Tammy (Gar's mom)

62, Female

Washington, IN

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
 I live with my husband. I am an elementary teacher. I have 3 children and a grandson. My youngest, my son is currently in Boot Camp at Great Lakes. He is scheduled for PIR on October 7 and will then continue to Monterrey California as CTI.  
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I have no experience. I'm not sure what to expect. This Navy4Moms site has been a real help.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • Pat

    Welcome aboard neighbor! Come join us on the Indiana page on this website.

    Navy Week is being celebrated by Indiana Navy Moms on the 15th, 16th, 17th and 20th of this month...check out the calendar of events and come join us if you are available.

    You will also want to check out the Boot Camp group and then watch for his PIR (date) group once he gets into BC and you learn the date.

  • Pat

    Would it help to do a lunch or dinner soon?  I work full time, but have been there with everything that you are going through and would be happy to share what I know and have experienced.

    What will his rate (job) be?  Did he go to WHS or WC and was in the NJROTC unit?

  • Kaye S.

    Hi , Tammy.... I'm sorry not to have given you a proper welcome to Indiana Moms sooner than this, but have been very busy with Navy Week.  I'm the administrator for the group, so if you have any questions, please ask. My son is a Nuke MM serving on the submarine USS Alabama, based out of Bangor, WA. He's been in for five years.

    I see that Pat has already contacted you.  She also lives in Washington and is a great resource.  My daughter attends Vincennes Univ, so perhaps we could meet sometime?

    We have a monthly informal dinner in Avon (on the west side of Indy) which I know would be a big drive for you, but you're always welcomed to join us.  Just click on any third Monday on the Events calendar (right-hand column) for those details.  From time to time, we also have regional gatherings in various parts of the state. 

    Jump in with any questions or comments you may have. I think you'll find we're a nice bunch of folks and always willing to lend an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Hugs! k.

  • Kaye S.

    Tammy, there's another new Indiana Mom, Karen60, whom you might get to know.  Sounds like both your sons went to BC at the same time, and both are headed to Monterrey!

    I certainly understand the "heart torn out" feeling... even after five years, I still miss him terribly.  He married last November and they just found out they're expecting, so at some point I'm going to have to give up the notion that he's going to live in his room again (sniff, sniff)...!

    All I can tell you is that bootcamp WILL eventually end and you'll experience a pride you never knew existed when you see him march in his PIR.

    I look forward to meeting you soon.  Hugs! k.

  • Karen(Nick's Mom)

    Hi Tammy!  Good to hear from you.  My son is is on ship 07-USS Chicago-Div: 328.  His PIR date is 9/30.  Did I see somewhere that your son's PIR is in Oct? Yes, I am feeling the empty nest right now.  My SR son is my youngest of 4 (1 girl, 3 sons).  All the kids are far from home the closest ones are a 3-4 hour drive away.  My son, Nick, is probably older than most of the recruits.  He is 28.  He got a degree in Criminology from Indiana State U then moved with a roommate to Tampa, FL for 5 years.  My husband died 2 years ago as a result of an accident.  He was riding a bicycle and a car backed from a driveway into him.  Nick immediately quit his job, broke the lease on his apartment and moved home to be with me. He wasn't having any luck finding a decent job in our area and decided to join the Navy. So, for the first time in my entire life I am living alone and I am missing him like crazy.  He has always been very affectionate (like his dad) and I miss his daily hugs.  It is nice to know that there are going to be a group of Indiana guys going to Monterey, CA together. I have been to Monterey before, several years ago.  My daughter was married to a Marine CTI for 20 years.  Nick & I went out for a visit when my son-in-law was in school at DLI.  I just got my first letter from my son this past Wednesday (a whole page and a half).  I was heartsick Tuesday night to get home from bicycling with friends to find out he had attempted to call several times for the first time and I had missed his call.  I had my cell phone with me but without his cell phone, I don't think he could remember my number.  Well, hang in there.  The empty nest isn't fun at first  but it does get better.  My husband and I took dancing lessons with several of our friends and got together after that a couple of times a week to dance for the exercise.  Now, they all still dance two times a week but have now added bicycling to their activities. Keep in touch!
  • ald2316 (Ship 3 Div. 336)

    Are you sure we are talking about the same people? just wondering how you know who my boyfriend is?

  • ald2316 (Ship 3 Div. 336)

    My boyfriend is going to florida for a-school.
  • ald2316 (Ship 3 Div. 336)

    Yes im am from the Santa Claus area. maybe your son and my boyfriend are friends. Are they in the same divison?