Moms of Daughters 2

A place to come to for support, guidance, to ask questions and share stories. We are all proud of our Navy Daughters.

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  • Susan

    Wow! That’s a lot of SRs that’s good to know good information
  • Susan

    I’ve already signed up for the meet and greet :)
  • Susan

    Apparently it takes a few weeks to get the new moms on here lol took me 2 weeks of obsessions haha
  • Blondie

    Every PIR I watch, I cry!  they work so hard to get there. They are Amazing!  And all the Emotions in the room.....sniff, sniff

  • Anna


    So glad to see you here!!  I left you a personal welcome on your profile page!!  I didn't have Navy For Moms when my first daughter (or my son) went to bootcamp so I had no idea what was going on.  And so much has changed since I went to boot camp at Bainbridge, MD 100 years ago!!!! Never got to go to my son's graduation because he was told he was grad and go and there was no sense in parents coming because we wouldn't be able to even talk to him.  Found out afterwards that that info wasn't true!!  But we did get to see our daughter's PIR, then our other daughter got commissioned at OCS, and then our son's pinning as Chief just last year.  So many special occasions in our kids military lives!!!! 

  • Diana

    Hi, My daughter leaves for bc on June 22nd! I’m excited and looking forward to this journey!
  • Anna


    Welcome!!!!  It is never too early to start getting prepared for this amazing roller coaster ride of being a proud Navy Mom!!! Be sure to let us know if we can answer any questions for you, or if you just want to chat this is a good place to come to!!! 

    For all our seasoned Moms on here, what's the one best piece of advice you can give Diana???

  • JayDee659

    Diana, my daughter made a bucket list of things she wanted to do before boot camp.  As a result we had a wonderful trip up north to visit family and see some sights that she enjoys.  Her boyfriend of the time was with us, but it was still an incredible trip.  I say, take a road trip together!

  • Anna


    I know this is a crazy subject matter to have to think of but have a discussion with your daughter as to how she would want you to handle bad news that happens during her time at boot camp.  I've read stories on this website in the past about parents having to deliver bad news and it effects the recruit but they can't do anything about it. It can just add to their stress.  Now of course serious issues like a death in the family your recruit may want to know about and leave RTC to go home.  Others may not want to have the set back - your girl has to decide for her.  A personal thing - while my son was at boot a very good friend of his was killed in a car accident.  I knew my son couldn't and wouldn't want to come home for that so I never said anything until after his graduation.  He actually thanked me for not saying anything and I told him I went to the funeral for him and of course the family knew why he couldn't be there in person.  He was upset to learn the news but was glad he didn't have to deal with it while trying to get through boot camp.  Just something to think about and discuss with your girl.

  • bbcregular

    Welcome Diana, I agree with all the other Moms. Make memories. We took a family vacation 2 weeks before BC. Wanted to take the focus off her leaving and put the focus on family. We did all the things she wanted. Four and 1/2 years later we still talk about that vacation and the crazy things we did. My best advise, keep things normal with a few extra special moments sprinkled in. The memories are for you also. Get in those extra hugs while encouraging your daughter. 

  • Blondie

    Diana, take Lots of pictures and make lots of memories.  Also we made up a time when we'd be thinking/praying for each other. It made us feel closer to each other. Cry when you need to!  I'd go to the shower or Church. My daughter left her favorite stuff animal on my bed when she left, meant a lot to me. She also gave me her POA to deal with her bills, bank ect... everyone is different, does she have a car????  Just when you think you got this, know don't.  It's okay we can foresee everything!  Come here and cry, laugh, brag, ask questions whatever you need we're here.

  • Navymom98

    I have a big concern but not sure what to tell my daughter. She is in A school in Great Lakes and it's been per hell per her report. The section leaders are making them do watch( she says that's ok) but she is having to do back to back watches- getting no sleep, falling asleep in class and is not able to take the test to qualify. She said her name was not on the board for watch but she got yelled at, every one got in trouble, so more watch and clean another ship. She said that "she is forgotten when it's break to eat or bathroom" and when she tells them she is told she has an attitude. Everyone who has reported these section leaders are being singled out. Any suggestions 

  • Navymom98

    Thank you. She doesn't have a rate she is on hold.

