Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

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  • Christina

    @chippersmom, my prayers are with you and your child. I still wait for when my son gets to come home, I'm not sure where he will be emotionally but I know that all of us as mom's want only the best for our children. I will pray that you child finds peace in what happened and that you find peace to be able to help him.
  • LoriM

    Please use this site if you have SR in Ship 5.  I would love to think there is nobody in Ship 5.  Please ask questions if you have any.  If you do not want my response just put that at the end of your question.  I am sorry if I offended anyone I was just trying nto be as honest and open so that people can have information that only those of us that have gone through know the real answers.  I want to help and inform,, the more you all know the more you can be of great support for you SR's.

  • mishka422

    I'm hoping for some guidance and help.  My son had PIR on 10-3-14.  He had called the night before we left for PIR to tell us he was being put on a medical hold for 2 weeks but he didn't know why.  We went to PIR and he had liberty all weekend.  All seemed ok.  He went to medical that first week, they checked him over and sent him back to the THU.  He's been standing watch and escorting recruits.  This morning he had another appointment at medical and they informed him he was being medically separated because of some information in his pediatric medical file that we had been advised wasn't pertinent.  He ADHD when he was younger but outgrew it and hadn't been medicated for the last several years.  

    He is totally devastated.  This was what he wanted to do with his life more than anything.  Why let him graduate only to yank his successes away over something so far in the past that doesn't have any effect on him now?  He was told he can apply for a  medical waiver but he isn't sure how long that might take or if it would be successful.  They said he could come home and apply for the medical waiver.

    Does anyone have any experience with this?  Would it be better for him to stay there and fight than to come home and attempt it?  I need to give him some advice ASAP but I have no idea what to tell him!


  • LoriM

    Hi mishka422,,, tell him to try and get the medical waiver while there if he can.  He will get paid while there and he will not have to repeat boot camp if he gets it handled there.  If he comes home he will have to get the waiver and start all over.  If this is what he really wants tell him to fight.  Tell him don't give up,,, took my daughter a year and a half to get waivered the first time.  She went to boot got very sick and a fracture in her foot and was unable to pass her run.  She came home to get better and she had to wait 6 months before she could even begin to get waiver to go back.  Then started the process all over again.  If he can keep his spirits up,, fight it there,,, a lot faster even if it takes a month or two.  Also maybe if goes home easily they don't have to worry about him.  If he really wants it,, and fights they will see he really wants it!  I am here if you need me.  Prayers!

  • mishka422

    Thank you LoriM!  I will tell him as soon as he gets in touch with me again.  It was heavenly having contact with him (even though it was just through Facebook Messenger) every evening but, from what I hear, Ship 5 is like prison.  Is that true?

  • mishka422

    My son just called me and he sounds so defeated.  I've never heard him this sad.  I told him that if he wants to fight this and try to get the medical waiver that he should stay there and fight and not come home yet but he just kept saying he just wants to come home.  I asked him not to sign anything or agree to anything until he really thinks this over.

    Are there any sort of advocates there on base he could request to talk to that might be more clear about laying out his options?  He feels like he is being beat over the head with information but none of it seems complete.  He's just so sad and overwhelmed.  To make it all the way through PIR and then run into a problem is just devastating.

  • LoriM

    He can talk to the Chaplain,,, they also have legal he can talk to ....Does he have a separations code yet that they want use?  I sent you a pm with my number,,, you can use that for faster answers,,,  my daughter did not think ship 5 was bad,,, it is just sad at that time knowing the dream can be gone,, if they don't fight,,,, nobody is mean....

  • mishka422

    My son sent his dad a facebook message and said he was coming home this Wednesday (tomorrow) but that was it.  No info about how, when, etc.  We both work.  I have no idea how he is going to get home from the airport, bus station, whatever.  I swear, I just want him home in my arms.

  • mishka422

    My son is home.  He has a code RE-8 on his discharge form which is what we expected to see.  He is glad to be home but anxious to try to move forward with getting a waiver to get back in.  I hope to God he gets it because this is all he wants in his life.  He is determined to serve.  I hope he still can.

  • LoriM

    mishka422   Prayers and hugs to you all.  He will find his way to get back there.  He sounds very determined!  Talk with his recruiter, if they do not make a plan of action to help him with a plan of action, look for another recruiter that will.  He will do it!!!!  I am here if you need me.

