I have heard that it is actually easier to stay in the Navy if they fight up in GL than if they try and re enlist into an over-populated Navy down the road.  But the road to fight to stay in up there is long and hard for many of is emotionally very difficult.  Ultimately, they will have to decide which is best for them to do.

  • firefly25

    I learned this morning that my SR is being separated. I do not know the code yet, however he has been told that he is eligible for reenlistment is 6 months and the it was a medical separation. He has only been there since nov 5 so I am really confused. Any advice on what we should do?

  • squidmom

    What happens when the recruit cannot "prove" a diagnosis?  my son might be put on hold because the dr he saw 11 yrs ago no longer has his records...