  • Anna


    I too feel for you momma!!!  There is nothing worse than having our kids go through something hard and there is nothing you can do to help them.  Goes against everything we've done for them since the day they were born!!!! Like Oleander, we now have to be their safe harbor where they can come to vent, yell, bitch, cry and just get things off their chest.  Be strong for her, tell her this won't last forever.  School will be over eventually and she will go out to the fleet.  Plus she should "rank" up in A school and things could get easier for her as younger ones come in.  My enlisted daughter had some really rough times at her first duty station and I wanted to fly out and help her out.  But she said no, she had to handle things on her own.  And she was right but I hurt for her.  I did talk to moms on here and it felt better just to have someone for me to talk to. Let her know she can always talk to you even if you can't fix things for her.  She will get stronger and will learn how to handle this.  Sounds like she's not the only one in this situation so can she talk to some of the other sailors around her??  Tell her to hang in there - I will keep her in my prayers. And I'm sure I can speak for the other moms on here in saying that we all support her and are proud of the decision she made to serve our country!!

  • Navymom98

    My daughter called me and said she is part of the rat team. She said there is there three other people who are continus watch.all together since Friday she has had 3 six hour watches and today again. She said she is exhausted and aggravated when there are other people there but if they show up or come in she is stuck. She haven't picked up any rank yet. Her official school starts tomorrow. I pray with her when she calls and send encouraging posts. Thank y'all for everything 

  • Anna


    Please keep up posted!!  I hope once she starts her official A school things get much better for her!!!

  • TxMom

    My daughter has been in for 2 years now and she still complains off and on about watch duty.  She likes to do a particular time but sometimes has to do it where she doesn't get much sleep.  Normally I just et her vent but over all she is enjoying her Navy experience.  She to did not like watch during A School but now that she is at her duty  station it is better.  I'm glad she is not within driving distance or I like other mms would be trying to solve any problems.  Now I get to listen to how she is growing and working to solve problems and accept things she may not be able to change.  Tell her to hang, it does get better and she will grow so much to become the strong woman you have taught her to be. 

  • thesuperm72

    Hi everyone! Life's been crazy and I haven't been on much. I miss being here and feeling like I'm not the only one who wants to jump in and problem solve for them. My girl is in A school in SC and has been struggling academically, phased down once for doing something stupid, and not making some good choices (nothing bad, just foolish). It's so hard to sit back and not parent her! I so want to tell her to get to bed early, eat right, study hard, and go to church, so you have the energy to do what you need to do. Ugh. Letting go is hard sometimes. 

    Navymom98, sounds like she's made friends through this since she's part of the "rat team". And learning to cope with unfair situations is something we've all had to deal with. So hard though to hear it from our girls! My prayers are with you and her and praying things will get better once she starts class!

    Diana, we had a going away party for her before she left. It was great as she was able to connect with friends and family. Answer questions to the group, which was fun and tough too. I think it made leaving more real for her, and us all. But it was a good experience that I would do again. We couldn't do a trip due to our work (educators and she left in Sept), but that would have been great too! Whatever you do, make memories, get your hugs, and take pictures for you and her! I made her a picture collage blanket for her birthday in December and was able to send it to her at A school. I used some of the photos from the party. :) 

    Have a blessed weekend everyone! 

  • LadyBluefire

    Hi! My daughter arrived at RTC on Valentine's Day. We are still awaiting word from her and the form letter :) I have 3 more children (sons) all going to RTC this year..the next one leaves next Wednesday. It will be a crazy year for us for sure.
    I always feel overwhelmed (I home schooled all my kids and have 3 in school still) so not sure how often I will be on here, lol. But my house will be quiet by the end of the year having 4/5 of my kids off in the Navy.

  • JayDee659

    LadyBluefire, wow that's some commitment to the Navy!  I can't imagine having most of my kids leave around the same time.  You are one strong momma!  I would think you'll get your form letter in the next week or so.  Probably your first call will come soon too!

    I got a call from my sailor this morning. She earned her ESWS pin!  Of course, she acts like its nothing but a thing.  Silly girl.  She was more excited when a personal trainer at the Y pointed her out to a client as having the perfect plank position (no she cannot hold it for 8 hours). She said she was really proud, but then was afraid she'd lose her form since she'd been singled out.   LOL.

  • LadyBluefire


    It is family tradition, dad and grandfather. My oldest 2 moved out and tried it on their own and came back home within a year. Encouraged my oldest son to join and my daughter asked if it was an option for her. She recruited my next 2 so she is starting boot camp as an E2. 

