Kathy Dee


Newtown, PA

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
my son in law is ex Navy and my brother in law is as well.They both had positive experiences.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
  • jdmom

    Hi Kathy, as I am sure you are finding out this website is great. My son doesn't leave until March but we are in Bucks County as well, Upper Southampton. What rate(job) did your daughter sign for?
  • jdmom

    A couple months ago there was a whole discussion about recruits going in the same as your daughter, really had a lot of info, I think it was in the New Moms Start Here group or the Deper's In But Not yet group. If you haven't joined them or checked them out you may want to try there. They have so much great information!
  • NavyMomX's2(Ship 03 Div 334)

    Hi there! I'm hanging in there. I miss her smiling face every day. She was away at college for a semester then decided it wasn't right for her there. So we moved her back home. She has been living here ever since. She will turn 20 next month while at bootcamp. My husband was in the Navy so i kinda know what to expect but it's different with my daughter. 8 weeks is really not that bad. My friends daughter just graduated Marine bootcamp. She didn't get to talk to her for 13 weeks. Then she got a call right before graduation. So i guess it could be worse. This isn't easy by any means but i'm trying to make the best of it and be strong for her. Got her box of clothes today. Still no Ship and Division #. I would assume they will graduate the same week since they arrived the same week. Can't wait to find out the PIR date so we can make arrangements to fly out there. Very nice talking to another mother with a daughter. I'm on facebook as well. Send me a private message and i'll give you my info. if you have one too. Take care and God Bless!

  • Darnell

    Hello Kathy Dee,  Thanks you for reaching out. My daughter left for bootcamp on 12/13. I still do not have an address for her. Her recruiter said he had a temporary address for her, but said it would not be good to send her anything there, because she may not get it. I really hope we get it soon. Will your daughter be going to school in GL after bootcamp? How are you doing with her gone? Its alot harder for me then i thought it would be. She has a little brother who misses her too. It will be nice when he can write to her. I think it will good for both of them.


    Thanks again,








  • Darnell

    Hello Kathy Dee,

    Is the address you have temporary? Her recruiter said I should not send her anything to the temporary address. I think there is a good chance that our girls may be together. That would be cool. I really hope you get her box soon. It made me smile and cry all at once.



  • Anna

    Kathy Dee,

    I see you joined the Moms of Daughters 2 group and I want to welcome you!!!  We are a friendly, caring group of moms always willing to listen and support.  Please feel free to jump in and join our chats!!  We like to discuss everything from our sailors to our jobs, weather, whatever.  It's also a great place if you want to yell, scream, vent, cry - - there is no judgment involved!!!  Brag about your sailor but also tell us when you are hurting because you miss her so!!!  Looking forward to getting to know you and your sailor!!  Again, Welcome Aboard!!!!

  • Anna

    Thank you for the friend request!!!  Let us know if you need anything!!