I am 24 years old and engaged to a wonderful man. He left for Boot Camp June 1st and I miss him like crazy but our love is strong and we will get through this together. I am so proud of him!
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Hey mi fiancé left on the same day and to the same place,,it was hard too at first but in his formal letter to his mom he told her to tell me that he loves me and will write me soon. Just continue writing and keep busy!
I think it only takes up to a week and a half to get it...then you can write away!!lol but he can also call after the 3rd week but it will be kinda short.
hey, i read your discussion post about your mixed emotions... I feel that almost every week when I get my boyfriends letters. I guess I am just negative nancy. lol. he tells me he loves me, but I have finally realized after 3 weeks of getting letters and a bunch of times spent talking it over with friends not to look to much in to it. This weeks letter came yesterday for me to, my boyfriend seemed really busy and stressed because usually i get 2 page letters from him, but this time it was maybe 2/3 of a page! I am trying my hardest not to write to him and say "do you still love me" because he is going through a lot and he doesn't really need to hear that right now, and like I said I am probably just over thinking everything. So I just have to get over it and keep writing everyday like I do and wait til the 29th!!!!!
I think this is a normal thing for most people... it sucks, but we must remember that they are going through a lot and they should know that we are too. When I got his first letter this week I must have written back 3 different times, but in the end they were all crumbled up. lol. my last letter to him did mention some things i had concerns about, but not calling him out on it like saying why didnt you do this or why didnt you do that (even though i still cant get that thought out of my head) just think we only have a few more weeks! The biggest thing to remember and something my boyfriend did write in his letter was that they were now starting the building up process. So the most recent letter you probably got was one of the hardest being that it was probably the last week in the break down week, ie hell week. From now on the letter should be more positive! I am really hoping I get a call soon. I have only got to talk to him for 5 minutes and that was a few weeks ago (the day before fathers day). the thing that gets me the most is that his division got a 30 minute call a few weeks ago and i didnt hear from him, but his mom talked to him for 3 minutes, so I dont know where the rest of the 27 minutes went... I guess all I can do is try and forget it but that is hard. This monday, yes 4th of July, sounds cheesy is our 2 year anniversary, im hoping he will be smart and call this weekend if you know what i mean, other wise he will be in trouble :P
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Jun 6, 2011
Jun 11, 2011
Jun 14, 2011
florida_girl ship 3/div 235
Jun 14, 2011
florida_girl ship 3/div 235
Jun 15, 2011
Jun 18, 2011
Jun 19, 2011
skell456 (AO wife)
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Jun 30, 2011
florida_girl ship 3/div 235
Jul 1, 2011
florida_girl ship 3/div 235
I think this is a normal thing for most people... it sucks, but we must remember that they are going through a lot and they should know that we are too. When I got his first letter this week I must have written back 3 different times, but in the end they were all crumbled up. lol. my last letter to him did mention some things i had concerns about, but not calling him out on it like saying why didnt you do this or why didnt you do that (even though i still cant get that thought out of my head) just think we only have a few more weeks! The biggest thing to remember and something my boyfriend did write in his letter was that they were now starting the building up process. So the most recent letter you probably got was one of the hardest being that it was probably the last week in the break down week, ie hell week. From now on the letter should be more positive! I am really hoping I get a call soon. I have only got to talk to him for 5 minutes and that was a few weeks ago (the day before fathers day). the thing that gets me the most is that his division got a 30 minute call a few weeks ago and i didnt hear from him, but his mom talked to him for 3 minutes, so I dont know where the rest of the 27 minutes went... I guess all I can do is try and forget it but that is hard. This monday, yes 4th of July, sounds cheesy is our 2 year anniversary, im hoping he will be smart and call this weekend if you know what i mean, other wise he will be in trouble :P
Jul 2, 2011