Hello my name is Keisha and i am the creator of this group. Thanks for joining and i hope that all the advice this group gives is helpful
Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it . You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!
May 30, 2017
Thank you DieselLady! I really appreciate it! I'm working on keeping my head up!
May 30, 2017
Anti M
Ellek73 ... hang in there. It is difficult enough to be apart, adding a sense of guilt when missing a visit makes it all that much harder. Try not to beat yourself up!
He is reporting to his first duty station. PCS is Permanent Change of Station, so some say "PCSing".
May 30, 2017
Anti M
I know this is the internet, but it is the next day, we're here for support, so LET IT GO. Move forward, please. No one wins the internet with name calling.
Thank you.
May 30, 2017
Thank you Anti M! I'm still trying to get the lingo down :P I finally got moved out of my apartment today so all and all feeling a bit better
May 30, 2017
Anti M
One thing at a time!
May 30, 2017
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
Anti M
@18gf ... is your So in the AIRR program? They're with a squadron assigned to a ship, but can be at air bases.
I found a discussion on Reddit which may give you some insight. It is a couple years old, so you can't ask questions or post a reply.
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
Anti M
That would be a long shot. I wouldn't say it was impossible, but I wouldn't put money on it. I'm not sure if the squadrons there are the type which have billets for AIRR. I'm guessing though, as I was an ET. My dad was stationed at Point Mugu once, but I was only ten ...
May 31, 2017
Anti M
Since your husband is stationed there, he should be able to find out if there are those types of billets.
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
My fiance graduates boot camp July 14th. We want to get married the day after. Does anyone have any information on how to go about that? Has anyone got married after? Any information is helpful. Just trying to get everything planned out.
Jun 2, 2017
Jun 2, 2017
Anti M
@pinkpig ... just so you know, they are told not to marry on PIR weekend. They are supposed to submit a special request chit to do so, and take a short class or go to a counseling session. They sign a page 13 stating they will follow all the liberty regulations.
It takes two days to marry in IL. One to get the license, the ceremony the next day. If his A school is in any other location than Great Lakes, it is impossible to marry that weekend.
So the question is, does he want to begin his enlistment violating one of the rules? Some couples do, and he cannot be forbidden to legally marry, but they could potentially punish everyone in his group checking into that school, and certainly his liberty buddy. Liberty has been rescinded for everyone on Sunday in years past. Please consider the consequences carefully. There is a reason fiancees travel to Great Lakes during phase two or three of liberty to marry.
Jun 2, 2017
Anti M
@DeeBo ... if he is in Ship 5 for illness or injury, he will be cared for until he is healed, then go into another division. If his situation is more than RTC medical can handle, he will be separated and sent home. This takes several weeks. Ship five also has a unit for those being separated for other reasons, again, it takes a few weeks to do all the paperwork.
Jun 2, 2017
Anti M
@PinkPig ... there is a 24 hour waiting period.
Jun 2, 2017
@AntiM he hasn't said anything about being punished. I will talk to him more about when he calls. He's not one violate rules..the guy who scheduled all of their workouts before leaving for boot camp was actually the one who told us we could get married. And i believe his recruiter even told us we could. Thank you for the information. It's appreciated.
Jun 2, 2017
Anti M
You know why the recruiter said this? So he didn't have to do the paperwork if you married before he shipped.
But yes, the new sailors are told during their in briefing at TSC (training side is a different command than RTC), not to go get married. The command has a procedure, and it takes time to get the chit through. Assuming he is going to go to A school at Great Lakes, yes?
They can't punish him for getting married, they can for violating the liberty rules. It doesn't seem like much of a difference, but there it is. Some of the school commands are looser than other, but that changes all the time.
I am ex-Navy myself, was an ET.
Jun 2, 2017
Jun 2, 2017
And it was no issue he got a chit and it was done. Is it worth to break rules because that follows him everywhere and commands don't like sailors that don't follow rules. He is owned by the navy and the navy will always come first before spouse that is something that is the hardest thing to get used to
Jun 3, 2017
Anti M
@DeeBo ... hang in there, Ship 5 is a scary thought. My friend broke his leg in boot camp, they kept him in the recovery unit for over six weeks. They do make phone calls, sometimes. I think it is covered in the group I linked you to. Best wishes for him, and I hope you hear something soon!
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
Just another marriage question: My boyfriend just started A school and he will be stationed in San Diego until 2020. Is "the sooner the better" really beneficial or not really?
He told me we'll get married after two years. Also, I live in UK so I'm thinking there's no point of waiting for 2 more years if marriage is our end game? I mean, I can live there if we get married, living here in England sucks and is depressing and I'm living alone. I actually don't know his reason, but could be because he wants to save up or that we're still young (he's just 21 and i'm 23) but does that really matter? I just really want to be with him as we've been in LDR for 2 years now . Besides, i'm cool with the simplest form of wedding so there's that.
Any thoughts? I'll discuss this with him after getting answers from you guys. Is two years worth waiting or getting married after a school is better? Or would it be possible for us to get married after 6 months of active duty in San Diego? If so, is that better?
I hope this makes sense! Thanks in advance everyone!
