Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • LoriM

    Angie,,, they do not need all the original waivers repeated unless it more than 1 year from separation.  They only need a waiver for reason of separation if they want to give it to that SR.  I know this first hand from my daughter.  Most that have the guts to go back and go for their dream they do make it through boot camp if they did their homework at home before returning.  firefly25.  I am not sure any medical separation can go back,, he will need to talk to recruiter.  Hal's Mom,,, if this is really what your SR wants,, tell them to go talk to recruiter and see if they can go back.  Marines think they are better,, they are not,, their boot camp is basically the same....they are the a division of the  Navy!!!

  • LoriM

    Kristi-Triton=004-111513... 140/90 is high especially the bottom number,,that number should be below 80.  Yes that med probably caused it... if I were him I would try to fight in GL to stay,, stop the meds,, have BP checked daily and just deal with the knee pain if he really wants to get through...


  • squidmom

    is there a group for Temp Hold Unit (THU) people?

  • squidmom

    I dont see too much activity in this group but does anyone know when the holiday leave times will be approved for THU people?  my son said he put in for the second one but i dont know if its approved yet.  Also, if the leave starts on a friday, is it friday all day, or friday after working hours?

  • Rolltidemom

    SRmom ship14/div032, Ship 5 is also for sailors who are held up in travel plans for various reasons.  Being there doesn't necessarily mean they are being sent home.  They have to have a place to house the recruits and sailors who are not in basic training and Ship 5 is for separation from the RTC to wherever they are going next.  Phone access is very limited.  There is a number listed above that you can call and ask to speak to your son.  I found it nearly impossible to get anyone to respond to that number so I began calling the Chief of the Deck.  I'd use that option sparingly, but if you absolutely need to talk to your son, it may be your best option. Be aware that you will probably hear the HIPAA excuse with every call you place.  They are misapplying the HIPAA law, but you won't get around that without your son signing a waiver for them to talk with you in every office he enters - one form won't take care of it.  Wishing you and your son well. 

  • proudmomma94

    My heart goes out to all of us who had hopes for their loved ones who wanted to serve their country and was told they cannot. My son did 5 weeks of basic training and now is being sent home. I want to fight this but my son says no because he will have to stay in ship 5 until a decision is made which can take months, and he doesn't want to do BT all over again. I need time to get over this, it seems as if he is ok with the decision but only because he misses home so much. I think not being home for the holidays make it tough too. I am working on closure but feel like the Navy let us both down. I am so proud of him either way but it sure would have been nice to see his dream come true.

  • JenBo

    Wow, it's been a while since I've come on here. My husband was separated on Valentine's Day 2013, a month into his BT. He went in with an awesome rate, his RDC's praised him for being a stand-out recruit, and he was promoted during his training. He ended up coming home two weeks before he would have graduated. I'm back because one of my good friends from school has recently been separated. I'm heartbroken for her. This was her dream for as long as I've known her. She'll likely be wasting her birthday and Christmas stuck in SEPS. But, I know that this could very well end up being for the best.

    I just wanted all of you to know that your loved one WILL move on from the Navy, and they will likely be much better off that way. Now that we've been through the worst (Really, it was awful. Our lives were in shambles. I know how each of you feel.) and have picked ourselves back up and then some, we are so thankful that our lives are not in the grips of the military for the next 6 years. The Navy is now in purge mode, but hasn't decreased their recruiting quotas enough to make up for it. They can and will kick your loved one out of RTC on made up terms (such as sudden "asthma" for having a cold or "anxiety" for admitting to ever feeling nervous) in order to "fix" their mistake. My husband saw, first-hand, the influx of separated recruits after the sequester early this year, which happened shortly after he was moved to Ship 5. Their reasons for being separated got pettier and pettier by the day. This is not limited to recruits either, fresh sailors (and sometimes even experienced ones) can become targets of this as well. It's awful and it's wrong, but honestly, who is going to tell them no?

    I know it feels so terrible right now, but I promise that it will get easier and easier. As long as your loved one has the drive and determination (which they must have for being brave enough to ship out), then they will make it through. There are other ways to serve your country without the Navy, and there are so many great careers out their that your loved one can make theirs if they really want to. Hang in there!

