

Marion, IL

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am probably older than most Navy moms. (I am 55) I have worked for the State of Illinois for 32 years and looking forward to retiring. My husband and I are building our retirement home! I am going to miss my son, but am excited for him too!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
No experience yet!

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • carols_kitchen

    Just to let you know, I'm older than you.  Our sailor was born in Mt. Vernon when we lived there. 

    Hi and Welcome. 

    We are happy to have you on the Navy for Moms site.  You are invited to join either the Illinois or Missouri family page as listed below.  It is a great way to find families in your area and even help plan meet and greets. We also have some packing parties for our troops overseas getting together.

    Looking forward to hearing from you in one of our groups!

    Be sure and let me know if you have any questions!

    PS.  Feel free to cruise my page and see if there are any other groups that interest you



  • MM89Beth

    We just bought an 120 year old farm house today.  Going to fix it up and enjoy retirement too!
  • MM89Beth

    When you open your box, let me know if you got a letter with it.

    Some people are talking about getting one.  I didn't :(

  • MM89Beth

    I don't know how to advertise, do you?

    Just got my letter!!!!

  • ShortBecky

    Kimcon, My son went to bootcamp exactly one year before yours. He was 22 is now 23, also a little older.  I think that is kind of a good  thing.  He is an AECF  ET3. (wish I understood all that) He will work on computers and set up networking systems I think. He finished A school in December and has received his orders for C school in Norfolk Virginia.  He will be attached to the Enterprise.  Yes the one that is out noe and helped with the pirate thing.  He goes in March to report for C school so he got to stay at Gresat Lakes for the whole winter. 

    If you ever have any questions or concerns that I can help with let me know.  Has someone started a ship and division group  for your sons boot camp group yet?  that was a lifeline for me when mine was in bootcamp.

  • MM89Beth

    Hi Kim,

    How's it going?  Did you open the Box, or put it on a shelf?

    It's nice that you have family nearby.  Our daughter is flying in from Florida to join us.  She graduated from Lake Forest College; It's only 5 miles south of Great Lakes.  We've been to the mall in Gurnee many times!

    It will be great to meet you!

    Beth :)

  • MM89Beth

    Hi Kim,

    Glad you're OK with the Box.  It's nice to see their stuff.

    This "Navy4moms" has been great, and the people have been so friendly and helpful!

    Some days are worse for me too!

    I know you're not on Face Book, but the Navy Recruit Training Center has there own site on there.  It is very cool!  They show pictures of recruits doing things from the previous week.  We could possibly see our kids photos on there.

    Beth :)
  • TammieAR(Ship 9 Div 134)

    Hi Kim...just wanted to say hi and say hope you are having a good weekend.  The letters will surely come this week!!! Hope to chat more and meet you all at graduation!


    Smiles from Arkansas ~ Tam

  • MM89Beth

    Hi Kim,

    What is the name of the video?  Glad you found the RTC site on FB!

    Going to bed now; I'm an hour later than you are there.  I'll check back tomorrow.

    Keep your fingers crossed for us to get letters this week!

    Beth :)

  • MM89Beth

    Glad you got a letter too!  My son seems to miss junk food.  He likes to eat a little something all the time.  Only 3 meals a day, he says :)
  • MM89Beth

    Hi Kim,

    Just received more letters!  Did your mail carrier come by yet?

    Zac says that I've been chatting with one of his friend's step-mom.

    Who in our DIV is Adriana?

    Beth :)

  • MM89Beth

    Mine is sick & on LLD :( 

    I hope he is better by now.  He needs to shave 27 seconds off his 1.5 mile run next time.  He says they run A LOT!  My poor daughter calls me every day and says "It's just me mom." I'm trying to sound positive, but I sure wish they'd let our sons call soon!

  • MM89Beth

    Hi Kim,

    So glad you got a call.  Sorry Doug had all his wisdom teeth removed :(

    Zac didn't pass the 1.5 mile run either.  He hates running!  He wrote, not to worry; it was their first try.  They'll make it!

    No call yet.  I hope I didn't miss it :(  Adriana said that when she talked to her son, Zac was standing right next to him.

    He was sick last week, so maybe that means he feels better now :)

    I'm glad he's friends with Eddie.  I asked him in a letter if he knows Doug.  Haven't heard back yet.

