Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • IowaMom

    My son arrived at boot camp on Friday after delayed flights due to weather. Today I received a call from him needing medical information from our medical doctor. He has a history of anxiety, has been off his medication and doing well but has had panic attacks since being there. I have no other information. Is there a way to find anything out or just wait for a phone call from him?
  • Cowboyskitty

    I need your insight and support. My Boyfriend was sent to SEPS and upon receiving his phone calls etc.. He had planned on us moving in together and suddenly after he gets home he isn't speaking to me and I don't know if I need to go over and see him to make sure he is ok etc.. I don't want to seem pushy etc or to seem unsympathetic to his issues.  I am not sure what exactly is going on. Any help would be great.

  • TreeHugger

    So I found out today that my son, in week 2 has torn a pectoral muscle and is being sent home within 2 weeks.    I am expecting a call from him this weekend but am trying to figure out the process and was told by another group to join this group.    I'm being told that my son should contact legal and authorize them to talk to me.    This sounds pretty harsh when I'm concerned about his health.   I'm just trying to find out the process for going back to BC after recuping from an injury.   Can anyone help with that? 

  • TreeHugger

    I sent a request to join the group on facebook but haven't been accepted.   Does anyone know if they will receive proper medical treatment there?    I have been told that his pectoral muscle is not torn, it's completely removed from the bone, but they are only stating he needs rest.   Everything that I have read indicates surgery.

  • TreeHugger

    No opportunities for a second medical opinion?

  • TreeHugger

    There are a number of broken links on this page, I have to say it's not helpful.    I'm simply trying to find out what kind of medical coverage he has while he is there, as of today, and can't find this anywhere in these links.   

  • Vivi

    Hi, anyone got a sailor in THU? Also, does anyone know know the address for writing to sailors in THU? TIA!
  • gej

    My Sailor graduated bootcamp but is being held in THU because of an anit anxiety medication he took as a kid 14 years ago. The anti anxiety medication was perscribed to counter act the side effects of another medication NOT because he was ever diagnosed with anxieranxiety but still the Navy is telling him he will not get a waiver (he has only been told this verbally).

    I hold power of attourney for him, I have written the senator and congressman but also plan on calling. I have tried reaching his childhood doctor but have not recieved a response.

    Any other suggestions at this time?
  • brendap

    OMG...reading some of this is really scaring son just called tonight to let me know he may be going home due to a medical discharge for his shoulder...he said about 10 days and now people are talking about a month or so? True? Also talking about legal and waivers? He is only 18 and no clue to these things yet.When does he get to call again? When does he get mail? Does anyone know?

  • diannep

    brendap:  Calls from your SR could be random.....when he calls again, tell him to sign whatever he needs to in order to allow you to get info if needed (otherwise they only deal with the SR).  He should have a thorough medical evaluation to determine definitely if he will be "held" to heal or discharged.  Lots of prayers right now for you and him....this time of not knowing I know is so hard.  And, yes, if he is being separated, he will be talking to Legal to understand his options, etc.  Depending on the reason for discharge, some choose to stay and fight the decision, which could be a very long process.  Hoping someone else on this group will give you more specific info soon.  This group isn't too active but hopefully someone who has been in your position can post soon!

  • brendap

    Thank you all 

  • brendap

    I forgot about this site...happy to have found it again. I have read some comments and some of my questions have been answered...even the older comments. Thanks.My son has seen legal and will be discharged soon he thinks

  • LoriM

    brendap,,, Hopefully his discharge code will allow him to reenlist in 6 months if would like too,,, sorry I have not been on here in a while.   If you get to talk to him and he is interested in rejoining,,, tell him to ask for a discharge that allows reenlistment at a later date..

  • diannep

    RoTcMoM:  When you hear from your SR, be sure to ask him to sign the papers to allow you to get info on him. Otherwise, everything is done between him and the Navy....glad he will fight it and hope it works out for him!

  • Lu

    My son called today saying he is medically being discharged because it could take 6-12 months of recovery for Shoulder tendonitis, everywhere I have looked that recovery time seems a bit long. is there any way to contact him to get a hippa waiver signed? and try and keep him in the Navy. he really doesn't want to come home, just not given many options right now

  • Brandi

    I think my SR may have been moved to Ship 5 yesterday evening. When will I get confirmation? Will he be able to call this weekend or do I have to wait until he talks to Legal on Monday? Thank you!
  • StaceyLynn

    My son just called he is being medically discharged for migraines why are they discharging him?
  • Brandi

    StaceyLynn, we're learning that this is a slow process. Legal does answer, but your SR has to fill out a waiver for you to get specific info and he will be able to call more frequently and keep you up. Hope you get info soon, it's miserable not knowing what's going on.
  • Brandi

    Did anyone get a call this weekend from ship 5? I thought they could call on the weekend.
  • Brandi

    RoTcMoM, does that mean he's coming home? How are they sending him?
  • Brandi

    This board doesn't seem to get a lot of activity, but for non-fb moms, I found out that Ship 5 SR's can use the phones in the NEX store. Their days to go are Tues,Thurs and Sunday. I really wish there was more info out there, but I hope this helps.
  • pooks9661

    The address for ship 5 above makes no sense to me.  It has two streets on it...