  • proudmomma94

    JenBo thanks for the encouraging words. My son will overcome this I just hate how his hopes were high for his future and now it is up in the air. He can reenlist at a later date but at this point has no desire for fear they will do the same thing to him again. Its just not right. I get they want the elite to protect us but more balances and checks should be done prior to boot camp in my opinion. He told me to let it go but it makes me angry how they are treated. Anyway off to work I go, one more day closer to seeing my son!!!

  • JenBo

    Proudmomma94, I understand how you feel. Everything becomes a huge question mark. They definitely can be treated horribly in SEPS. Sitting cross-cross on a hard floor, staring quietly at a wall for 5-6 hours? That borders on torturous.

    My husband had no desire to reenlist either. We didn't want to have to go through all of that again just to have him sent home a second time, regardless of any waiver he may have gotten. His recruiters were so surprised he never showed up at their office again. It sickens me, because I know that his separation is treated as a running joke in their office. They're just terrible people sitting on their military high horse.

    I don't think it's a mistake that these people are sent to boot camp. I'd be safe to say that a good majority of those who were separated were 100% fit for the Navy. From the stories I've read over the past 10 months, as well as from what my husband has witnessed, they are actively looking for any excuse they can to kick their recruits out. They'll jump on any chance they get. Whether it's overhearing that the recruit misses home (which they all do) or springing an asthma test on a recruit who is sick (which most of them are). Personally, I don't think the Navy is a good career choice anymore, unless you can accept that there is a probability that you will give up everything just to be kicked out through no fault of your own. But, most of them will never be warned of this. I know that's all some of these kids ever wanted, though. It breaks my heart.

    I hope that you'll be reunited with your son very soon! Have high hopes that everything will turn out for the best. They definitely did for us!

  • Cookiechand

    My son has only been at RTC for 10 days.  He was apparently unable to reach me tonight and I had to hear from his girlfriend that he is being discharged.   She did not ask any of the questions I would have.  Is there ANY way to reach him and/or get assistance finding out what the heck is going on?   He had severe breaks to his leg in 2009 from an automobile accident and she said he was limping, so I am sure that it what it is related to but he is still really just a kid (18) and I want to find out information and help him any way I can.  If anyone has tips I appreciate it.   

  • JenBo

    Hi Cookie, so sorry to hear! Your son will have to sign a waiver in order to discuss his separation with you. If you don't hear from him soon, I would try calling public affairs (847-688-2405) as they can get your recruit to call you back. Although, it seems like he's trying to get a hold of you, so he will likely be able to call soon. My husband was able to call me pretty often (almost daily), and even got internet access sometimes, so it may be worth a shot sending him a facebook message or an e-mail. Make sure your recruit has enough minutes on their phone card, as their allowed phone time will increase (they are entitled to at least 2 calls a week while in SEPS).

    The address to send him mail while in SEPS is in the group description above. You can send even send him books/magazines to combat the boredom he will experience. I sent my husband some Sudoku puzzle books, which seemed to help.

    Remember that if he tries to fight it, he will be in SEPS until his case is resolved. He'll have to speak to legal to find out all of the details. If he decides to go home, he can try to reenlist in 6 months with waivers (depending on his discharge code), but it will be very difficult to get back in given how overmanned the Navy is at the moment.

    The first step from here is for him to sit down with legal and tell them what his decision is. This should happen within the next two weeks, but probably a bit sooner. If he decides to go home, he will most likely be on his way out within another two weeks of his legal appointment. It took my husband three weeks to get sent home from the day he was separated, but this was back in February/March.

    Good luck and stay strong! You will both get through this just fine!

  • JenBo

    I just got word from my friend that SEPS does not allow packages anymore, so I would double check with your recruit before you send any books out! Sheesh, I guess checking packages is too much work for them now. Good old RTC.

  • proudmomma94

    Just wanted to let you know that my son made it home safe! He got in around 12:30 a.m! His dad and him planned to surprise me so he knew a week ago that he was coming home but told me he would not be here until Friday. So he came into my room and woke me and surprised me! Good thing I had the welcome sign up in case he came home early on Friday. Again I want to thank all of you for your support and kind words, not sure how I would have handled all of this without your guidance.. God Bless and take care. I wish you and your soon to be sailors the best!