Jun 3, 2017
If he's in RCU it is a different ballgame. A lot of times they are not allowed to do anything besides read and write while they recover. If they make a full recovery, sometimes within a certain time frame, they'll be sent back to training. Like AntiM said, if it's more than RTC can handle, they'll recover in RCU until they are fit for transport and then move to a SEP unit they can be discharged and sent home.
The navy will continue to pay him, feed him, and cover all medical care while on ship 5. However, he will be treated like a recruit and expected to behave like one until he's sent home. They navy will pay for the cheapest form of transport home, which may be bus, train, or plane.
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
DeeBo, did he say he was being separated? Ship 4 is where RCU is... not ship 5, so that makes me think he's not being rehabilitated. My husband was in RCU (Ship 4) for 6 weeks. He rehabbed his torn PCL enough to complete BST and graduate. In ship 4 they were allowed phone calls only on Sundays, IF everyone (including female unit) behaved themselves. They were allowed to read/write, again, only if behaving. There were several times that all privileges were secured, meaning no writing/reading/NEX/ or phone calls. When my hubby got out, they had just gotten a new chief and she was bound and determined to make examples of many of them for misbehavior...
If you find out hes in RCU, feel free to message me and I can tell you all about it. Best of luck!
Jun 3, 2017
Hi Michael. Good thing I flew in the US last March for a short visit before he went in the bootcamp. So, we need to apply for fiance visa first if we intend to get married, is that right? Also, which makes more sense though, getting married after 2 years or as soon as possible?
I asked him why after two years, he said he wanted to be stationed overseas! Haha.
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
As far as "sooner or later" you said your fiance is in A school in SD but he will be there until 2020. Is that because his A school is until 2020? Or is that because he has been told he has a C school there as well, or because he believes his permanent orders will be there?
If his A school is really until 2020, then it doesn't really matter when you two get married. Yes, you would still receive the benefits, i.e. healthcare, housing allowance, base privileges, but the Navy would not pay to move you to where he is stationed for A school because you were not married before he received those orders.
If he has A school then C school, he will receive brand new orders for C school, and if you get married before his C school orders are written, depending on how long his C school is, the Navy would cover the cost of moving you (at least, I know they would for a spouse who lives in the US. I don't know if they would for a spouse who lives overseas).
If he thinks he is getting stationed in San Diego after his A school as his first permanent duty station, two things. First of all, don't count on that because until he actually gets the written orders, anything can change. Secondly, as with C school orders, if you're married before he receives the written orders for his first duty station, they would pay to move you (again, at least for a spouse who lives in the US - not sure for an overseas spouse).
So those are the really basic reasons why it could be important to get married sooner than later.
The other thing I'm going to say is, maybe there is another reason he wants to wait 2 years - maybe he just isn't ready right now. Even though he knows he wants to marry you, maybe he's just not ready for that step yet and in that case, I would encourage you to respect that. Either way, it's something only the two of you can decide when is the right time for you, and neither of you should feel like you're being pressured into a situation that isn't right for you (waiting or not waiting, whatever the case may be).
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
Thank you, Michael!
Hi Abuon18. He thinks that his chance of being stationed overseas could decrease if he's married, so he's holding it off as he really want to go overseas. I don't know where he got that, probably through his shipmates. He's not an E-4 yet and I'm cool not being able to go with him overseas yet. But what I have in mind is that if he finally get his order and he'll be stationed in San Diego for 3 years as he initially said, maybe we could get fiance visa then get married after a-school so I can live with him in San Diego. Wouldn't marrying a US citizen gives me the privilege of living in US also? Though I understand that airfare is on me and that the housing allowance for married sailor is not yet applicable as he got his order while still single.
But I agree that respecting his decision is best. I just feel so frustrated and the weather here is horrible and everyone's getting depressed, I really need to get out of this country. Thanks for the comment :)
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
If you get married, yes you would be allowed to live in the US on a temporary green card for 2 years. After that you would have to apply for your permanent green card.... that's completely different from citizenship though. Again, I am not sure what additional requirements the Navy may have for you, since he likely has been approved for certain security clearances, etc.
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
Jun 3, 2017
We got our orders. My hubby will be in A School a few more weeks. He got an email from his sponsor that sounded like I wouldn't be able to move with him right away.. Does anyone know anything about this? Also, if we live off base, I can move there at any time, right..?
Jun 16, 2017
Anti M
I don't know why you could not go right away, unless his orders are overseas. The Navy usually prefers dependents travel concurrent with the military member. Where are the orders to? You can PM me if you don't want to say, but that is not an opsec violation. Just the base area is okay, if there's a ship involved, you don't have to say about that.
Jun 16, 2017
Jun 17, 2017
Anti M
He's PACT, no C school.
Jun 18, 2017
Jun 18, 2017
Jun 18, 2017
Jun 27, 2017
Jun 28, 2017
There is so much to do at Norfolk it's nuts go to the MWR. There is a huge party coming up this weekend since it's norfolks 100 anniversary for being a navy base it's gonna be huge. Also each base has a Facebook page. Dammnexk, little creek, fort story, oceans,Langley and. Norfolk. You have to be pro active. There is so much to do here it's nuts. They have supper groups for spouses when the other half is at sea just don't get caught up in the drama let me tell you there is drama
Jun 28, 2017
Jun 28, 2017