    Her first call will be around the time my son arrives at RTC, lol. Her birthday is in a week  (the day my son ships out coincidentally) so wanted to make sure we could send her love in time. Better late than never, we have her address from the recruiter but are not sure how accurate it is as things could have changed.

    Congrats to your daughter on her ESWS pin :)

  • LadyBluefire

    Just got a call from my daughter for security clarifications for her CTR rating. It was good to hear her voice! She passed the PSA for the $2000 bonus! Her division overall has had a few beats because some recruits are not being cooperative. She said as far as the physical aspect it is not that bad - after she swore in she was required (by us - and all SR in this house must do the same) to run 1.5 miles once a day and do the curl ups and push ups 3x a day. I am glad this prepared her and made it easier on her. Today was the first day she was allowed to send mail. Anyway I can't stay on here but I had to come here as soon as I heard from her!

  • JayDee659

    LadyBluefire, hooray for a phone call!  I just love it when my daughter calls me for no reason.  Sounds like your daughter is doing well and is well prepared - good job mom!

  • LadyBluefire

    JayDee659, oleander

    poor thing was exhausted sounding - just frustrated at the rest of her division. I will be getting 4 letters from her soon - she just got permission to send mail today.
    Now her brothers have to pass their PFA too so she doe snot show them up!

  • dmj

    do they do their own laundry in A school -how often are they able to do laundry?

  • LadyBluefire

    dmj - this is going back to when hubs was in the Navy in the 90's. Civvies you do yourself  (or some times there is a bag you put your civvies in so they know who to return to) but your uniforms are done for you.

  • dmj

    ladybluefire-thanks for the info-I also homeschool!

  • LadyBluefire

    welcome fellow home schoolers! That is awesome!
    Got the first letters from daughter. Curious about the fact she did not use the stamps she took with her nor the stationery. She does lose things but am hoping that is the case and not that what she took was not permitted to be used based on the fact the stamps were soccer balls.

  • Anna


    That is wonderful news from your daughter!!  So glad you got to hear from her and that she is doing well.  I don't think her stamps can not be used - a stamp is a stamp!!  But sometimes with RDCs you never know what they like and what they don't like!!!

  • JayDee659

    Ladies, I just saw the on Navy RTC FB Page:

    Beginning 13 March, Navy Recruit Training Command (RTC), the Navy’s boot camp, will suspend guest attendance at graduation ceremonies to prevent any potential spread of COVID 19 to either Sailors or Navy families.
    Graduations themselves will continue, and will be live-streamed on Navy online platforms, including our Facebook page.
    Commander, Naval Service training command, which oversees RTC, will continue to monitor the situation and consult with medical experts to decide when it is appropriate to resume guest attendance at graduation ceremonies. There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 among recruits, and RTC has robust screening processes in place for those who arrive each week.
    This action is being taken out of an abundance of caution, to both ensure the welfare of Sailors and that RTC can continue its essential mission of producing basically trained Sailors. RTC Recruits impacted by this change are being authorized to call home to directly inform their loved ones.
    Liberty will be cancelled for graduates of RTC. They will report directly to their follow-on assignments. Liberty or guest access at those locations will be at the discretion of those commands. Families are encouraged to contact their recruits following graduation for details. We cannot speak on behalf of the commands they will be reporting to regarding their liberty policy.
    Not great news for those of you with sailors at RTC but apparently the Navy thinks it's a necessary move.  My SIL is on a sub and they are in port.  The Navy is not really allowing them to leave the base.  
  • Anna

    JayDee and Oleander,

    I agree, this is sad to read about.  So sorry for those families that won't get to see their sailors graduate.  The same is being done at OCS as well.  I understand the need to keep our sailors safe but it's still sad!!

  • JayDee659

    I just realized that today is the 5th year anniversary of the day my daughter enlisted.  It was 3 years ago today that she got her first orders after finishing her schooling.  How that time has flown.

  • Blondie

    Time does fly!  On my daughter's 5th anniversary she flew back to the states, she'd been over seas for over 4 years! She was in for a total of 10 years before she left to get married and have T.  Crazy life. In Aug. we will celebrate (or not) her 4th anniversary out of the Navy.  we've been through A Lot together! 

    She will be heading to England later this year, her husband is still in. 