  • Cookiechand

    So, my son has been in Ship 5 since 12/19 and STILL HAS NOT SEEN LEGAL.  He says he feels like he is in prison and is now being told that legal may be closed next week for the weather.  I CANNOT UNDERSTAND that.  He is being seperated for something they already gave him a waiver for, now he has been robbed of his holidays and has to continue to be stuck while they get to take off because it is cold.   This is CRAP!  Today he said he officially hates the Navy.

  • proudmomma94

    Cookiechand so sorry to hear this news. My son had to wait almost two weeks to see legal (not as long as you) but it did take awhile. He too left with a bad taste in his mouth about the whole waiting period. I hope all goes well with you and your son. I do recommend that he go see administration not sure where that is but they are the ones who made the appointment for my son to see legal. He was fed up waiting for them to contact him so he did it himself. See if that helps. Good luck!

  • donnad

    It was been six months since my son came home from SEPS and some time that I have been away from this page as well as the FB SEPS page.  I needed a break, as some of you might imagine!  I agree with so many of the comments and remember back to the day I received the call from my son who was transferred to Ship 5.  Disbelief, pain, other way to describe it.  I will tell you that it is unfortunate but not only the Navy who is separating these brave young men and women for little to no reason. (My son hurt his knee in BC was told he had little to no cartilage in it.  Long story short - not the same story our Orthopedic doctor has said!). My son's best friend who left for Marine Corps BC the same week my son left for GL is being separated from the Marines.  Was told that there are hundreds of recruits headed to BC (Marines/Navy) and if you cannot score in the top of your class in the school you have selected, you are O U T!  My son's best friend, coming home - has to start all over again.  At least he has my son who has been through it all to help him with his transition.  As hard as SEPS is (living on Ship 5), tedious the entire process is, all will be well in the end.  There is a great new path in life waiting for your sons/daughters/loved ones.  All part of the greater plan.  Hang in there, everyone.  God bless you all!

  • proudmomma94

    donnad thanks for your insight. I agree with you there is a better plan for our loved ones. It is just hard to know their original plan didn't work out. Its all a learning process for sure.

  • Cookiechand

    So....we are up to the 28th day in SEPS....anyone else think this is RIDICULOUS??   My son was amazing enough to volunteer his service.....but they don't want him due to an old leg injury.....he failed no PT tests mind you, it was just sore one if they don't want him SEND HIM HOME!!!!!!!!1

  • xsubman

    SR arr GL less than 24hrs on the part of the anything to disclose SR felt it was necessary to mentioned fact that he was tx ADHD but been off meds for approximately 10mos prior to BC now being SEP was mentioned during recruiting process however no waiver was filed due to not being on meds and cleared thorough neurologist anyone with this similar experience and any positive outcome with possible appeal or reenlistment 

  • diannep

    So very sorry, xsubman.  I think the problem is that the recruiter did not file for a waiver for this.  I'm not sure the length of time he was off the meds is sufficient for the Navy either.  But then again, they do as they like!  The Navy is overmanned now and so they can be very selective.  Sadly, your story about waivers not being filed is a very common story on this site re: those being separated....he is entitled to have support from Legal up there, and if you want to be involved in the process, you need to tell him the next time he calls to sign the document that allows you contact with the powers that be up there.  Otherwise, they will only deal with your SR. 

    I'm so very very sorry....

  • xsubman

    just got to brief chat with son on internet just in case anyone trying i saw somewhere on here they can sometimes get email and such.

  • Carrie (sh 14 Div 104 PIR 3/14)

    How soon after your SR's went to ship 5 did you hear about it from them?  My SR has not sent a letter in 2 weeks and another mom in his group just posted 4 SRs were separated.  

  • xsubman

    Well if you are looking to move things along, I made contact with the Command Master Chief Matt Laing of RTC within 48hrs my son was in legal and talking to him, they had him call from legal he will be home Friday. Just saying. Good Luck.

  • xsubman

    Wow, talked to our son tonight, and 62 SR are coming home tomorrow. What an end to a emotional roller coaster for us. Finally closure to this ordeal. Anyway, thanks for the support and God Bless and good luck.   

