DEP-Leavin' for bootcamp in August

This group is for N4M members that have a loved one leaving for bootcamp in August...I will leave the year open so that even future Deppers leaving in the month of August of any year can join...Lets share stories, information, concerns, and questions

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  • Lauren

    My boyfriend just left for boot camp on the 7th (today) I've been crying a lot lately
  • ncdeb

    Just like WifeNMudder, just wanted to say thank you ladies for all the help and advice. My daughter is now there and this starts a different life for us all. Not sure how to handle her not being around us but I want her to succeed and become an awesome sailor! Thank you I have now joined the Boot Camp group.

  • bigsky21

    Son just found out he is leaving Aug 22 - that's only 2 weeks away!!! This 2 weeks is going to go by too fast :( Excited for him but feeling a little emotional already!

  • TexasNavyMom99

    My son leaves August 29th, anyone else?
  • MamaRN

    My son also leaves Aug 29. It's coming up so quickly.
  • O'smom

    Good afternoon everyone. My son leaves on August 14th OMG 4 days!!! He is starting to get excited. I just try not to get misty around him. I am going to have to pack up his room after he leaves. He said he cant do it. That's gonna suck.

  • Annie-T-Rex

    Good afternoon ladies,
    My two boys left last Thursday together. My oldest was suppose to leave in April, however he was delayed. The good news they both shipped together. I feel so lonely not able to pickup the phone to call or text them. The simple daily phone call is aching at my heart.

    Today I received the box with their belongings. Oh how the tears flowed down my face. Now I am waiting for the form letter with their address and PIR date.

    Sending good thoughts and prayers to all the young men and women in boot camp and serving our beautiful country. And hugs to all the moms.
  • jenf3

    Hello everyone! My son was scheduled to leave on 9/26. We received a call on Tuesday....they wanted him to leave asap. His flight left today and he will be in Great Lakes tonight. Needless to say it has been a crazy two days! But he was ready. We are no strangers to the husband is a veteran. He was a submariner. Being a military wife was wonderful! But watching my son leave was tough. It has been wonderful findng this forum. Thank you for sharing all of your information and best of luck to your sailors.
  • Shelbie's Mom

    My daughter leaves for boot camp Aug 29th. I have read she needs to take a phone card with her. Could someone please tell me where I can get one. I have searched Walmart, Target, Walgreens and Kroger and all they have a phone cards that you use with track phones.
  • lemonelephant

    Shelbie's Mom, There is info on phone cards in Phone Cards and Phone Calls. Don't worry if you do not find one before she ships. She can get one at the NEX.

  • lemonelephant

    If your future Sailor has yet to ship, then be sure to check out the discussion, Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for....

    If you have not yet joined Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones), now is a good time to do so (especially if you have a recruit at the RTC) and to begin checking out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) starting with OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (some of you have changes that you need to make--at least change 3) and then go on to Arrival and What Happens at the RTC.

  • lemonelephant

    I have left info on some of your My Pages about your recruit's (or future Sailor's) rating (job/occupational specialty) or field and "A" School. If anyone else needs this info, leave a comment on my My Page with the rating or field and I will comment back on your My Page. I have info on every rating and field. I also have that info for the PACT programs.

  • careinhi

    Hi all~ joined the page tonight My son leaves 8/16 

  • Leslie

    My daughter leaves August 28 for boot camp! Extremely nervous!
  • Shelbie's Mom

    My daughter leaves August 28 for boot camp also. Having all the emotions possible.
  • Leslie

    Hi Shelbies mom! Glad to know I'm not the only one! We are fairly new to all this but learning more daily. Keep in touch!
  • Mattsmomma

    My little guy (who is a 6'2" 19 year old) arrived in Great Lakes the night of 8/9.  To me, he'll always be that adorable 6 year old with the blond buzz cut who told me he wanted to join the Navy so he could catch pirates after we watched Pirates of the Caribbean.

    I got the box Tuesday, 8/15, but no sign of a letter with an address yet.  I'm learning through lots of posts that I need to be patient, but that doesn't keep me from going on a daily hunt for my mailman.  This might sound ridiculous, but I have worry that other recruits will start to receive letters because they have the address and information they need and my son will be waiting.  I have a whole stack stamped and ready to drop in the mail, but if I don't get my form letter this week, I will not be easy to be around!