  • zaipai

    My son called just after being at boot camp for 1 day.  He was honest about taking ADHD meds, even after his recruiter told him not to disclose.  He was happy that he made the decision to be honest.  They put him through 4 medical evaluations, he passed them all.  He was made guidon of his division and then got the RPoc position this past Monday.  He called yesterday to say that he had been sent to Ship 5.  He wants to fight it.  Is there any chance that he can get the waivers he needs while he is there and rejoin a division. 

  • LoriM

    he will be advised if he has a choice to stay and try and get a waiver there,,,   since he is so early in boot,, I would try to stay for a bit,, but if not come home and get the necessary waiver and go back,,, if he stays,, he gets paid and will not have to have a 6 month waiting period like if he comes home.  About rejoining his Div,,, unless the waiver gets done in  like 5 days he will not be put back with that Div..the other part about staying or fighting from home,, if he stays and fights he probably will not get a PIR he would just be shipped to a school after he finishes,, if he comes home it will start all over with a PIR.. there is so much to look at,,, 

  • LoriM

    Yes you can,,, your SR will send you their address when they write.    I just realized how old this question was,,, how are things going creolegoddess?

  • Stef

     I just joined this group, didn't know it existed. My son got to boot a week ago, and Monday we got a phone call that he was being discharged for medical reasons. It's all still fuzzy on what's going on. But it looks like he was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. He said he would be coming home in 10-20 days, plans to do what he needs to in order to get a waiver and go back in 6 months. I feel so frustrated for him, not at him, but for him. He sounds so down. He also has ADHD, but hasn't had the medication in over a year, so I'm wondering if that's got something to do with it as well... /=

  • LoriM

    I am sure it does have something to do with it.  He can get the waiver and go back.  There are a lot of people who do not want to get their dream taken away and they DO go back.  He will get there.. If I can answer any questions please ask.  My daughter came home,,, got a waiver and went back..

  • sara

    My daughter was sent to Ship 5.  Anyone else active in this group?

  • Hank'sMOM

    I am......My son was sent to Ship 5 on Wednesday.  We are devastated!!  He was a week and a half away from PIR.......all of the plans were made to attend his proud!!  We have been on "pins and needles" throughout though, because at the Moment of Truth he admitted to ADHD as a child.  He had been told by recruiter not to disclose this information.  He called the day after he arrived at Boot Camp for the names/etc. of the physicians he saw....that was when he was about 12, in middle school, and has had no medication/treatment since....he is 21 now.  They moved him, saying he had "multiple diagnoses" after the last report came in......I have not seen the records.  When I talked with Legal yesterday, the LN1 I talked with says he "sees it all the time."  That is such crap....that the Navy lets this happen to our young men and women, who just want to serve our country.  I don't know what my son will do.  He says that Ship 5 is like being in a "prison with pay."  Does anyone know how many appeal, and if anyone wins?  My son said that a RDC told him that he has only seen 6 return in the year he has been there.

  • sara

    I am so very sorry.  We are devastated as well.  I messaged you. 

  • sara

    Its one thing when you are worried about  your child doing something they have wanted for so long and trying there best to do but when you know that it will no longer come true and they are stuck there in misery is hell. 

  • Hank'sMOM

    Yes, stuck there in misery, with all their hopes/dreams/plans shattered!  Sara - can't figure out where your message is?

  • LoriM

    HI,,, I am a mom of a recruit that went this road.  As hard as it is,, we need to stay positive for them.  Ship 5 is not bad,, they are just so heart broken they feel so down.  Tell them if this is their dream come home get their waiver and go back!!!  My daughter did.  He only saw a few because not many have the fortitude to go back through boot camp so they don't try.  Prayers and hugs keep positive for them!!!

  • Hank'sMOM

    Thank you, LoriM.  I told my son that I will support any decision he makes.  I will go to "the ends of the earth" to help him if he wants to appeal.  I will also go to "the ends of the earth" to help him get home and find his path.

  • Hank'sMOM

    I really did wonder if the RDC didn't see many come back because there are not many who fight.  I am going to ask my son if he meets many on Ship 5 who are appealing, and how long they have been there.  From what I have read, the statistics of winning an appeal or re-enlisting are slim.

