

Cypress, TX

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am an Occupatonal therapy assistant in the Houston area. My only son left for bootcamp on December 14, 2010.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

Comment Wall:

  • Dec6

    I am a PTA in North Houston Area.  My son left on Dec 6, hence my screen name. 

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • waiting for you (SHIP 3 DIV 080)

    My husband was also in the delayed entry. He went to MEPS the first time in Oct. then another one in Nov then Dec. 14th to leave for RCT
  • waiting for you (SHIP 3 DIV 080)

    Are you planning on going to your son's PIR?

  • waiting for you (SHIP 3 DIV 080)

    Yes mam :) We have a 2 month old daughter so its probably going to be an interesting plane ride. I'm concerend of the weather too. Hopefully there wont be no snow storms around the time we go.
  • waiting for you (SHIP 3 DIV 080)

    LOL! I'm from dallas, and my husband is from down there Houston Beaumont area. We moved down there last year and stayed for a year and so we had to use the Houston recruiiter, and before he left we moved to my parents house in the DFW area so I can stay with them while he is in bootcamp since I'm young and a new mom., I don't have to be lonely and get to see our family and friends before we get stationed somewhere
  • RysMom23

    hey txnavymom-glad to see a fellow division member.  Lets be there for each other, its going to be a rough couple of weeks. 
  • RysMom23

    I agree.emotions...oh i have had several.  The first day he left I felt like someone punched in my chest and I felt off all day.   This morning was rough..its my hubbys bday and these next two days were HUGE in my home.  I cried about 4 times already.  I recieved a happy suprise today..I got the "letter" that confirms Graduation 2/18 and his little blurp that they write to us.

    I hope you are surrounded by many friends and family members this holiday season and know you have a Navy Mom feeling just like you! God Bless...and Merry Christmas.


  • RysMom23

    Im glad you got good news also...just knowing they are okay, gives you some peace of mind.  give the address to all you know, my son told me.  i did already, i got his address from his recruiter.  have a merry all day, i will be checking during the course of the day.  :)
  • RysMom23

    I hope it gets alittle better for has to be really tough for him.  Today is tough for me, I am so used to picking up the phone or walking into his room to make sure he is okay.  I feel helpless...but I have to keep my spirits up for I have a 2 1/2yr old that the holidays still have to roll on for.

  • waiting for you (SHIP 3 DIV 080)

    Awwww thank you so much! I didn't receive it today :( but I think my husband put his parent's address down instead of mine bc he knows it by heart. Hopefully they got it and will let me know soon
  • RysMom23

    We are staying at a full service marriot hotel.  it is about 12miles from base. i am a marriot rewards members and i got a discounted rate, plus my hubby and father inlaw will only stay at a marriot.  i am trying to book my flight with jetblue...i have credit card miles that i was able to use..gotta love when you charge, it finally came in handy, lol.   i will od it on line, but just want to talk to an agent to make sure i am doing it correctly.  jetblue has been sooo busy with the crappy weather we have been handed the last few days.   

    there are a few hotels that are not far from the base. i think there is a link somewhere on this website that lists the names. 

  • waiting for you (SHIP 3 DIV 080)

    Oh thank you! I know I can't stop reading his comment to me, now its time to make reservations :)
  • RysMom23

    awsome..that is soo cool.  i have the hotel booked, i am just trying to the air flights.   we are going jetblue and i cannot get through due the HUGE Blizzard disaster up here.   by the time we get our letters, we will be up there for 

    we will have to figure out a way to meet once we are up there.

  • RysMom23

    I booked my return flight for sunday too...we figured if he has to grad and go, we can visit chicago, there is alot to see and make a mini vacation out of it.

    i responded to the meet and greet, do you know if we have to bring anything and how many we can bring?

