wvsuzanne (PIR 8/13 nuke mom)


Walton, WV

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
    -Colleen and Elizabeth
  • San

    Hi wvsuzanne, you might ask your son to check to see if he's leaving right after PIR to A school, because my son just finished PIR June 11th and he stayed in GL for A school but he didn't leave to go over until that Wednesday which was 16th of June. His whole Division stayed none of them left until Wednesday. Well at least the ones who stayed in GL
  • diannep

    Hey! I am SO SO sorry about your mom. I don't believe a recruit can attend the funeral of a grandparent while in bc. I say that because my father has dementia pretty badly and I wondered if something happened to him while my son was there, could he go. The answer was no. Only parents, siblings, children of the recruit dying can allow them to leave. Therefore, you are left with the choice of telling him. Only you know that...but if at all possible I would NOT tell him until after PIR. That would be so very very hard, I know...but would keep him from grieving during his training. He will be in "indoc" once transferred to A School, maybe even in a "hold" pattern, and also able to stay in touch with you then...a much better time to grieve in my opinion, when you can talk to him whenever he needs it. Just my 2 cents worth....I'm very sorry and will be praying for your family.
  • diannep

    Praying for you....such a hard time. I hope that focusing on your son's PIR will help you to keep your mind off of your mom's loss...at least, for a while. I think you are making the right decision not to tell him...but I will be praying that he doesn't ask you about his grandma in his phone calls which would force you to fib a bit...so let's pray that he doesn't ask about her. Hang in there....praying.
  • proudtobehismom-Ship 10/Div 333

    Hi wvsuzanne-

    So nice of you to take us under your wing. I'm looking forward to the day when I can take a beginning group and help them out too! My son arrived in GL Augsut 12th, of course I'm still reeling with emotion. When I went to your PIR group, I noticed a schedule of what they were doing. Do you know how to access that information. I would love to know what he is doing and when, as for me that is a way to get thru this. I have not even received my box or form letter yet, maybe it's in there? Any help is appreciated. Thanks again for being "our mom" ! =)
  • lucky1(11-20-2C)

    Can you tell me, are divers considered G&G....do they need to check in that day or stay a part of RTC over the weekend??
  • proudtobehismom-Ship 10/Div 333

    Great! I will do that! Thank you!