  • LoriM

    Winning the appeal looks slim because not many go for it. Some do not qualify to fight and some just give up.(not saying that in a negative way). My daughter was told she was the first in like 8 years to come back,,, she was all the way through boot and had to come home ,, wait 6 months and applied for her waiver,, ,there was no fight, she got it,, and went back and kicked butt. Encourage them if they qualify to get a waiver to follow their dream... I am here,,, hugs and prayers for you. The other thing my daughter saw on ship 5 was people who did not really want to be there after they saw the amount of work it takes,,, they were very negative,,, and that bothered her...

  • sara

    Do qualify to fight if they diagnosed you with depression.  I believe RE4?

  • Nicole

    My son called this morning and said he was sent to the psych unit for having a break down and will not see the doctor until tuesday as monday is a holiday.  So will my son be sent to ship five after that? What is the process? I have not talked to anyone but him so I am not sure what is going on. 

  • sara


    It happened to my daughter early on.  She is in ship 5.  She was at the hospital as well.  They diagnosed her with depression. She will be coming home hopefully the week of January 26th. Im sorry for you and your son, hopefully they will not diagnose him with some type of mental diagnosis RE4, as I just found out they can never re-enlist even with a waiver. This has been a nightmare for all of us.  If there is anything I can do or questions I may be able to answer that we have gone through so far Im here

  • Nicole

    Thank you Sara, 

      it is difficult being in limbo not knowing what exactly is going on or what to plan. My son has never had any issues whatsoever and has always been an overachiever, going in as a Navy Nuke.  I think the homesickness overcame him. Just kind of scary not knowing what's happening

  • sara

    I think that was what happened with my daughter as well and then just escalated.  How old is your son?  My daughter is 18.  She was going to be an IS.   My daughter was aloud to call me from the hospital for pretty lengthy calls. She waited awhile because she said she was embarrassed, I think trying to take it in all herself.  Im sure he will call you soon. 

  • Hank'sMOM

    JimG - can they stay and appeal any re-enlistment code that they are given?  Or do some codes not allow them any option but to come home.  I talked to my son just now, and he is talking about "fighting it."  He meets with legal on Wednesday.  He was 1 1/2 weeks from PIR, and was sent to Ship 5 due to a medical record when he was 12 years old (ADHD and possibly another diagnosis, I don't know what the MD had in the record).  He was passing everything in Boot Camp, was the education petty officer and in charge of the bathrooms for his division.  It is so devastating!

  • Hank'sMOM

    So sorry Nicole.  I think this the most stressful time of my life, and I know it is for you, as well.  I hope you hear something soon.  I think they have to let you know if they get moved to Ship 5.

  • Nicole

    Thank you Sara and Hank's MOM...your empathy is much appreciated! My son called from the hospital a couple of times. He is very beaten down and emotional. It seems to be just getting worse. He is recently turned 19. He's never been away from home and I have always been extremely close with my kids. So he is struggling a lot. Sara how long has your daughter been in Ship 5? I'm just wondering the average on a timetable for being there to time they are discharged. As his emotional state is not good.

  • Nicole

    Hank's your son or daughter also at Ship 5? So sorry for the stress you are feeling...I know all too well what you mean. Are there only certain days that SRs are moved to Ship 5?

  • LoriM

    Encourages them to go to church services... this will help them a lot!  My daughter went to all sessions to comfort herself.  Hank's MOM,,, they can appeal if they are informed,, some will have the option to appeal while staying others will come home and wait the 6 months.  Some codes can not re-enlist at all.  If you have the correct code,, they are listed above on this page.  SR's can be moved at any time.  From the time they meet with legal until they actually get home if that is what is happening,, could be 3 to 6 weeks.... PLEASE encourage them to go to church services..

  • Hank'sMOM

    Yes, my 21 year old son is on Ship 5, and has been since Wednesday.  Read back on comment wall, page 3, for our story.

  • Nicole

    What is acceptable to send to your son/daughter while on Ship 5? Are books acceptable or is it the same as in bc...just what fits in a standard envelope?

  • sara

    Just what can fit in a standard envelope.  I wanted to send books,  They said no packages. 

  • sara


    Why did you daughter go home the first time?

  • Hank'sMOM

    Sara - did you ask at Ship 5 about the mail?  I wonder if a large envelope, like an overnight envelope would be OK.  My son received Christmas cards from my nephew's 5th grade class, which I figure were in a large envelope.  I don't want him to get in trouble!!

