

Glenwood, IA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Was a Navy brat and most importantly a Navy wife. Now I am a Navy mom.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • navymom99(ship09 div075)

    Hey sorry so late responding. I seeyou are on the group so you must have gotten help or it just finally worked. I have been so absent minded I did not see your post. I have been rushing on and off because I have been watching my grand baby. I am sorry!  


  • cajunldr(ship 03 Div 086)



    My daughter is on GL and is on SHip 03 DIV 086.  Her form letter stated PIR 02/18/2011. 


    If you have any further info on this div or for this site that would help, please forward me same.


    Thanks and hope to meet you at GL~



  • Sailor's Wife 64

    Yeah I am so proud of him already! Sometimes just seeing something that reminds me of him brings me to tears of pride and joy. 

    I am so excited for Charleston!! I'm excited for the weather. I'm from Buffalo, NY and am totally sick and tired of snow. It will be a nice change. 

    I am also so thankful he's in the nuke program for a different reason--this way we get a slower introduction to the military life. While he will be in school insane hours a day, he won't be deployed so I'm thinking it will be a nice way to ease into it.

    I think it's so awesome that your son is carrying on the Navy tradition in your family! Three generations now, I bet his Grandparents are proud!


  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    I got your friend request and accepted it. I sent you the info on the ribbons. Let me know if you didn't get it. Or if it doesn't make sense. I am having to use my cell for internet for a few days while my computer is getting de-bugged of viruses. Sometimes what you type on here with a phone comes out looking weird with long spaces and no puncuation.
  • zacksmom

    So happy to hear you got a letter today!! :) My son's PIR is also 2/18/11. He is ship09 div075. I keep waiting for a letter or a phone call. Anything! I miss him. I'm so glad he's in bootcamp though. He needs it! I'll take any apology I can get from him. He has been really hard to deal with for some time now. I know they are all young and just growing up but OMG it has been a long two years!! I don't expect much in his letter. I know he loves us and misses us. My children are very close and very good friends. There are 5 of them. He just started taking the wrong turns here and there and well, I'm looking forward to a letter from him. I hope he is doing well and I am really excited to see him in February. I can't wait! I know you can't change them but I think the Navy will bring out all the good things in him. Maybe help him reach his potential!! I'm such a rookie at all this Navy stuff. I have a lot of Navy in my family but never as close as a child.

    Enjoy your letter you got today. I'm sure it put a big smile on your face and I'm sure you have read it over and over and over! I know I will! :)

  • abby

    Thanks!  I agree, I've already found a lot of great information in the last 24 hours!
  • Purplemom (Ship 3 Div 084)

    Thanks for the kind words. I didn't think I would get a call, but was really hoping for a letter. Just received an email from my daughter and she said she got one today from her brother or as she put it---Petty Officer Laundry Man. LOL! Can't wait to hear from him. I am glad to hear you are getting letters and hope all is well with your SR.