Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • sara

  • Hank'sMOM

    Thank you Heidi and Sara for the kind and supportive words.  I need them.

  • Heidimom

    ...And thank you, sara. And Hank'sMom. And Rose R for administrating this site. I have found so much great info and a while lotta support.

    And zaipai and  nicole......and all others who contribute over the course of time. Past and present. What an incredible support system.

    My heart, each prayer,  my every tear has your name upon it.


  • Nicole

    Hank'sMOM, Heidimom....I'm so sorry you are both having such a hard time right now...I am saying prayers for your sons and all our kids there. One day we will all look back and see how this time helped shape our children into better people...but for now it's nice to have each other to lean on. To get through these dark times. Thanks to each of you for your support and sharing your stories. It helps me to know I'm not the only one feeling like I do ....

  • Hank'sMOM

    Gosh, I can't stop crying today.  At the request of my brother, I opened a Congratulations card that they sent for my son, in order to remove the gift card (and dispose of the card).  They said, "We all know you will make a fine Navy man."  What a shattering of dreams!  I am sending back all of the items I ordered for our trip to Chicago, including the USS Arizona Challenge Coin I ordered for my son.  What a hard reality!  When I talked to him last night, he said he had ordered me $400 of pictures in his dress uniform....I will never see them.  I guess I am just mourning what my son was to be.  Today is my daughter's 18th birthday, and I should be happy and celebrating with her......get this dark cloud off of me!!

  • sara


    When was your son's PIR supposed to be? 

    As we keep telling our children to be strong as do we.  Life will go on and one day we will see this happened for a reason.  I got my first letter from my daughter today.  She said she feels like a failure and everyday there is a constant reminder.  We will get them home safe and they will find their way.  Today, you HAVE to pull yourself together to celebrate your daughters birthday.  Tomorrow you can concentrate on this, there is nothing we can do right now.  CHIN UP ; ) 

    I am in the process of painting my daughters room, its keeping my sanity and I am trying to make it bright and cheery for when she gets home.  I even went on line to find the most non-depressive paint color!!! LOL.

  • Hank'sMOM

    He was supposed to PIR yesterday, and we were to be spending the day with him at the airport today, before he shipped to A school.  I'm sure that has something to do with my mood.  That is so sweet for you to paint her room.....what is the most non-depressive color?  I need to go hang out with it!  Thanks for your words of one understands.

  • sara

    I am soooo sorry..........How long has he been there?  Was he there for Christmas?  My heart goes out to both of you.   Its just so sad.  I honestly cannot believe they would do that so close to graduation.  Its not fair. 

    Last night on the news I was watching one of the mother's begging for her sons life...........I actually felt relieved my child is coming home. 

    Believe it or not they so light blues and greens!! LOL.  They also said a soft white with a hint of yellow!!  I'm bathing in it right now!~!LOL - not purposely. I have more on me than the walls. 

    Are you do anything special for your daughter?  I know you has said you would be at the airport today.  Was she going to come?  Maybe you should get the 2 of you out for awhile to get your mind of this. 

  • Hank'sMOM

    He left 2 days before he was gone for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.  Yes, my daughter and I had a big Chicago trip planned - seeing the city and then ending up in Great Lakes with my son.  The first time my daughter was ever to be on a plane!

    My daughter is a social butterfly, so needless to say, she is already off to lunch with friends, and then will be going out again tonight with friends.  I am just glad that her friends are pulling through for her.  She is the one who always goes out of her way for their birthdays.

    I need to get out of here and do something.....

    So, what color are the walls?

  • sara

    Wow.... He's been there since November.....  I'm so sorry.....If I lived closer I would take you ; ) 

    My daughter is just the opposite.  Shes more of home body.  I hoping this changes when she comes home.  She needs to break out of her shell.  Im assuming that's where the panic attack came in.  She's never had one before.  Shes shy at first but once you get her talking she doesn't shut up.  She is the opposite of my other two, I couldn't keep them home!! .  My oldest is an RN and my middle daughter is a Vet technician.    

    I went with the white with the hint of yellow!! I figured she wont want to see anything blue for quite some time!! 