  • CandyNavyAunt

    to Mattsmomma:

    my nephew arrived at GreatLakes on the night of 8/8, so they may be together. We received our box and then the form letter on that following Monday. Our PIR date is set for the 09/29/2017.

    We have not recieved any other letters or calls from him yet.

  • bigsky21

    Things are starting to get real.....dropped my son off at recruiting office about an hour ago to finish up final paperwork, then they're taking him to MEPS....I'll see him for about an hour or so in the morning and then off he goes!!!!!

  • Mattsmomma

    Definitely hard to let go when you have seen or talked to him every single day for the last 19+ years and then radio silence for weeks!  They should make the moms go to DEP meetings - lol!

  • WifeNMudder

    One week countdown. Reality now settling like the proverbial anchor around my heart. My only child whom I have seen just about every single day of his life is leaving (for good.) Wow! That's amazing when you think about it. Except for a couple of weeks for summer camps over the years, and a few business trips that I have taken, we haven't been apart since, well, birth. Even when we don't really talk a lot during the day, he's there somewhere in my house. I honestly didn't think I would get so emotional before he leaves. I KNEW I would get emotional after he leaves. He's so excited and happy and nervous and thrilled and scared. He's already talking about traveling for his first big liberty. Oh the places he will go. I just have to step back and not get in his way or make him feel sad that I'm sad. Gosh I'm such a ninny right now. Buck up buttercup!

  • Leslie

    I have one week from today also. I am a mess and didn't see all these emotions coming either. You really have to force yourself to stay strong. Its a tough thing to do! Best of luck to you and your son!

  • MamaRN

    We drop our son off next Monday and he flies out next Tuesday. The time has flown by. We are going to get his POA notarized tomorrow.
  • Shelbie's Mom

    So we have our 7 day meeting tomorrow. I too have been an emotional wreck. This has been an amazing journey for my daughter to get to this point. She is so determined to do what she sets her mind to, I have no doubt she will do fine in boot camp. She has been my constant companion since birth but has spent time away with grand parents over the summers but has always returned in a few weeks and has always talked to her daily. This will be the hardest part, but I will get thru it with help. Time to cry again. Thanks for listening.
  • Mattsmomma

    I'm so relieved to see how many other moms are feeling the same way I do/ did - my husband doesn't quite get it, and his efforts to "make me feel better" with logic just make me mostly want to punch him in the face.  Hopefully I will get the form letter this week and that will calm me down a bit.

  • tnsmom

    My son is now in week 2 of boot camp. Its hard not knowing how he is doing/feeling. Some nights I just cry. My husband seems fine with it all. It's getting to the point where I don't share my feelings with him anymore at all. And now with the problems they seem to be having with bumping into other ships, my anxiety is getting worse.
  • Zoey

    TNSMOM Hello I understand how you feel.  My daughter is finishing up week 2 with your son.  :)  IT is very hard.  Just write to him daily and pray.  Many people will not understand what you are going through but on this site all Moms get it!  My thoughts and prayers are with you too! 

  • Mattsmomma

    tnsmom What day did your son arrive in Great Lakes?  I know exactly how you feel - my husband is completely oblivious and keeps "reassuring" me that he's fine and that this was a great decision.  I KNOW... but that doesn't make me feel any less like someone ripped my still-beating heart out of my chest, stomped on it with those spiky shoes landscapers use to lay sod, scraped it up with a rusty shovel and then put it in a wood chipper. It doesn't change that empty feeling in my stomach on Sunday mornings when we used to sit and eat breakfast sandwiches on the deck or anytime one of our favorite movies comes on and I just want to sit with him on the couch and watch TV.  The worst is not hearing from him how he's doing, and not being able to send a letter to make sure he knows I am thinking of him because I'm still waiting for the letter.

  • tnsmom

    He arrived there Aug 10. There were only 2 others going with him that day, from MEPS, Jacksonville, FL. So glad to have this support group of moms. All of my friend's kids went to college. So I know how they feel too, as I have an older kid in college. But its most definitely not the same feeling. Yes, it truly makes my heart hurt.
  • bigsky21

    tnsmom, my son left today from Jacksonville - about 20 in his group. MEPS was crazy, over 150 kids all branches shipped out today!!

  • Mrs_Creative1

    Hey All! My son left Aug 8th and has PIT date of Oct 6th. It seems so long! I really can't wait to see his face again! But I'd be happy with a phone call!
  • MichiganclassyMom

    My son goes to MEPS tomorrow a.m.from Lansing MI and heads to Navy boot camp from there. Anyone else leaving Wednesday 8/23?

