Pat L. in IL


Carol Stream, IL

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Mother of 5. Our youngest Jeffrey left for Great Lake Mar 4
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was concerned or afraid
The Navy offers opportunities that...
how many mixed emotions I have and that they are all valid.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Hello and Welcome Pat:
    We are happy to have you here! Thank you for joining our group and sharing your story! I’m so glad to see that you are already on the forums and talking to the moms! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about the site.
    Sincerely, Catherine
  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Pat- that is a privacy option that members have if they want to add it to their walls or blogs. That isn't how the whole site is. Who ever started the thread will look at it to approve or not.
    for more q's about this...
  • carols_kitchen

    Pat--see your son is at Goose Creek. We pray for our only son to be able to go there--he is at boot camp as of June 17th. It is his dream. Funny, he started out wanting to join mass communications, but with his partial college credits and pre-testing score, he hopes for nuke school. I shall continue to follow your son's progress. God Bless. Carol
  • carols_kitchen

    Pat--awesome. Per the book "Power of Positive Imaging" I now have something to add to our prayers of Goose Creek. Thanks a million for sending the pix. Carol
  • carols_kitchen

    Wow--I am so glad to hear that! Sounds like a plan to take that week off to visit Charleston and Goose Creek. I missed Andy so much yesterday--it's like it's real that we two old folks are in our new life without our son. Still remain so proud of his decision to join the Navy.
  • Brenda Sue

    Hi, I just posted the email from our July sailors!!! Check it out!!
    So glad you are in on this also!! The more the merrier!!
  • carols_kitchen

    Hi. See you have a Chicago area site. We are so excitedly anxious to see our sailor on 08/08 (better than the Olympics.) Hope you are doing well, and will keep in touch.
  • carols_kitchen

    Several of us have already decided it may be a 3 kleenex box sort of day on 08/08. It's starting to feel real--I'm not able to sleep lately. He sounded so good in his voice message last Friday. He's working towards 2nd in command for PIR.
  • carols_kitchen

    Battle stations--Aug. 6-7th--guess depending upon when they get called to start. I am so anxious to see my new man! Know I'll need to buy some waterproof mascara. It is so exciting. Hubby & I dropped off our information and what to expect at PIR to a young gal-friend who is coming with us. We've also invited one of his high school buddies who was the last to leave our house before Andy left for boot camp (matter of fact, his friend may have even been here an extra night.) We don't think he will make it as he has moved about 100 miles from here. I've got my running list of what to take.

    So, how are you doing these days?
  • carols_kitchen

    No letter this week. Another Mom in his division said something about anther fire drill. So, I'm not worried. Don't know when he learns for sure about A school. My fingers are crossed for early reporting to Goose Creek. Please pray with me for that assignment of schools.
  • carols_kitchen

    Excited--went out to dinner with a girlfriend tonight, and it helped relax me a bit.
    We are leaving whether we hear from Andy or not.
    I have been pulling up the national weather forecast for 60088 and it does look good!
    Thanks--later gator
  • CCR

    Is there a place I can read about your Labor day visit with Jeffrey?
  • carols_kitchen

    Pat--what airlines did your son use for travel to and from GC?
  • Brenda Sue

    Yes, Pat - I received the ipeace email also - thought it was fishy. I deleted them all - but the Administrator REALLy needs to be notified!! Did you keep them??
  • Brenda Sue

    Wow - Navy Moms are AWESOME!! Thanks!!

    Drop the Admin a PM about that email. I do often, and she bans people from this site. I have seen her ban about 6 or 8 that I told her about!! Tattle Tale - oh, well!!
  • Brenda Sue

    I saw that - thanks!!!
    She will look into it and take care of it!!
    I was told (by a reliable source) that people can join these websites and send everyone a virus!!
  • Kim - Josh's Mom

    Thanks Pat. I can't wait!!!
  • Navy for Moms Admin

    IPeace... Midge
    Yes, I saw them join us, join groups and send group messages promoting themselves and then leaving the groups. Now, I am all for peace but that is just bad "social media". Heh. I had PM-ed them and told them I had noticed it and it was strange to me. They wrote back they weren't trying to harm anyone- just "promote peace"... a few minutes later they had left our network.

    Thank you for taking the time to alert me though! Sometimes I can't catch everything! Sincerely, Catherine
  • carols_kitchen

    Pat-- I got it 3 or 4 times. I just deleted it, but you had a much better response. thanks
  • Kim - Josh's Mom

    thanks for the words of wisdom, just can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Kim - Josh's Mom

    Hi Pat, thanks for the kind words. I am so glad BS is over. He sounded so relieved for it to be done so he can get on with it. His Div was the first one to take it and he is just happy to coast on until Friday. I think he needs some mama attention next!!
  • carols_kitchen

    Pat--if I run into a handsome sailor with your last name, tell him to expect a hug!
    BTW--what is T track? My sailor mentioned something about it, but did not go into any detail.
  • Kim - Josh's Mom

