Proud AO Mom


Mcloud, OK

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Moore, OK
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the featured forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to
    reading more about you! :)

    Elizabeth and Colleen
  • BunkerQB

    Welcome to N4M. Your key to adjusting is finding a group (or groups) where you can feel comfortable and get answers to your questions – Click on the underlined links:
    1. New Moms Stop Here group. You should think of this group as your orientation station.
    2. Depper’s… in but not yet . is a group for those just waiting for bootcamp to start (Delayed Entry Program – a depper)
    3. Boot Camp Moms group. Just about to go into Bootcamp? or already in?
    4. OCS Graduate Moms or the NROTC Moms. For those going to be an officer or going to NROTC?

    Check your page (click on MY PAGE) & status box (INBOX, FRIENDS, SETTINGS) often. If you don't you'll never find out what messages your new N4M friends have left

    Best of luck, BunkerBee and AbbyblueOK (from the New Moms Stop Here Group)
  • joyceann

    Hi Holly! I'm so glad you found me! We can be buddies now, as long as you don't cry, cause if you cry then I cry and I just stopped! :)
  • joyceann

    I'm trying to sift through the hotels too. I saw a very good comment about the Ramada. We will be coming in by amtrak, so I need to find out exactly what to do once I arrive there. Hubby absolutely refuses to drive there!!!
  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    Hi Holly! I am so glad to have found another Mom who has a son in DIV 040....was starting to think that joyceann & I were the only 2. How have you been doing since your son left? I had a few rough days but was a little better once I got his letter & mailing address. I am anxious to see if this week they will be allowed a phone call. I would really love to hear his voice.
  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    we are in Houston, northwest side Jersey Village area. Still praying for a phone call soon. Getting ready for Thanksgiving doing my meal preparations. Trying to cope with the thought that my boy won't be here to celebrate the day. I am so proud of him and can't wait till PIR to get to HUG him again!
  • joyceann

    Hi Holly! My son's name is James. He'll be the quiet one. I would say with blonde hair---but I guess that won't help any of them will it! :) I feel like I'm getting a little more excited every day! I'll write James today and tell him to look for Ronald, I already wrote to him about Ryan. I sure hope the boys are doing ok. My son did a lot of changing the last 6 months before he left, it was like he was trying to grab moments and hold onto them. Thank Goodness for my memories right now!!!
  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    My son's name is Ryan. He is pretty outgoing most of the time and makes friends easily. He has red hair (see connection to my site name ~ redsmom)? Hopefully our boys will make the connection from the info I have written in the letters. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family. Don't forget to lite your blue candle in the absence of our soon to be SAILORS~ I love the sound of that :-)
  • BonitaMEMami

    TX sooso much for your words of kindness.  I am struggling today but honored.  His Recruiter just told me he will call me later with his address.  so Here we are off and running.  ~Peace~ME

  • branchonelove

    Congratulations on the wam letter.  Doesn't it make your heart glad to know that they were listenting after all?  I got a letter from my son thanking me for being the best teacher and mentor.  He also sent the hubby/his dad a letter but it was all male bonding.  He was excited about the firing range, the tomahawk guy that talked to them, learning some Navy skills etc. etc.  Sounds like they are doing well! 
  • Alysia-Redsmom (VQ-4/ATO)

    Hi Holly ~ happy friday to ya, thankful for the weekend. How is T doing in pcola? Has he heard anything on his ATT class? R is holding strong and said he hopes to start this next week. He is excited to phase up to Phase 2 and now can wear civi clothes. He especially is enjoying the little warmer temps over GL. He is struggling with a cough & sore throat and "mother hen" here was trying to give hime to advice and I was quickly told he had under control..... sniff sniff (no longer needed) Well I hope that you & the family are doing well and have a wonderful weekend!