    Have a great weekend!

    Beth :)

  • Mamamary805 (Joe's mom)


    My Joe is in Aviation, he is going to Pensicola for A school.


    Have a blessed week!

  • MM89Beth

    My hubby doesn't want to go either and we're meeting my daughter and her fiance at the airport.  So much to do, and not enough time.

    Sounds like Zac flies out to Sub School on Saturday!

  • Teresa43insc

    I rush to the mail box everyday. I know that they are very busy but I miss him so much and I write him everyday or send a card and I hope he is getting all that I send. I am so looking forward to PIR... we made our car rental yesterday, hotel and flight done. Now just wait to get that phone call saying mom I made it, tearing up just thinking about it.

    Well have a great day and looking forward to meeting you and your family.


    JC's MOM.


  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Hi Kim, the ribbons are shipped Priority 2-3 day flat rate small box. They were shipped yesterday and you should have them by tomorrow or Friday. Please let me know when they arrive. I know you must be getting very excited :-)
  • diannep

    kim:  Hang in there.  He will get it.  He has the rest of this week and next week to try again.  He can try this even on the day before PIR...and if he passes, he will go through Battlestations that night with the next PIR group, and be a sailor at PIR the next day...albeit in the balcony because he has been up all night and is too tired to march!  Hang in there....this happens alot and most of them make it before PIR!
  • Teresa43insc

    Hey Kim,


    I just read your post about Doug....I am sorry to hear this news. If I remember correctly he and JC were heading to Mississippi together for A-School. Prayers for you and your son.

  • diannep

    You are very welcome, Kim.  Please keep us posted....
  • Teresa43insc

    Hey Kim..
    My prayers are with him.
  • candy-oh!

    Hey, Kim...thanks for friending me. I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself right now. And James Dean, of course. I don't know if I am coming or going!!!!  I'm an older mom, too...53, 54 in October. Many of my friends have grandkids!!! Dianne told me your son was going through something similar...then I was thinking he did it!!! I hope that's the case. We'll keep each other posted I hope.
  • Teresa43insc

    Hey Kim,

    Just wanted to let you know that JC my son and Doug are roomies in Missi. I talked to JC yesterday he and Doug were eating pizza and watching tv. Sounds like a little R&R was well earned.

  • MM89Beth

    Hi Kim,

    I miss you!

    Glad to hear Doug is liking Mississippi.

    Zac likes CT too.  His room-mates are both in different stages of Sub School and have been giving him good advise!

    I don't know many Sub moms yet :(  But I have talked to a mom from Colorado who seems nice!

    Keep in touch.

    Beth :)

  • Teresa43insc

    Hey Kim,

    I have talked to JC either by text or voice just about every day and he seems to be doing well, I am little worried about them today because of the bad weather I talked to him earlier and the tornadoe alarms were going off, I told him to keep me posted. We are planning on heading to see JC on May 19th we live in Charleston SC so we are a good 10 hours away. Hopefully those plans won't change and we can see him because he informed me the other day that he doesn't get to come home after a school that he goes straight to Conn so it woiuld be late July before he gets to come home on leave.  I am glad that JC and Doug are able to get to know each other and become friends. Well take care and I will talk with you later. Pray for the weather to clear up.

  • angeleyes

    hello kimcon, please reply if you get this message.  I have a few questions about A-school.  (my boyfriend just started A-school)
  • angeleyes

    My boyfriend's PIR was on May 6th, 2011. (6 days ago!) Unfortunately, I couldnt go. Hes in Mississippi right now for A-School, but I havent received any calls from him or anything yet. Is this normal? (His parents didnt give him a cell phone at his PIR or anything.)
    How long did it take for your sailor to contact you after arriving at A-school? :( Please let me know!!
  • razen3

    Hi Glad you wrote back. Kelly seems to like it in Gulfport but I think she would like some cooler weather. She is going to be a Seabee, she is going to learn to build and repair things.

     My husband and I are planning to go see her this month sometime. She has phased up and can go places now. 

      My younger daughter might join the Navy too if she doesn't get into the nursing or a medical program at John A. Logan.

      Have a good night. Marsha
