

New Albany, MS

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • Linda

    I'm so glad you found N4M!  This website had been wonderful over the last few weeks. There is so much informatin on this website.  I can't believe it is less thn a month away to PIR!  Will you be at PIR?

  • Linda

    I hve not gotten any details from my son.  I have only received one letter that was upbeat and funny, but he did not give any insight as to what was going on.  The phone call was brief and again he gave no details.  When Freebird was posting, her daughter had said that some people were not listenening and they had IT.  Hopefully all is going well for their division!
  • Linda


    I got a letter from my son today.  He has a sinus infection but is passing all of his tests with flying colors.  He did mention that their division is not doing so hot because some people can't fold laundry right.  He did say he might get a phone call soon. Have you heard anything? 

  • Linda


    Actually, he said it was the girls who can't fold!  I am not getting alot of my questions answered and he isn't into the questionaires. He did tell me he would order the pictures.  I'm glad your son sounded upbeat too!  Will you be at PIR and/or the Meet and Greet? 

  • Linda

    Hi,  I know what you mean - I really miss my son!  I will look for you at the meet and greet.  My huband and oldest son will be there.  Unfortunately, my youngest son and daughter won't be there, but I told them I would send them pictures.  Hurry up 4/22!
  • Lamarmama 09/139

    I will pray for yours and mine both, the same thing happened to mine, and I am not sure what will happen if they dont pass this last test.  I know my son will be devastated, he has worked so hard for this.  Will keep you and he in my prayers.
  • Lamarmama 09/139

    It is in Gods hands.  I think they will be fine and if not then we will just change the flights and all that stuff and life will be good.
  • Linda

    My son does not give me much information. He has never been one to write letters.  I got a letter on Wednesday and he said this was Hell Week.  He didn't say when BS would  be.  His letters are short but upbeat.  How is your son's leg?  Is he still on track for PIR 4/22?  My son thought he might get a call, but so far no calls.  He called once around week 3.  I guess no news is good news.  I will be glad when BC is done!
  • Dawn

    I'm SO glad that your son's leg is better! I know it must be SUCH a relief for you! It won't be long now and we will be watching our son's standing tall and proud on 4/22!
  • Linda

    I'm so glad to hear that your son's leg is better.  What a relief! Does it seem like theother divisions get more phone calls?  I guess it is beter to eait for the "I'm a sailor" call at this point.  The waiting and not knowing is the hard part.  Did you see that Battlestations are on Thurs for our division?  I can't wait until Friday! 
  • annamichael

    Thank you so much, CC. You are right. It is much harder than I thought to be strong for him. It's usually the other way around. But I'm hanging in their and praying I do not get a phone call til after battle stations. Thank you again for your good thoughts!
  • FreeBird61

    There doing battle stations tomorrow...and Thursday..
  • Dawn

    me too! today is my day off and I should've slept in...WIDE awake at 6! I have to travel to Tucson this afternoon and there is a stretch of road where there is NO cell signal...I am SO afraid that THAT is where I will be when he calls!  Can't wait to hear the words! "Hi momma...I'm a Sailor!!" I am so emotional...I get a little weepy just thinking about it!
  • Dawn

    that's a GREAT idea! I am going to do that! :-)