  • JayDee659

    Thanks Oleander!  I'm over here laughing at that simple misspell.  Lets all be unbearable together!

  • Anna

    Congratulations JayDee and your beautiful daughter!!  Yes, time does fly!  Can't believe it's been 8 years for my officer daughter, not including the two years she was "in" but finishing her college degree!!! And sailor son has been in for 17 years!!! Wednesday was the 127th birthday for the Chief Petty Officer Mess.  I told him 127 looked good on him!!!!

    Hope all is well with all our wonderful Moms and their sailors!!!

  • LadyBluefire

    Got my first I am a sailor call = a week early!!!

  • thesuperm72

    LadyBluefire Congratulations to you and your sailor!! That is such a great feeling! 

    JayDee congrats to you and your daughter as well. I realized today that my girl has been in for 7 months now. I can't imagine 5years! WooHOO!

  • Blondie

    Congrats LadyBluefire!!!

  • Anna

    Congratulations to your new sailor LadyBluefire!!!  Is your daughter going on to a school? If so, what rating is she going for???  


    Congratulations for your girl.  7 months is a good milestone!  You should be getting in the grove of being a Navy Mom now!!  Is your daughter out in the fleet now or still getting schooling??

    So I just have to brag a little bit about my veteran daughter.  After she finished her 4 years she got her degree in Health and Family Services from Penn State.  She then moved to Oklahoma City where her twin was stationed at that time.  She got a job with Express Professionals and today just got another really big promotion!!!  This is her 3rd promotion in just over 2 years!!!!  And she now gets her own office!!!

  • LadyBluefire

    Thanks Oleander and Blondie!

    Anna - she is CTR and off to A school in Pensacola.

    Congrats on your daughter's success!

  • LadyBluefire

    superm72 - yes it is a great feeling. I was walking on air all night..

  • Anna


    A rating close to my heart!!  100 years ago after my initial enlistment ended as an OS3, I realized the Navy was not quite ready for female OS's, as there was no way to advance without going on a ship and women were not allowed on ships yet. (I know, I'm really showing my age here!!!) I enlisted in the Active Reserves and tried to cross rate to a CTO, but without serious training through a school I couldn't pass the test.  Ended my Navy career for good there!!  Even the Reserves had no spot for a female OS!!!

  • LadyBluefire

    Anna - my husband started his career a little before women were allowed in and left a little after they were allowed in. Sad they wouldn't allow you to go to an A school - you probably did not need to learn too much more.

  • LadyBluefire

    Oleander - T-19 days. Every night I tell my husband - we have  made it through 1 more day. The last time days moved this slow I was in high school.

    Woot woot! E-6?! That is awesome. I think hubby made it to that just before he got out after 6 years....

    Happy Easter everyone!

  • LadyBluefire

    Oleander - what is shaving? lol

    Wow 5 years and E-6 that is super impressive! What is her rate?

  • Anna


    An EP!!! How exciting for her!!  Tell her I said CONGRATULATIONS, BRAVO ZULU!!!! Hope she gets to put on 1st soon.  I did hear that the Navy has suspended all advancement exams this year because of the current epidemic.  Will she promote without having to take the test??

  • Anna

    Oh and I'm with LadyBluefire - what is this shaving you speak of????

    Hope the next 19 days go quickly for you and your sailor LadyBlue!!!!

    Happy Easter everyone!!!!

  • LadyBluefire

    Anna - it is so nice to communicate with her a lot today being Saturday!
     I also have a son in RTC under quarantine in the middle of boot camp time...just got his first letter from quarantine - 8 days into a 14 day..

  • LadyBluefire

    Oleander - hope you had a nice Easter (as I hope you all did)
    My daughter is settled at A school and nos has to wait four months to start. There were a group of CTR there already waiting to start and the course is 4 months long. So after they start she will have 4 months to wait. 
    My son should be out of quarantine this Thursday. I got a letter form him which was unexpected since he is under quarantine. I wrote him daily but realized none of the letters would probably get  there before he was done.

    As for the shaving -  I told my hubby I was on a shave strike 0 sort of like no shave November but no shave lock down, lol. He said "No" but I will shave when I get around to it :)

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    I want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day.

    You may or may not hear from your sailor, you may or may not see your sailor, but know in your heart that they are thinking of you.  Enjoy your Mother's Day!