  • Blue Mom

    Hello everyone! My son shipped out on August 2nd, I still have not received his form letter! 3 weeks is longer than normal right?! I called the recruiter and left message yesterday, haven't heard back yet. Kinda sick about it.
    I know he sent it to us because I got a quick phone call from him over a week ago (unrelated to this) and he asked if we got it yet... I'm so upset we haven't been able to send him any letters.
  • NNLori

    Oh my! I don't blame you!! That is a long time. They encourage us to write to give them encouragement but if you don't get the address you can't! You must be very frustrated! I don't really know what actions you can take. Calling the recruiter would have been my suggestion. Hopefully someone else will have more knowledge and be able to give helpful advice! My thoughts are with you! Maybe today will be the day you get that letter!
  • NNLori

    MichiganclassyMom- my son shipped to RTC on August 23rd also! I got my call last night! How about you? We are from Pennsylvania!
  • Mattsmomma

    Blue Mom, I'm going crazy after two weeks without my form letter so I can drop this stack of letters in the mail, I can't imagine what I would be like in a week if I still don't have it.  I hope the recruiter calls you back today!  I'm giving my son's recruiter a call today to see if I can get his PIR date and Division.  I'm pulling for you and feeling your pain!

  • Mattsmomma

    Called the recruiter this morning and he gave me my son's expected PIR date, ship, division and address.  Wouldn't it be ironic if my letter was there when I got home from work today...

    Anyone else in Ship 12, Div 314?

  • NNLori

    It would just figure!! I'm so glad you got the address!!! Happy letter sending!! It's good to know the recruiter can help just in case the same issue arises to any of the rest of us.
  • Mattsmomma

    I got two handwritten letters from my son in the mail!  He seems pretty cheerful and in good spirits.  Tough but certainly manageable.  I'm SOOOO relieved and happy!

  • NavyMamaB

    Hi my son left 8.23. Anyone else's recruit leave the same day? I am sitting here sick and worried. I look at my phone every couple of minutes. I know he won't call for a couple of weeks but it's just so easy to hope that he will sooner. 

  • JennBNavyMom

    Sleep2 I'm so sorry! That's awful. I can't imagine what you both must be going through. I'm sure he will find a new path to explore and succeed at.
  • JennBNavyMom

    NavyMamaB my son left yesterday too!
  • Blue Mom

    I'm so sorry Sleep2!
    I'm sure this is so heartbreaking for him...
    As you said he is smart, and obviously willing to work hard. He will find a new path to reach his dream. Try to be positive and show you are confident he'll be ok. Because he will and so will you! Sending so much love and positive energy your way!
  • NNLori

    I am so sorry to hear this! Poor kid must be deviststed. But everyone is right. Life has many options he will find a new path! May I ask how long he was there when this happened?
  • Mattsmomma

    Sleep2 I'm so sorry to hear - on one hand we all want our sons back at home, but on the other, we want them to be able to follow their dreams.  This is a real roller coaster ride for sure - my thoughts are with you and your son. He'll find a new path and be great, I am sure.

  • NNLori

    His recruiter definitely should have guided him better. I feel so bad for him. To get that far and then be turned away must so difficult. You are all in my thoughts and prayer! I wish him all the best! I'm sure smart guy like that will work out a new plan for himself.
  • RenaeM75

    I see a few of you talking about your kids leaving for BC on 8/23, which my daughter left that date as well!!!! 

  • lemonelephant

    If your future Sailor has yet to ship, then be sure to check out the discussion, Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for....

    If you have not yet joined Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones), now is a good time to do so (especially if you have a recruit at the RTC) and to begin checking out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) starting with OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (some of you have changes that you need to make--at least change 3) and then go on to Arrival and What Happens at the RTC.

  • lemonelephant

    sleep2, that is so sad that he made it to BC before finding out that this is a problem for him and now he will be there in SEPS for a few weeks before he can start on his new plans. I put info on your My Page.

  • partyofseven

    I am so thankful for you ladies. My son is in bootcamp now. I just got my 50 second phone call I was waiting for. It's been a long and emotional day. I have been like this since Thursday when we were in meps overdrive getting him ready to go on Sunday. I still miss him like crazy and now I know I have to wait for the box, calls and letters. I like your idea thou of calling his recuirter so I can get his information and start sending him letters. We will support each other.