    I was expecting to hear from her today, but so far nothing... Im hoping she will have some idea of the way they will be sending her home.  I found a direct flight from Chicago to hear that day but its at 1:25. They told if I did book her a flight not to do it before 2......

  • sara

    Sorry about the typos..... take you to get you out ; ) 

  • Hank'sMOM

    Thanks for that.

    Wow, you are right about the blue!!  She needs a fresh start. 

    Hope you hear from her today....

  • Nicole

    Do they get phone calls on Sunday? I haven't heard from my son since he got there Tuesday, and I'm getting worried.

  • sara

    I don't think they get p[hone calls on Sunday but Im not sure about the males,  I don't think the females do.  I got a call yesterday while she was at recruit heaven.  Maybe tomorrow, I know they can call you from legal. 

  • Hank'sMOM

    I did get a call last Sunday from my son when he was at Recruit Heaven, and then he called Friday night and said that he had a 45 minute phone call.  I don't see any "rhyme or reason" to it.  You can call Legal and talk with them, and they can have him call you.

  • NukeWife

    Hi all, I'm new here and have a few questions. I have a wife at RTC right now. she had a medical waiver in review but they told her to keep going with boot camp while she waits for it. she went through battle stations 21 last week (after having been in FIT Ship 4 for 2 weeks) and I got the "I'm a Sailor" call last Thursday. She was in THU for the weekend for a medical hold. she just called to tell me today that she's been moved to SEPS because her waiver was denied. I am so lost and confused. I could've sworn she was a sailor but what happens now that she's been moved and the waiver denied? can she appeal it? how long would that take? she's been there for 11 weeks already. and if not, how long will she be in SEPS for?
    any info would help. thank you so much
  • Hank'sMOM

    I will try my best to help from my experience and from what I have read.  There are not many of us on here, and most of us are in the same "boat" as you.  When my son got moved there, I called and talked to Legal about the process.  My son was moved there on Wednesday 1/14/15.  The first step is to have a meeting with son's didn't happen until the next Wednesday 1/21/15 (there was a holiday in there).  At that meeting there are give a reason for separation, a re-enlistment code (see above for details), and read their rights.  They have a right to meet with a JAG lawyer free of charge, and they can appeal.  From what I have ready the appeal can take a long time (weeks to months), and they can still be denied.  My son was to meet with the lawyer today 1/26/15, but I have a feeling it did not happen, as he didn't call me.  He seems to call me from Legal each time he is there.  So, he will have been there 2 weeks this Wednesday.  Everyone's story is different.  The most important thing is what re-enlistment code she might not allow re-enlistment or it might allow her to re-enlist with waivers after 6 months (but she did already have one...from MEPS?).  It seems that once they opt to go home (ie. they are not appealing), it takes at least a week before travel arrangements are made.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your go through BS21 and get the "I'm a sailor" call and now this!!  It is a very stressful and upsetting situation, while trying to figure out the system.  If I can answer any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.  There are a few of us on here that can be of support.

  • NukeWife

    HanksMom, thanks for the information. it's very helpful. she had a waiver that was accepted during MEPS and that's why she was able to ship off to boot. then in the middle of boot they requested another one. I figured that since the first one was accepted, this second one would be also. they told her while she waits she should complete boot camp which she did. she's hit so many road blocks already with having been sent to FIT and when I got the call this morning, she sounded tired of it all. it was sad to hear. she sounded defeated.
    I guess my next few questions are the phone call situation. when should I expect one again? and if she chooses to separate, how long will the whol process take?
    sorry for writing so much and thanks for listening. I could really use all the support you're willing to give.
  • Nicole

    Hi NukeWife...I don't have much info but my son is as SEPS and arrived there on January 20th. He just got to go see legal today and they said his paperwork would most likely be back between wednesday and friday and a departure date would be around a week after those papers get back. I think it is a little different for everyone. As for phone calls, I know that most people have received phone calls but I did not except for when he arrived at SEPS and one today after I had called Legal to have him call me back. One individual in their unit had done something so the whole unit was denied NEX privelages from what I understand. So I think the phone call thing really varies. Good luck to you and your wife, I hope everything works out well for you

  • Heidimom

    I agree with Nicole. There seems to not seem to be an ability to know any real specifics. 