    Ship 5
    3610 Illinois Street
    Great Lakes, IL 60088-3118

  • Valtameri

    I see the basic format:


    And the specific address for Ship 5:

    Ship 5
    3610 Illinois Street
    Great Lakes, IL 60088-3118

  • pooks9661

    Ok,thx, valtameri !

  • Navygirlsmom

    How do the SR's get home? Do we have to go get them? Pay for travel home?
  • Mama3Girls713

    hi navygirlsmom. our daughter is being separated due to injury. she will be home by October 9th. they will pay for the cheapest way to get them back home and within 50 miles of your home zip code.
  • Navygirlsmom

    Thank you!
  • Mama3Girls713

    welcome. we talk to her every other day sometimes every day and they also allow then time on computer as well. she will get time frame when she will be home and then told later how they get home.
  • Navygirlsmom

    Do any of you guys ever feel like your SR gave up in FIT and that's why they ended up in SEPS?
    I really just feel like my daughter will come home because she's tired of me in just feel like my daughter will come home because she is discouraged and just wants to come home
  • Cljtbc65

    When these kids are sent home, what do they wear?  Obviously, they do not have any civilian clothing!  I am encouraging my son to fight this.  I have never been so frustrated with the military til now.  Thank the Lord that I have some contacts, and have been given info on how to fight this, as well as to make sure the "recruiter" is the one to be reprimanded NOT my son  :(

  • Brandi

    Cljtbc65, they are sent home in their "Smurfs" (sweatshirt/sweatpants) and tennis shoes. Everything else is taken away.
  • Lae

    Anybody have someone in Ship5 as of right now ? Or had someone sent home not because of medical reasons but because they didn't pass a fitness test .. How long does it take ? Today makes a week he's been in SEPS and I'm hoping my SR will be home this week but haven't heard from him
  • Brittbrat850

    Lae, my husband is there now with a knee injury. He got there this past Thursday. From everything I've read, it takes roughly 3-4 weeks for them to get home.
  • Brittbrat850

    Can someone add me to the Ship 5 seps page on Facebook? I requested to be added and messaged both the admins but nothing.
  • Navygirlsmom

    Brittbrat. I only know how to add you if you're my friend in FB. I'll send you a private message.
  • Lae

    I talk to him last week a day after he went to legal he said it shouldn't take that long they were trying to get the fit people out pretty quickly. He hasn't called since wanna know why
  • pooks9661

    It takes on average between 21 and 35 days.  Request to be part of the Facebook group: SHIP 5 SEPS because this site has little activity.  The FB group is extremely active and helpful.  Tons of info.
  • Navygirlsmom

    Swimgeeksmom. I sent you a PM.
  • SandiCW

    My daughter got sent to Ship 5 today because of bad feet. 

  • Casvid

    I am devastated. son started BC on 02/10/16. Was on ship 2 Div 922 and yesterday was moved to ship 5 due to his BP fluctuating. He called me crying sayi g that he is disappointed and feels horrible because he always dreamed of becoming a Navy sailor.. he said he signed a medical waiver and most likely he will be there 3 to 4 weeks. I feel lost and confused on what to do.
  • SandiCW

    Casvid, I'm so sorry. My daughter arrived in BC on 1/25 (also Ship 2, Div 920) and was sent to Ship 5 on 2/17 because of foot problems. It is so disappointing. She has decided to go to school next semester. I wish all the best for your son.

  • SandiCW

    Also, Casvid, look for the SHIP 05 SEPS group on Facebook (if you're a FB person). They're very active.

  • Shanny's mom

    Hi everyone...i have no idea if my daughter is on ship 5...she had her last chance to pass her PFA today (running) and i have not gotten a call that says she passed. I can only assume that she is now being transferred to ship 5. Does anyone know how long it takes for her to be moved from FIT to Ship 5?
  • Navygirlsmom

    Shanny's mom,
    My daughter called me the evening that she failed her last PFA. How close was she to passing?
  • Shanny's mom

    Navygirlsmom 13...Thanks SO much for responding!! It's been a long journey. 2 weeks ago she came 3 seconds away from passing her run. When she failed that day she got frustrated and said she wanted to quit. All heck broke loose then and she got in a lot of trouble from the RDC's. I didn't hear anything after that for 2 weeks (i was a true basketcase). Then i FINALLY got a letter from her. The last 2 tests she was 18 seconds from passing and then 13 seconds. (She got worse probably because she was discouraged). At the time of the letter she said she had 3 chances left. That would've been today. But i haven't heard anything since her letter. No call today either. Since she said today was her last chance i am just assuming she is going to be seperated. Any insight?
  • Navygirlsmom

    If there is any change of status, they're supposed to call. That would include being moved to ship 5. I have heard of recruits passing on their last try and heading immediately to BS. I really hope that's the case for you!
  • Shanny's mom

    Thanks so much for the info. Hopefully i'll hear something soon.
  • Shanny's mom

    Good afternoon! Does anyone know how i can get accepted into the facebook Ship 5 group. I sent a request to join but no one is responding.
  • Navygirlsmom

    It sometimes takes a few days. I think I was accepted about 1-2 days after requesting.
    Did she call today?
  • Shanny's mom

    Navygirlsmom...oh wow...thanks so much for asking. But no. No call. No nothing. Lemonelephants said she didn't think there were any battleststions last night so maybe tomorrow. But if there weren't battlestations why wouldn't she have called if she passed. I'm so confused...