navymom99(ship09 div075)


Wilkesboro, NC

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Mother of wonderful Daughter who Left for BC Dec 14th. Here for support and to talk to others in the same boat.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
  • MountainMama(ship3 div081)

    Yes, I'll be happy to share the ups and downs with another Navy Mom. I went with my son this morning for his 7 day indoc and asked tons of questions. His recruiter is really nice and both of them in the office have been good to my boy. It's getting so close stomach is tied up in knots. I can't concentrate on anything at all. I know that you know how I feel!
  • shetaz5360 (ship09 div078)

    Hello and welcome. We definately need to keep in touch. We are going to my son's swearing in ceremony to see him off. I am nervous but proud.
  • myboysmom(Ship09/Div078)

    Welcome Caseysmom, Glad to talk to you. She is beautiful. I need to work on my page. Yours is awesome. I will be here regularly for support and I sure I will need yours as well. Hopefully we can meet at PIR. Looking forward to talking to you.
  • myboysmom(Ship09/Div078)

    What is her job going to be? Caleb is classified right now as Gunner's mate but had rather have Corpsman if that is available later.
  • battlebuddy

    Hi Caseysmom. I see your in NC too! Oh I am so glad to know that there is some mom's pretty close by that are going thru this too. My son is going to be going to MEPS in Raleigh on 12/12 swearing in on the 13th...then I guess he gets on a plane to GL....My son's name is Josh...but I call him JTW on here. I am very proud of him...but really having a hard time with him leaving home too...I am also on FB... if you want to e-mail me I will send you my name. I really try to be very careful about giving out information where any one can see. My e-mail is ;)
  • beachbum

    Good morning Caseysmom1!  My son left for BC 12/8, we got our call and now are waiting on the box.  I have never done anything so hard in my life, he is the oldest and letting go IS HARD!  I am so thankful for the navyformoms site,  it has been incredibly helpful, lots of good info.  Looking forward to the support that I think only another navy mom can give.  Have a blessed day!  Oh by the way we are in W-S.

  • myboysmom(Ship09/Div078)

    Good morning Caseysmom! Yes, GL will be very cold for these two from the South. He is excited but nervous as well. Her job sounds interesting. I am taking off of work Mon. to spend the day with him. He will fly out of New Orleans and we live about 45-1 hour away from there. We will bring him to the hotel the evening before and have dinner with him and spend the night. The next morning he is going to MEPS early and we will meet him there later for his swearing in. I am telling myself not to cry in front of him I can cry on the way home. I hope I can hold it all in. Tell her I said good luck and I hope to meet both of you at graduation.

  • larrysmom

    Hi to my new friend and support partner.LOL..look forward to talking and sharing...your daughter is  beautiful and i will keep her in my prayers also...may our children grow into the adults we want them to be...and be safe along the sitting here wondering as i am typing how much "shell shock" so to say the the kids must be feeling .....and what they are doing....i didnt think it was going to be this hard...but inside....oh boy...all a jumble....enough rambling...just nerves...haha..

  • Ark Navy Mom!

    If I'm following your posts correctly, your daughter just left for GL.  My son leaves tomorrow (16th), I will drop him off at the recruiters this afternoon and then we will meet him at MEPS tomorrow for the swearing in and see him to the airport.  He is excited but very nervous.  I am excited for him but it is hard to let go. Maybe our kids will be in the same PIR? 

  • RysMom23

    My son left on the 14th as well.  it does not look like they are in the same divison, but we are in the same division...Navy Moms.   The call I got was short was at 1:45am on wednesday morning.  i will not delete the call from my caller id.  It was a short call..Hi Mom, I am will get a box in about 1 wk and letter in about ya. click. My hubby got up out of bed and called his cellphone, it went right to voice mail.  My heartaches, but it is nice having this website to see what others have to say and what we can expect.

  • Anna


    I see you recently joined the Moms of Daughters 2 group and I want to welcome you!!! We are a friendly caring group of moms and are always willing to listen, share and help each other whenever or wherever we can. Please feel free to join our chats, we love talking about everything from work, family, weather - whatever. Plus the joyful and anxiety filled journey of being a Navy Mom!!!  We look forward to learning about you and your sailor!!!  Again, Welcome Aboard!!

  • navymom 74 Ship 4 Div 805

    my son left on Dec 13th and graduation date is Feb super excited and we cant wait to see him..he also called that evening he left and said that i would be receiving a box in 1 week and a letter in 2..then he hung heart has been hurting ever since he so proud of him and i cant wait to see new to all this so how do i join yalls chat?
  • navymom 74 Ship 4 Div 805

    how do i find out if there is anybody in Ship 4 Div so new to all this..


  • southern4

    My daughter, Caroline, is a aviotics technician, she will go to A school in Pensacola, How about your daughter? I have a golden retrevier, Harley.
  • southern4

    All your pics are beautfiul, I have to get some pics up on the site
  • NukeMom(CVN-75)

    Why will it not let me join the PIR 02/18/11 gorup? I have clicked on the join link and nothing happens. Can you help me with this? Thanks :)
  • NukeMom(CVN-75)

    Not a problem at all. There is always someone around who picks me up and holds my hand. LOL I am just so glad to finally get in the PIR group!!! And I can watch that old clock tick down the days. :)
  • Lilu(ship03 div079)

    Thank you for the add!! :)
  • zacksmom

    My first N4M friend! My son will go to A school (ACEF) in Great Lakes after bootcamp. I look forward to getting to know you and hope to meet you in February!
    I keep waiting for a letter or a phone call!!
  • Dina ship 09/ div075

    Have you received a letter or call yet?  I havent read of anyone in our ship and div receiving any yet.

  • WhiteClay Ship 2 Div 913

    Thanks for the friend request! I stumbled on the N4M site a couple weeks ago and it's been a great source of info & encouragement. My son will be at Great Lakes for AECF, but right now is part of Div 913 which will participate in several grads plus the 2/18 PIR. We've gotten a letter every Thurs since he left 12/12, and they are newsy & have lots of funny details. 
  • randy'smom

    The return address from my son reads "ship 04 div 805. He graduates 2/18/11.

    What is the difference from ship 09 div 075???? Trying to understand all of this. Thanks in advance. I assume all the divisions sit together.....Trying to coordinate colors of what to wear?? I will cont. to follow...Thank you.  Julie

  • diannep

    Hey!  "Athumper" accidentally disclosed her recruit's full name on the posts today.  I have messaged her to please delete it, but if you are on before she is, can you delete it?  Don't want anyone to get in trouble!  Thanks! I asked her to repost her question without his name, and to privately message the person who can get pictures of her son for her.
  • diannep

    Hey!  Can you add the division numbers to the top of your page?  75-86, 805, 913

    You can just add them in the "info" part of your page if you want .  Or add them onto the title of the group.  Thanks! 

  • diannep

    You are very welcome...and thanks for the divisions at the top!  Have a good weekend.
  • Gail F

    Hi... Im looking forward to meeting everyone at the event Thurs night. I'll be flying in from NC that morning! Im sure our kids are as excited as we are! Looking forward to a this!


  • diannep

    Hey!  exxie has posted the gate pass password on the board! today  UGH!  Huge security issue. If she has not already deleted it, can you?  Thanks!  Dianne