waiting for you (SHIP 3 DIV 080)


Grand Prairie, TX

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am full time wife to an amazing loving husband and a mom to our beautiful baby girl. My husband just joined the United States Navy on December 14, 2010. I'm also an Halle Joy consultant. We are looking forward to what God has in store for us in this new chapter of our lives.

Feel free to check out my website and buy and share JOY at
I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
The military has a lot to offer but wants a lot from the recruits and their families. Its tough but the rewards are great and honoring.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • JackieD(NavyWife)(SHIP3DIV79)

    Hi Alicia, Yes my husband probably left to bootcamp with your husband. :) We have a 3 month old daughter. We live in temple for the time being and girl do i miss him soo much already. How are you holding up?

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Just send me a friend request and I will send you all the info for placing an order. Then when you know all the info you can send it back to me. Thanks, LaLa

  • SuZan

    My son was on delayed entry so I don't know if they were at the same swearing in.  Glad to meet someone here in town.  We will need to compare notes since they both should have the same PIR date.
  • SuZan

    It sounds about the same as my son...maybe they have met!
  • SuZan

    Absolutely!!!  I would not miss it for anything.  I'm kind of scared of the weather up there, but I guess I'll survive.  Are you going also?
  • SuZan

    No kidding...I am a southern girl and Dallas is as far north as I have lived...LOL
  • JackieD(NavyWife)(SHIP3DIV79)

    Im holing up ok, my nights are the hardest but like u too my 3 month old is keeping me busy. i live with my parents to and see my in-laws once a week, plus i go to church every weds and sun. all my siblings are ner by so i spen lots of time with them to keep me busy. :)
  • SuZan

    I've been thinking of you today and praying that your letter arrived!
  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    I sent you a message with info on how to pay for the ribbons. Thanks
  • DeeSailorMom

    YEY!!!! I'm so glad you got your letter! Isn't is just a relief! I AM HAPPY FOR YOU! I am also waiting on the letters coming in, just as everyone else here is.  I felt as though our division was either really busy or struggling... I'm happy they have been busy!

    They are survivors... That's why they are doing what they are doing.  I'm glad you had news and I had news!  Keep in touch!

  • SuZan

    OMG...I'm so happy you got your letter!!!  You have been on my mind all week.  I drove me up a wall before I got the letter.  That is wonderful news.....now we should all be getting personal mail from our recruits.
  • SuZan

    Happy New Year!  Hope we here from our recruits soon.
  • Lilu(ship03 div079)

    Do you have a website to the hotel that you're staying in? I'm trying to get the cheapest hotel and closest to the base.

  • Lilu(ship03 div079)

    Thanks for the link, i'll check it out. I hope I can stay there :)
  • Young HM wifey :)

    Yeah, we have been together for about 4 years though so its not like i just met him or anything :) My husband is in Chicago right now for basic and then Im not sure where for A-school and he is going for Coreman!
  • Dani_Girl (ET wife)

    Yay! I am SO glad yours came!
  • DeeSailorMom

    What a great letter!! I'm glad you heard from him again! Next time you write, ask him if he knows "California". That's Chris, my son. and his new Bootcamp issued nickname.  I can't wait hear from him again!!
  • Brenda Sue

    Hi!  Welcome to Texas' Moms!  I just want to let you (and your PIR group) know something that I wished I had known three years ago.

    FEBRUARY 21 is President's Day (the Monday following your PIR)!!  This is a FEDERAL Holiday!  My son got liberty that day three years ago!  I would make plans according to this - or at least ask him!  I had to pay extra to stay over.  There was NO WAY I was going to turn my son down when he asked me to stay!

  • Brenda Sue

    Reading some of your posts - corpsmen go to A school in Great Lakes!


    Cheapest hotel closest to base - the Navy Lodge!

  • Dani_Girl (ET wife)

    Hey waiting. He needs to fill out a Live Ashore packet for either on or off base... I don't know if he can do it until indoc after pass in review. It all depends on if his orders are accompanied or not. If they're not, I heard the chances of his live ashore getting approved are zero... See if there's a group on here for his job. That's where I'm getting most of my questions answered about A school. Good luck.
  • Dani_Girl (ET wife)

    No worries. Indoctrination happens the first week of A school, from what I understand from the discussion board. He has to request the paperwork for either on or off base housing and it is called a "Live Ashore" packet or chit. If it's off base, he has to submit a dummy lease with it. If the Navy is going to move you, he also has to attend a briefing before the move. This is all stuff I've picked up on the AECF wives section, so I'm not the primary source, but they are women that are living with their husbands during A school right now. :) Good luck. I hope that helps. I know how frustrating it is when no one answers your questions.