  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    Thanks for stoping by.....I am so excited! Counting down till PIR 11 days 21 hrs 19 mins to be exact :-) We are defintely attending. We wouldn't miss this moment for anything. I had our flights booked and hotel reservations made as soon as we received the form letter with his PIR date. He is doing really well and is ready for graduation. We were able to talk to him on Christmas Day; was the BEST gift of them all. How is your rct doing? Keep sending those letters I know they love it when their names are called during mail delivery. Hope you have a blessed day!

  • Dani_Girl (ET wife)

    Thanks. That helps a little.
  • newnavymom(Ship 03 Div 79)

    hi, I am from Dallas, but they said to not have anything to associate with our sailors on here or current pics of them as these pages are cruised by thier bc and they may be "picked on", so have changed name to newnavymom.  I got info from recruiter, I have not recieved letter or second phone call yet. recruiter said that it shows feb 22, which is a wed, so grad could be the 18th or the 25th.

    I have a whole stack going out in tommorrows mail.


  • newnavymom(Ship 03 Div 79)

    he left dec 14th and am not sure of PIR, have not gotten letter but recruiter said would be either 18th or 25th


  • newnavymom(Ship 03 Div 79)

    I have gotten form letter, and he is in same as yours is and PIR is 2/18
  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    Whoohoo ~ got the official "I'm a sailor" call last Friday! Starting to pack and make final prepartions to leave town early Thursday morning. Praying for no bad weather till we get to GL at least. Glad to hear that your son is doing so well and has a good attitude :-)
  • newnavymom(Ship 03 Div 79)

    Got two letters today, dated dec 20th and 31st, says that there are a bunch of recruits that wont listen, shut up when told and the rdc are pissed off and training hasnt started yet.  He says he will continue to do his best, but as a group they are not doing I guess no hope for extra calls....but he says he will keep trying he just hopes that they don't throw the whole division out....kinda scary but thougth I would share the news
  • Dani_Girl (ET wife)

    I would really like that. There aren't very many of us from that division and we DO need to stick together. It kind of sounds like we're going to need each other. I hope things start looking up for our division. I could REALLY use a phone call from my husband right now. Thanks for your friendship and support.
  • RysMom23

    txnavymom...sorry i havnt been on in a while.  i was away all last week for work and playing catch up since i have been back.  i hope this post finds you well and your letters and calls have started.    i see in the post that our division is not doing well. my son never mentioned it in his few letters.  i guess he doesnt want us to worry, if you know anything about what is going on, please let me know.  we only have about 37days until we see our recruits.  hope to hear from ya soon... your fellow navy mom...nic
  • RysMom23

    I am so glad your call went well!   Yes Ryan did say he got his uniforms and was excited when he told us.   I think the boys just want to see us, once they are in A School, it will be easier for them.  We told him once A School hits,it will be like college.
  • RysMom23

    i agree the letters and phone calls make now make you feel somewhat connected.  just to hear his voice was amazing.  look at us, our boys are gone for 4 weeks and we are blubbering fools, some families have not heard from their loved ones for longer due to there location.  we have the count down calender ready for monday.

    yes, ryan said there are alot of people from texas and california, just 2or3 from NY.

  • married2asailor101

    hey wats ur sons name? my husband keeps talking about a bunch of different guys and i have no idea who hes talking about lol

  • jsone DDG75

    Thank you for the note.  I gues your right about it being the nature and everyone gets in trouble at some point.  I just keep telling myself we are half way there.
  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    Well I'm emotionlly & physically drained after one of the most eventful weekends of my life!! Weather held up pretty good through out our stay. Navy Lodge accomodations were fantastic. The graduation ceremony was AWESOME & the first site of my sailor in uniform was breath taking. Aterwards to fianlly get to HUG was when I emotionally lost it. We had a fab time on liberty Friday visiting Chi-town & Willis Tower (skydeck) and enjoyed the famous Chicago style pizza. Saw him off at the airport to A school in Pensacola,FL early Saturday. We were able to give him his personal items (cell, laptop & digital camera). Afterwards we have now communicated several times which is GREAT! Overall this was an amazing experience one we will always remember :-) Don't forget to bring waterproof masacara & tissue....LOL
  • minkur

