

Queensbury, NY

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • Corinne( ship04div805)

    Hi Julie,

    I just found your message...I'm still getting used to navigating this site! We are from Iowa, so for us Great Lakes is only a 3 hour drive. We are planning on driving up on Thursday night and heading home sometime on Sunday depending on what the schedule looks like. Where

    will you be staying? 

  • navymom99(ship09 div075)

    Hey manning53. Sorry it has taken me so long to answer you. There are several ships and they each have several DIV's on each one. One of the ladies who has been helping us out with info posted what most in the different DIV do. Go to the pir 2-18-11 site and look for that posting. I keep having to look back at it to remember. We are taking amtrak to great lakes. It is so much cheaper than flying. And the seats soft so you are not sitting on a hard seat the whole way. You may want to check it out. We are going to rent a car as soon as we get there at union station.



  • navymom 74 Ship 4 Div 805

    Hi Julie,

    My sons also in ship 4 div 805...we are going to be traveling from Mcallen,Tx into Chicago Midway..will be staying at the Residence Inn...have you heard anything on this div?  will they be a Grad n Go...i have only received 1 call and that was on the 13th of Jan...and 1 letter after that...i know they are getting ready for BS but i miss my son so much!!! ;(

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    It is not too late. Send me a friend request and I will send you all the info for ordering.
  • exxie

    You and me both, sister!!  ;)
  • navymom 74 Ship 4 Div 805

    Hello!! How time flies... goin on three months that our boys graduated into sailors..hope ur doin good!! Will be in Pensacola at the end of this month..have you visited your son??