  • xsubman

    Hi what that means is probably that she has been transferred to ship 5 and once there they are an indoctrination of ship 5 rules  and policy of unit which means she will then be able to phone home again shortly have to have that to call so sorry and good luck 

  • RuthB13

    Hi guys, my son was just transferred to ship 5 and I was wondering how long it takes for them to come home. He was told they need to graduate the recruits his group on 4/11 first before they would process him. Is this true. Do they really just let them sit
  • Kim (Cody's mom)

    The comments I'm reading are starting to worry me. I hope my son is not there for months.. He is being separated for migraines.
  • Jill downing-jones

    What are the odds after they graduate and go to ship 5 due to medical waiver that their medical waiver will be denied?  

  • HuntersMom

    My son was to graduate this Friday they pulled him from battlestations because they saw something on cat scan on his ear. So he appealed their decision to send him home. You would think they would have found this way before now. So he's waiting on appeal.
  • Camsproudmom

    Got the call last night that no parent wants to get they r sending my son home saying he is having panic attacks of anxiety with only a few min call hard to know what is going on. I have done some research & found that if your thyroid is not working properly it can give u the same symptoms as anxiety. Will have that checked ASAP once checkers home & if that is the case hoping hecmay be able to re-enlist.
  • Camsproudmom

    Huntersmom I have been following your post. I hope all works out for your son such a shame to get through the full process to have it taken away. I have a question do they have to appeal prior to being sent home? We have only had 1 very short call from our son so still in the dark on what is really going on or how to help him not make a uninformed choice.
  • HuntersMom

    Camsproudmom im really sorry to hear about your son I know the feeling. Yes they have to appeal it right away. My son appealed his the day after he found out. Has to go to legal dept. Ask for second opinion from a civilian dr. Of course every situation is different. Did he have anxiety issues before he went in? Low cortisol can cause anxiety too. That's what I have. Anxiety can be caused by many different things. Hugs
  • Camsproudmom

    Can anyone give me any help? My son has been in ship 5 since last tue we had 1 short call & I missed a call on wed & since then no other communication, we have no idea what is going on with him I am desperate for information. Anyone know who I can contact for any info at all?
  • xsubman

    boys call tue,thur and on sunday. calls are made from the px, and only if no trouble in compartment rules violation and such his first call was probably his i'm at ship 5 it is scripted and more than likely being monitored as he read from script next phone call was probably after his indoc into ship 5 longer call I believe now you will hopefully hear something on sunday we had some luck with facebook they can get on the internet but cost 5 bucks and got a few msg off that way on occasion but unfortunately it is not the best of place or enjoyable they are still considered recruits and treated accordingly as long as fit for travel wait time is approx 21days that is business days but every case is differen he now waits for legal will sign papers then couple business days will see travel and then be home shortly after travel 

  • Camsproudmom

    Xsubman, thak you so much for that information. I will hope to get a call tomorrow I hope it don't make a difference that it is Easter Sunday. Besides finding out how Nevis & what is going on we want to let him know we will be driving to Chicago to pick him up as I am sure they will be putting him on a bus & a 5 or 6 hour bus ride is the last thing he needs at this point. Again thank you for the information.
  • xsubman

    I'm sure it will all work out in the end, every case is different and or unique in its own way but their is probably a good chance the navy will fly him home, mine was flown home, so hang in there, and hopefully you'll hear from him soon

  • Camsproudmom

    Xsubman, I read that because he was under 180 days he would not be flown home. How is your son doing? I can't even begin to imagine how my son is feeling as the Navy is all he ever wanted to do & we have several Family members in the Navy including a commander. Wondering what u mean by it's not the best of places? I can understand not being enjoyable as the r still considered as recruits & I am sure treated as such.
  • MyKidIsInNavy

    When you are sent to Ship 5 for SEPS, it is well known that you are on your way home, many times not anything you intentionally did to cause it, but once there, the RDC's are not the nicest.  You will hear from other's their SR was told they are the worst ever, not meant for the Navy etc.  You will also hear stories about those who never wanted to join but went in and many mental issues and fighting among SR's.  It is not a happy place to be.  Write him and tell him to stay to himself and keep his mouth closed and away from everyone

  • HuntersMom

    I sure hope that's not true my son got pulled out at the end of battle stations he passed everything. He got pulled out over scar tissue in his ear from a old surgery! Treating them boys like that can really mess them up and if I do find out that's how they are treated don't think I won't file a complaint with my congressman. These boys can't help they are there.
  • xsubman