  • Heidimom

    Oops. Sent to early. As a husband, you are in a tough position. There is a lot of information on this site. There is also a Navy for Dad's site. The Navy itself has a site that gives a lot of info and numbers.

    Best wishes to you and your wife.

  • NukeWife

    it seems I have a very interesting situation. I'm hoping I get to talk to her before she makes any decisions. ultimately I will support any decision she makes be it try to appeal or separate and try to re-enlist at a later date.
    is there anything her recruiter can do in this situation? or would contacting him be a dead end?
  • Heidimom

    NukeWife,  you are probably not in a "unique situation," however, I suspect that there is only limited info for you. In order for you to get any info, your wife must sign releases for you to every single person or entity. 

    The number for Administrative for Ship 5 is:

    847-688-7444. I believe the exiension is: 456. The one time I called, they were very understanding and helpful.

    Praying for answers and peace for you and your family.

  • Heidimom

    Oh, as for recruiter: nothing s/he can do now. Later, that depends on how trustworthy. Some SRs have used the same one, others have done due diligence and found one willing to go the extra mile.

  • NukeWife

    thanks all for the info. I called the number and got to speak to her before she made any decisions. it looks like she's going to try to appeal. she doesn't want to give up and I respect that. does anyone have any information on the appeals process? how long it takes and perhaps the chances?
  • Hank'sMOM

    I think every situation is so different.  NukeWife - did she have her Legal briefing, with a re-enlistment code provided?  She then has the right to meet with a JAG lawyer who will make recommendations about her case (whether to appeal, etc.).  My son met with the JAG lawyer yesterday, and is not appealing to go back to training, as he will not win.  He is appealing to have his re-enlistment code changed to give him a re-enlistment code with better chances of re-enlisting in the future.  He says it will take 3-4 weeks.

  • NukeWife

    she said she's going to meet with legal Monday. i guess it takes time from when she first arrived to get her case sorted and be able to go to her legal briefing. what would a good re-enlistment code be vs one that isn't so good?
  • Hank'sMOM

    Did you get an answer, NukeWife?  She probably met with legal did it go?  I know that RE3 is good, RE4 is not.  My son got RE8 and is appealing to get an RE3, so he has a better chance of reenlisting.

  • Heidimom


    Please go to Facebook and look me up: Heidi Linda River.

    Private message me and I will give you some important information that might help you and yours.

    If and only if you feel safe, of course.

    Blessings and prayers prayed.

  • NukeWife

  • NukeWife

    Hank'smom- she said she went to legal on Friday and got her code which is RE8 which from the looks of it doesn't sound too good. Can you give me more insight as to why it's not? and she was suppose to meet with the lawyer today but because of snow they weren't allowed to leave the compartment. I'm assuming that gets moved to Wednesday now?

    Heidimom - I will search for you. I will take all the support I can get to help her out. Sometimes I feel so helpless being here so far away. Thank you so much.
  • Heidimom

    Hank'sMom and NukeWife,

    If You have not already, you need to consider joining FB: SHIP5 SEPS. These folks are a wealth of info and community and support. ONLY one RE 03 is good. (.For all intents and purposes, RE 08 is the better. )The rest are bad.

    * Did your loved one DEMAND an attorney? If they do, the Navy must immediately supply a civilian one....

    This site is good, you need to look for info. Same with SHIP 5 SEPS. The FB  sure just seems to have a bit more support system built in.

  • Heidimom

    Clarification: One thing you need to do is look above and go into the code chart. Look up exactly which RE code your loved one has received. 

    Go to the BUPERS INSTRUCTION 1900.8C and that will give you more info as to whether the code is "good" or "bad."

  • Heidimom

    OK, more clarification. someone just sent a question as to whether the Navy actually does supply the lawyer. I had incorrect info - actually, I totally misunderstood some info that I read. The navy does not pay for a civilian lawyer.