    Yes I am...I am holding off on the plane tix till Friday of this week though!  Hopefully They will not go up!  My hubby was really happy to finally get the call, he is having the hardest time with all this...and then to hear that your son did not even know what day it was, broke my husbands heart!
  • RysMom23

    OMG....i am so happy for you. it is 30 days from today we will all be on a jet plane!!! we just started the count down calendar.  i cannot wait to meet you and the other families.  it will be great to finally meet and hug, and share our tears.   did you book your hotel???? did you get more letters or phone calls????
  • married2asailor101

    lol his name is Dave Thorp. he keeps talking about all of these guys like i know who they are and i have no clue in the world lol. so i guess on the 18th i'll have to learn a ton of names and not forget them
  • newnavymom(Ship 03 Div 79)

    I was looking thru the brochure that came with the form letter and there is a website navy graduation family rates..motel and car....says must have ID but called agency and they said no id necessary (military) for 35.00 nite rates near base?  Have you checked any of those.  I am going to book on monday.
  • newnavymom(Ship 03 Div 79)

    Well being from north texas and having lived in oklahoma...I can do rain snow shine sleet and tornados lol lol lol. Are you going to the meet and greet Thurs nite?  I had hoped to get a letter by now, with the holiday, but the mailman did not even come today, I had a letter to go out to my son, we usually get at least junk mail each that we are on the downhill side to PIR I am breathing much easier, how are you doing??
  • RysMom23

    OMG...thursdays are rush to the mailbox at my house and Ryan's girlfriends house.  Yesterday was soooo sad, when I opened the box nothing was there.  then i remembered that monday was a holiday..LOL.   Got one today.  Ryan is doing well from what I can tell. The letter we got today, he was happy that they are getting into the heart of boot camp.  I guess for them it means the home stretch.  before you know it, feb will be here and then PIR.
  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    good are you holding up? Have you heard from your SR and how are they doing? What week are they in now? From what I can tell it maybe around week 5 - which is called "HELL WEEK" alot of additional PT, PFA & written tests performed. Prayers for continued success and unity for their DIV. Keep me posted :-)

    My sailor is settled in at PNAS now and has actually earned liberty off base....he loves the new found taste of freedom. He already requested for us to send him some personal clothes/shoes along with his XBOX360.....I just had to laugh ALOT!! As long as he's happy; Mommas happy!
  • RysMom23

    txnavymom..hope all is well.  i dnt get on all that much.  kinda hard with work and my 2 1/2 yr old.  im reading the email chain, kinda worried about no PIR for 2/18.  Hopefully we get a call this week, if so, I am going to ask Ryan what is going on.  Like I said in my other post to the group, his letters and that one call, he only mentioned postitive stuff.  if i know ryan,he doesnt want me to worry, because he knows i will.  i will stress myself over it.  its funny how our boys know us.  anyway...dinner is almost ready and joey is being VERY quite, that usually means trouble.  prayers are with you and your sailor.  24 days until PIR and our meeting...nic
  • RysMom23

    Self Employed or Employed by seems there is never enough time to accomplish all we want.  Yes,I agree the 31st needs to come fast.   Last night Ryan's girlfriend and her two bestest came over.  It felt like the "old days" As if Ryan has been gone for years...

    I think his girlfriend like it too, she had a connect back.  She didnt have to feel guilty talking about Ryan.  I can remember when I was that age and your boyfriend was all you would talk about.   I cannot wait to just sit and chat with Ryan,get to hear his adventures while in BC.   It is going to snow here again...I know the weather in Texas has been crazy too.  I was in Lewisville, Tx the begining of Jan for work..and it was cold.

  • RysMom23

    Hey Txnavymom...hope all is well.   how is your weather in texas?   kinda of nerve racking since we are leaving in 14days and the weather has just gone wacky all over the country.  hope you got your letter today.  got one from ryan and he sounded good and is ready for BattleStations on the 10th.   Hope to hear how your son is doing.