    Thanks mykid hit the nail on the head. The navy is responsible for returning our kids to their home of record. Now that being said at the convenience of government bus, train or airplane, but our son was there about 36hrs and was flown home, and though its been said, and he left that day with 62 kids none by bus. It's a slow process, but back to work at grocery store, and in the fall he will be starting back to school to complete is EMT, already has his firefighting card, and with some luck starting to take some civil service exams to pursue a career in the fire service. Was hard on him really was a goal, dream to serve in the Navy both I and my wife served in the Navy, so he was looking forward to serving.  His 180 days are up in August, and he now seems to be talking and leaning toward completing his waiver and returning to the Navy, but It has been hard on us, and will support his decision , however this new Navy and cutbacks, we are not understanding how they can just get rid of these young people for some of the craziest things I ever heard of, just deeply concerns us, and do we want to go through this again, but respect his decision and will support him, just wonder if that was a sign, and we should look down other avenues.

  • Camsproudmom

    I am with huntersmom if I find out my son was treated badly my congressman will know who I am on a first name base! If a kid is separated for a medical this is not anything they have control over & I would think that since the Navy is suppose to instill honor, courage & pride they should treat these young men & women with respect. I am now more worried about my son & his well being & hope I get a call Sunday.
  • MyKidIsInNavy

    I was not trying to upset anyone, but the questions were asked and I wanted to answer them the best I could.  Just tell your SR's to stay to themselves and keep their mouth's closed and all will be fine.  Keep in mind, Ship 5 is loaded with anyone and everyone being sent home, so it is a melting pot of personalities and attitudes and the process to get home will take between 21-37 days depending on the case and if they need to be declared FFT (fit for travel).  MOST do fly home, but again, you can make arrangements to meet them at the train station right outside the gate at RTC or at the aiport before they board their flights if you want to road trip.

  • Camsproudmom

    Mykidsinthensvy, I have been reading a lot of pld post in this group & I am now worried sick about my son seeings how he has been at ship 5 for over a week & I have nor been able to talk to him. I see some post that say if u call public affairs they will have your SR call back pretty fast wondering if this is true & if this is a call I should make?
  • MyKidIsInNavy

    Calling PAO will not really get you anywhere, I suggest you write to your SR and overnight the letter telling them to be sure to sign off the paperwork with legal to allow then to discuss the situation with you.  You can try calling Legal or Ship 5 Admin if this has already been done.  They will have chances to call you and also check emails and facebook too IF they have money to do so.  Try not to worry, remember, they are adults and strong people.

  • Camsproudmom

    Mykidsinthenavy I was told they allowed to call tue, thur & Sundays so I am hoping I will get a call tomorrow. If nit I will overnight a letter first thing Monday & also call legal & admin. I know he has a phone card & did have money when he left for bc not sure now. I did mail him out a letter a few days ago to ship 5 soon as I learned he was moved however I did not know to tell him to sign papers at that time.
  • Camsproudmom

    I have been reading a lot of past post. Is it true they will come home in a sweat suit & they have to pay for the uniforms after they r home if their pay did not cover them? I would think if they have to pay for them they should be able to keep them I don't understand having to pay for something u never used nor that u don't get to keep.
  • xsubman

    Yes they will travel in there pt gear/sweats yes they will pay for the things they were given not sure how long your son was there, mine was Feb 13 issued all the cold weather gear was about 700 bucks still get paid up to singing of paper work so he broke about even got 23 bucks back on his first and only payday now less weather gear i hear runs around 500 bucks and everyone in bootcamp is payed E1 about maybe 50 bucks a day give or take pending taxes now again every case is different and yes because of being over loaded with SR the navy is recycling alot of things my son had to return his boots and the digital BDU  but not being charged for them 

  • Camsproudmom

    My son went in on April 8th. Seems every unfair they have to pay for the stuff & have to give it back.
  • HuntersMom

    My Son Got a E-8, So that is good right? Does that mean he can reinlist? I just wanted to make sure. It doesn't seem fair that they are sent home just in a sweatsuit after paying for all those uniforms. Looks like they could at least keep one. Just my opinion.. 

  • diannep

    HuntersMom:  Looks like he cannot re enlist without a waiver.  Here is the link to the discharge codes:

    Hoping that he is able to get that waiver and re enlist!