  • sara

    I'm not really sure. I would ask him first just in case
  • LoriM

    Daughter came home the first time due to her run,, she had a lower respiratory infection the first 3 weeks(recruit crud) and then had a issue with her foot. She also was only 2 days away from PIR,,,,So she never got back to passing the run.  She was there a total of 91 days!  She came home,, went right to her recruiter and said I want to go back,,,during the 6 months she ran and ran a lot!  Got her waiver and went back and kicked butt.  She graduated as a Honor Recruit,, there are usually only about 8 out of over 800 people!

  • LoriM

    As far as mail goes,,, anything that can fit in a legal white envelope is fine. Not manilla,, white envelopes that are a little longer than a standard white envelope.  You can not send the whole book but you can send a few pages at a time.   I sent crossword puzzles printed off my printer for them to work on together.

  • Hank'sMOM

    Thank you for the mail info, LoriM.  Also, the story about your daughter definitely shows perseverence!!  I know you are proud of her!!

    How are you today, Sara and Nicole?

  • Nicole

    Hank's mom,

      just waiting for my son to see the doctor tomorrow. He has called several times from the hospital and has had a few friends call him there. He is always more upbeat talking to his friends, but his emotions show a lot more when he speaks to me. He is just anxious to get the process going and not prolong his wait. So time is moving slowly , I  just keep giving him positive input and prayers. How are things for you?

  • sara

    Hi Hanksmom,

    Im doing good today.  Her from my daughter today and she is sounding much better day by day.  How are you and how is your son?  Did you make any decisions yet? 

    Hi LoriM.

    Your daugther's story is amazing.  Good for her!!! Unfortunately with my daughters code she will not be able to ever re-enlist.  At this point I know she is okay with it, I just hope it doesn't bother her down the road. 

  • Hank'sMOM

    Talked a few minutes to my son yesterday.  He wanted to make sure that I had gotten our airline tickets taken care of (got a paper travel voucher good for the amount for 1 year), wanted his girlfriend's phone number since he was at recruit heaven, wanted the application for the community college he is interested in attending for an Associate in Fine Arts in Drama, and wanted all the NFL play off scores sent to him.  He sounded better, and told us he is still thinking about fighting.  Now, I am worried about what code he will be given!  I have some questions for Legal about the whole process, and am going to call tomorrow to get the answers.  I want to be fully informed and ready for the call after his meeting with Legal on Wednesday.  Still can't believe this is happening.  How can it be that he does fine at Boot Camp and gets sent out for a "diagnosis-happy" psychiatrist he saw at age 12.  He also had records from a counselor and another psychiatrist that did not disqualify him!!  I think about it every minute of everyday....even dream about it at night (or should I say have nightmares!).

    As hard as it is, we have to try our best to be positive and supportive (even if we want to scream!).  I'm sending positive vibes your way.

  • sara

    Hanks mom,

    I never actually got to speak with legal after their meeting.... She said he was going to call me the next morning but he never did.  I tried and tried even left messages but he never got back to me........   She told me she signed the waiver for them to talk to me too.  Im hoping your son does not get an RE4.  He has gone too far and deserves this.  Just remember whatever is meant to be will be.  Its for a reason.  Hang in there : )  Its pretty good he is already making plans if this doesn't work out. 

  • Hank'sMOM

    Well, I've got the day off Wednesday to be available.  I am going to call all day tomorrow to get my questions answered including whether I wll get to speak with someone on Wednesday.  I hope he does not get an RE4 either, but I am worried about these "multiple diagnoses"???  I wish I could drive to this psychiatrist and the get the records, but I would need hs signature!!  I am proud of him for saying a one point he wants to fight and at another point he is looking at his options.  I cannot change anything, so I just have to wait, accept, and move on!

  • sara

    Do you know what any of the diagnoses are?  That is true too.  If a child goes through a stage of hyperactivity and a mother wants to have it checked out the script would say to check for ADHD which could lead from one thing to another if the person entering things into the computer were not careful.  I work for a therapy department, PT, OT, ST we specialize in pediatric OT.  Even when the patient is not ADHD when we put in into the computer to register we have to put the ADHD code in even if they find the child is not. 

  • sara

    Since all of this, I am actually scared and am going to talk to our hospital regarding this situation.  It could ruin a lot of hopes and dreams just by the diagnosis codes we enter.  Once the evaluation is complete it would say whether or not they actually thought the child is ADHD but that code never goes away and is never changed.  Its part of the record but yet the evaluation would say differently.  You might really want to check into that or have your son sign a release of authorization form and you would be able to get his records for that particular doctor.