    Hi Pat, it is wonderful to be able to talk when I want to. I've also learned to text message him from my computer, so I send messages all night long. I'm sure he wishes I had not found that feature. (takes too long from my cell phone) Really he likes it and he's been sending me pictures from Chicago from the weekend. They had liberty of course and it's nice they have been able to kick back a little after boot camp. He should be in GL for almost a year, so we'll see how he likes it and the winters!! How's your son doing??
  • Kim - Josh's Mom

    Hi Pat, thanks for the advise on the long underwear. He has asked for his civi clothes when he gets a new address, so a will throw some in the box for him. Since we are from the south, I know he will go "what are these for." Once it get cold though, he'll get the idea. I'm from the Detroit area, so i know how that wind on the lake is and we got a taste of it PIR weekend. It was chilly downtown. Sounds like your son is on the right track and congrats on his "Petty Officer!" Kim
  • carols_kitchen

    Hi--internet all messed up. Came in thru a back door.
    I now have another mom to find--met a sailor who PIR 2 weeks after Andy --we talked a few while waiting for Andy.
    Rained the entire time, so only had sailor made sun shine.
    Need to catch up on stuff and will be back with you. Saw the turkey vultures on top of GC buildings--weird.
  • Kim - Josh's Mom

    Congrats Pat to you and your new Petty Officer. We had no doubt he would pass with flying colors!! Tell him to email you the picture in his new uni so that you can post it for us admire!! kim
  • Gulf Coast Mom

    Pat - thanks for the tip about working at the recruiter on his leave. I knew about it from this site, but did not know if he could do it over the holidays since one of the things they do is visit schools and they will be closed also. I did send him an e-mail and told him to check into it. Melody
  • carols_kitchen

    Hi Lady--haven't chatted with you for a while and wanted to pop in and say Hello.
    What have you been up to, and how has Jeffrey been?
  • Brenda Sue

    Pat, I sent you a private message. There is a new recruit in the critical care unit up there and needs some mommy attention. We were wondering if you could see about him until his mom could get there. I PM'd you my phone number if you need more details.
  • Brenda Sue

    Thanks so much!!! Like Frieda just said - this is what Navy for Mom's is really all about!!!
  • Brenda Sue

    Thanks for the update on Andrew and Kristina. It is awesome how a mom from Arkansas can connect through moms (literally strangers) across the USA and receive help for herself and her son!!!
  • carols_kitchen

    Haven;t chatted in a while. How are you doing? Any news you can share on Jeffrey?
    Miss you! Carol
    PS going to see my sailor again next week. I am stoked!
  • carols_kitchen

    Andy is T-track too. If Jeff doesn't come home for Thanksgiving, let me know ASAP.
    Andy called tonight that he had passed his final exam and is now a Petty Officer First Class. He's trying hard to earn Pearl Harbor as home base. (Sob--so far away--but would be fun to see that!)
    Sorry about your father in law. My prayers are with you.
  • carols_kitchen

    Pat--that's funny about the "hello Petty Officer!" LOL
  • CCR

    I see Dolores here I saw you on the Illinois page, havn't talked to you in a while.
  • LLovesmysailor

    Pat, I mailed the Wal-mart card yesterday. She should have it by this weekend, hopefully. If there is anything else I can do please don't hesitate to ask. From the time my husband was in the Navy, one thing has never changed. That is, the Navy takes care of its own, whether that is Navy wives or Navy Moms.
  • carols_kitchen

    Thanks for prayers answered of one of our sailor families.
  • LLovesmysailor

    I'm so glad that things are looking so much better. If there is anything else I can do please don't hesitate to contact me.
  • Sherry James

    Hi Pat,

    Congratulations, I see from your page your son has graduated b/c!! Thank you for accepting my request. Wow, small world with fellow (former) Michiganders to chat with!! How's your son doing and where is he now?
  • Sherry James

    Hi Pat, I know what you mean about the site being down because I was trying to post something myself. So Jeff is in Goose Creek SC and he loves it!! A mom I just met has a son headed there sometime next year. Her son is so excited about the opportunity.

    I hear they have to study a min of 3 hrs every night. Your son sounds like he is really smart and very driven as well. I'm glad we both get see our children this holiday. My son and I are headed to Norfolk to spend time with my daughter PJ. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
  • carols_kitchen

    Are you snowed and "cold"ed in? Did Jeffrey come home? I think our sailor is home--however, have only seen him at church and for a meal. But the room downstairs is a mess again. lol. I'll take it anytime, now.
    Take care
  • Dianne

    She came home for Christmas and will be flying back on Saturday January 3. She is an ETNS.
  • Brenda Sue

    Hi Pat, Hope you had a GREAT holiday!!

    I was just wondering how Fran and her family were doing. I did send them a box and just discovered (by FedEx tracking) that it was delivered on Christmas Eve. I was so excited to see that they got it before Christmas.

    Have you heard anything from them lately? I was just wondering how her son was doing. Most of what I sent was for the small children - I figured the Sailor would understand.

    Thanks for being there!!