Megs-Sailor Wife


Goose Creek, SC

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • carols_kitchen

    Our son is a nuke, too

    Hi and Welcome. 

    We are happy to have you on the Navy for Moms site.  You are invited to join either the Illinois or Missouri family page as listed below.  It is a great way to find families in your area and even help plan meet and greets. We also have some packing parties for our troops overseas getting together.

    Looking forward to hearing from you in one of our groups!

    Be sure and let me know if you have any questions!

    PS.  Feel free to cruise my page and see if there are any other groups that interest you



  • gregsmomship003 div 147

    Yes I did and I signed up!!   Feeling my pain today UGH
  • val328 (ship 03 Div 147)

    Hi son is on the same ship/Div as your husband.  I live in Marshfield, MO just East of Springfield. Where do you live?  My son arrived at GL March 1st and will graduate 4/22.

    How are you holding up? This website has helped me sooooo much. 

    I got our form letter yesterday with a short note.  That was awesome to hear from him in some capacity!!!!

    Stay strong... will talk to you soon.


  • MirrorMaiden88

    Hi! I know I have only found 2 other people who have sons in my husbands div! But, I have made some great friends regardless. I am doing ok, I think I will be much better once I get my first letter from him and hear how he is doing. It is hard, I agree, and while I knew it would be, I just never expected it to me this hard. It is going to take some time to adjust to him being gone like this! I hope that you are having a great day!

    Oh, by the way, where will your husband be going to A-school? Take care!:)

  • MirrorMaiden88

    Awww....that breaks my heart about your six year old. I know she is going to be extremely happy on graduation day! That will be so sweet. My husband's A-school is in Groton, CT(submarine electronics or to be technical SEFC) a mere 21 hrs from where I am living If I get to go with him that is going to be some move. But, I don't care how far away it is I will be going if I can! I agree I would love to meet more wives on here (and hopefully be able to meet them in person at grad). I have met a few that have really helped me through some of the harder days. Without their friendship I would be a lot worse than I am. I told my husband before he left that wherever we go I will make as many "Navy wife" friends as possible. It helps so much to talk to someone who is going through the same thing! Hopefully we will get our first "real" letter soon! It would be so nice to here from him. Continue having a great day!
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Hey Meg,
    My name is Bridg'ette & my bf is also on Ship 3/ Div 147. I'm on this site for support. In actuality, this site & other navy spouse and family members on facebook is what is keeping me sane. The ladies on this site & many others are very helpful. I feel like if where all here for each other, we can definitely get through this. I know I have my moments where I feel like I can't handle it anymore. But how are you? Have you received any letters? It'll be awesome if our SR's know each other! :-)
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Yea... Its been sooo hard. I mean I never thought it would be this hard. I knew it would be difficult at times but not this emotional. me & my sailor been together for almost a year. We've been wanting to start a family but I will be graduating with my BA at Temple University & he was leaving so we thought that it wasn't the perfect time. When I write my sailor tonite, I'll see if he knows your hubby (I mean he has to since Bootcamp is all about them being able to work as a team) (Ill inbox you my sr's name so when can see if our sr's know each other). Today honestly has been a tough day tho because today is my SR's birthday & it just feels awkward that we aren't celebrating together but I hope everything is well for you. You can always contact me on here or Facebook or text me. Ill inbox you all of that info.
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Yeah.. I've been thinking about some ideas.. I want to marry him asap but we've have discussed to get married in a few years but I hope he wants too sooner. Its just sooo hard. I cant wait until we are able to say 10 days to go.. now im stuck with 43 more days but hey, its been two weeks and we made it this far. I just hope we get a letter REAL soon...
  • Jenacfs

    Hey Megs, did u book your hotel yet?? I just booked my room at the Navy Lodge. I am so excited i can't wait !!
  • Jenacfs

    My son is doing great, he knows daddy is in school and working and he can't wait to see him! Navy lodge would be your best bet. It is the closest hotel near the graduaution and it is only 65.00 a night but the rooms are going fast.


    Just copy and paste this link to get the info on the lodge.

  • Jenacfs

    She is older and can understand what is going on. It is good you both have eachother to lean on .
  • Jenacfs

    Yes, i did. I am going on monday to get my I.D. and in the same building they have the tricare reps. I don't understand the paperwork because it only looks like it is for Dental. Kinda confusing.
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Hey meg. Your husbands pir is 4/22 rite & did u receive a letter today.. I didn't. Ill try again tomorrow. :-/
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Fingers crossed for something tomorrow. . I hope this weekend goes by quick so we can be on week three then week for then week 8. Lol.
  • Jenacfs

    Who would be the sponsor ? Would that be the sailor?
  • Jenacfs

    LOL, i haven't done it yet.
  • Jenacfs

    Yeahh, the whole transition is crazy!!!
  • Jenacfs

    Thank you , very helpful!!
  • MirrorMaiden88

    Hey...I hope you have been having a good couple of days. I got my letter and DEERS paper on Thursday, and I was able to go get my id...yay! I have insurance again!lol I hope that you have gotten your letter, it helped me so much when I was able to read that he was doing ok. He sounded a little down but I expected it. As for knowing whether or not I will be able to go with him to A-school I won't know until after basic submarine school. He will get his orders for his next school and it has to be at least 20 weeks, although some have said 22 weeks. How have you been doing? I hope that everything has been going well for you and your daughter!:)
  • MirrorMaiden88

    I am sorry that you didn't get a letter. I have seen other people in that div that haven't gotten letters either. You will probably get one this week!:) I went to an army base (to the soldier center) and got my id. I waited in the waiting room an hour but once I got back there it took all of 5 minutes to get. It went really smooth and was fortunate to have friendly people helping me. What branch of the military base are you going to? I have been doing good, there are some days when I get really impatient and want 4/22 to be here now. This is a complete new way of living that is going to take some time to get used to. In fact, it can be a little intimidating. Its nice to have insurance again and I am so thankful that he joined to give me that. I hope everything is going well with you and if you have any questions let me know. I know I am a newbie too so we are in the same boat but I will still try to answer them! :) Have a great day. I hope it is going great!
  • val328 (ship 03 Div 147)

    Hey Meg...Where is your discussion on our Ship 03 Div 147?  I can't find it.  My son is on that ship also.  Just wondering if you have heard any specifics about them.  I have not received a letter yet.  But he has only been in there two weeks today.  Starting to seem like forever!!!!



  • MirrorMaiden88

    Yes I did! And was so relieved to say the least! Did you?
  • NavyGF staying strong

    I think he did.. i have to check... hbu? did u receive a letter yet? (Its taking sooo long for a letter)
  • MirrorMaiden88

    No he is ship03 div 145...what day did he get there?
  • NavyGF staying strong

    hey meg, I'll check when I get home but I don't get my mail until 4. What was the day they were able to write? Did he say everything was okay with the division because now im so anxious? How far are you from Chicago because it takes 3 to 4 days to get mail from there to where I live? When was it post marked? Sorry for so many questions
  • NavyGF staying strong

    did he mention in his letter when the division gets to call
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Oh okay.. yeah i read that alot too about the young guys. I just despise that everyone is punished for someone else faults. I hope they get to call soon or that it's even possible because the people in the division who just aren't taking it serious.
  • MirrorMaiden88

    hmmm...that's really weird because that is the same day that my husband got there! But I saw where you got your letter! I am so happy for you!!!:)
  • NavyGF staying strong

    No. Not paid today. Our division didn't get paid. They may be a little behind.