

Westport, WA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I have a 21 year old who got to bootcamp on Feb 9. I've recently found out he's in 11/128. Life is lonely without him.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
In the NROTC program
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
It's one of the "safer" and honest branches of the military
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • justin'smom

    Yes, this is difficult, but they will have a better future for all of their hard work!  When do you anticipate your child's PIR to be?  I think my son's will be 4/8, but no official word yet.  We are planning to drive to Great Lakes (from Pittsburgh) for his graduation.
  • Teresa43insc

    Thank you for excepting my friend request, it helps so much to read the post and to know that I am not crazy for feeling the feelings I am having. Tying to explain it to people who haven't gone through it is difficuilt and they are so supportive and their love is great but to be able to talk to others that know and share the same feelings is a wonderful blessing.


  • KellynKaty(corps-Mom)

    Hi.. yes the waiting was bad. I thought something was wrong with me...But here we are..But, I am still learning the site. Where is the friend request. I'm not seeing it..

    And yes, this mom thing ..Raising him was a breeze,it's letting him go that hurts so bad..I've never been with him. He's my only child..

    Has your child already left for bc ? Mine leaves March 28th..

  • KellynKaty(corps-Mom)

    I wished I knew how much or if he is scared. He wont tell me..He's just ready to go. He counts the days on his fb ..And every day I get more sad and scared.I am getting his going away party togehter so thats keeping a little busy, not enough though.. What is the form letter? I've heard of it but not sure what it is..

    Have a great day!


  • koz_1316 (ship 2 div 921)

    My husband left on 2/9 also! I haven't received anything yet, 
    have you? I know he's in ship 2 div 921, but that's all
    I know... Well I hope all is well with you and your sailor!