  • Hank'sMOM

    My son met with the JAG lawyer (a lawyer that represents the recruit rather than the Navy - they are knowledgeable of military law - I understand that some are military members and some can be civilians - this is free of charge) a week ago Monday, and called me last Tuesday.  He was given an RE8 (fraudulent enlistment), and is appealing to get an RE3 (erroneous enlistment).  That is what the lawyer advised.  I am assuming that is the best code to get. 

    Thank you for the information Heidimom.....I am going to join that Facebook page if I can find it.

  • Heidimom

    Yup, I believe that is exactly what is happening with my son. Prayers and best wishes for you and him. probably see you on SHIP5 SEPS on FB!

  • Hank'sMOM

    yoloJan - I've been wondering the same thing.  I think that I have asked to join several times throughout our ordeal, and nothing happens!  Anyone out there about you, Heidimom??

  • Hank'sMOM sorry to hear about your son. is a heart wrenching experience!!  We're here to support you!!

  • Heidimom

    Oh, sorry. It just takes a day or two to get approved. There really is no "process"

  • Heidimom

    Oops. I deleted a post. The FB site is very active. I have found incredible support there. From tears to cheers!

  • Heidimom

    Hmmmm. I just noticed that Hank'sMom is having an issue. If you are having an issue, try going right to Moira Glavin and message her. Jan, it looks like you made it?

  • Heidimom

    Hank'sMom, Moira Glavin said to send her a private message in her personal FB page.  She is the administrator for the FB SHIP 5 SEPS.

  • Lorena

    My daughter was sent here,for depression and anxiety,she has never had that before, and she just called me to let me know,, that she is being discharged as an Re4 and she is very upset...cause Navy is all she has talked about for there anything that can be done?? Help me understand
  • Nicole

    Lorena, my son was sent to ship five for anxiety as well. He was discharged with an RE3. As I understand, once they are sent there, there is not a lot to be done unless it is something they choose to fight to stay in, which could be a long process. The strain of being away from home and in the structure of the military can be quite a shock for some of them, even if it is something they really wanted, reality of the situation can be a lot to handle. Hoping the best for you and your daughter

  • sara


    The same exact thing happened to my daughter.  She finally got home January 28th.  It was one of the most difficult things I/we have ever gone through.  She is home now and things are well.  My prayers are with you. It was very difficult but know it all does work out in the end and she will be fine. 

  • Claudia

    Hello everyone!
    I'm new in this group I got a call from my daughter telling me that she did not pass her Running test she is been having pain on her leg and now she said it hurst a lot when she trys to walk so this morning was her last chance to pass she sound sad I just want her to come back home and to recover because she keeps saying that she would like to try it again
  • mnmbook

    My bf did not pass the running test in time for graduation. He will have battlestations soon. He told me he is going to be put on hold after that until they arrange his flight and whatever else for him to go to A school. He told me i can visit him, but i am not sure how to go about with this. Anyone else knows of any information that could apply to my case. Not sure where to go or who to speak. I want to see him : (

  • diannep

    mnmbook:  So he has now passed his final PFA (fitness test)?  I assume so since you said he is going to do BattleStations now.  Normally they have a brief Liberty after PIR before heading to A School, from what I have heard, but he won't be able to tell you how long of Liberty he has probably until he calls after BattleStations.  The info will have to come from him.  Hoping that he has enough time for you to visit him before he heads to A School.....but if not, hope you can visit him at A School!

  • diannep

    *Correction to my post below:

    Normally they have a brief Liberty after BATTLESTATIONS before heading to A School.  They will not have a PIR once they miss their own.



    I'm thrilled I stumbled upon this group.  Our son graduated boot camp April 3, 2015.  Throughout BC they were minoring his iron and hematocrit levels. They got his iron up, but his hematocrit remained at 39.8.  For Nukes they want it at 40. He was cleared for A school at BC with a doctors note.  However, they did not let him ship out.  They are waiting on a medical waiver.  Has anyone else experienced this situation? Does anyone now how long it takes to get the medical waiver? Any and all information regarding this process is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!