

Simpsonville, SC

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
My name is Katie. I've been with my boyfriend Kreig for almost two years. He is leaving for bootcamp november 9th. I will be seeing him graduate sometime in January. Though i don't know much about the navy i support his decision and i am very proud of the person that he has become. I can't wait for what our future holds. :)
I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • bella [mrs. ae2]

  • Lucy

    Hi katiee. Thanks for the add. It's cool to find so many sailor girlfriends who might be going through the same things I am. If you need anything you can talk to me. My bf left sept 14 and I still get my moments that I struggle getting used to our new lives. Good thing is that this is making us stronger girlfriends. Good luck with everything!
  • Lucy

    That's funny cuz my bf introduced me to this website for
    The same reason. How have you been feeling
    Lately knowing he will be leaving to boot soon? You're going to be
    So excited when you receive letters from him, especially the first
    One. Trust me, like today I got one and I felt like a little girl opening a
    Gift on Christmas! Everything will be good though. It's an honor overall. :)
  • Lucy

    Honestly idk what a "normal" feeling would be, but I know what you mean. Me and Alan did fight aLot before he left and I do blame it on frustration that we wouldn't be together anymore. It's not your fault. It's ok to scared because this is all new to us. I feel happy but I still get sad because I miss him so much. I just tell myself tears aren't going to bring him back to me any sooner. Be supportive always. It will be ok and if not, better. 
  • Lucy

    That's good. I know exactly what you mean. I would cry to my mom all
    The time cuz I didn't want him to see me upset, and she
    Always told me he's leaving for a good cause and he's doing this not only
    For himself but for you too. If
    You're already proud of
    Him, you're
    Going to be
    Even more
    Of the
    Man he's going to become as time goes
    By. You
    Start to learn and
    The things
    Going to
    Go through and trust me, you'll be
    Know your bf won't come back lazy, he'll most
    Deffinatly appreciate
    More, and your relationship is going
    Get so much stronger.
    Even though me
    Alan are
    So far away
    From each other, I know we're much closer than we ever
    Before. You're going to
    Feel like you got
    In the
    Good old days communicating through letters, but
    Is no
    You open
  • Lucy

    I guess if you trust your relationship than don't doubt it. That guy must have been insecure to
    Come back with that attitude. Talk to your bf and let him know you live him for
    Who he is now and acting better than everyone else won't prove a thing to you. You should both just have a serious talk before
    He leaves just to reashure each other that you guys are committed to your relationship. Talk about
    Each others goals in life and try to be supportive to one another. I know it's going to be hard because I still to
    This day get frustrated that he can't
    Be here or we can't communicate as much as I would like to, but I just have
    To believe it will only get better. I wish I can tell you nothing will change, but
    The reality is, is that pretty much everything will. Even you. You can either
    Be miserable by missing him or you can be stronger and independent while he's gone. I have gotten so
    Much closer to his family and even my
    Own. Everything happens for a reason. Try not
    To question why things are going the way they are
    In your life. You're blessed w it all now just try to learn as
    Much as you can and embrace it.
  • Lucy

    You're welcome. I know it's better to talk to people going through similar situations as you are, so if you ever need
    Anything I'll try my best to comfort you. Do you and your bf ever
    Talk about getting married?
  • Lucy

    So how have you been feeling about himLeaving tomorrow? I just want to tell you to stay strong and it's ok to cry. I woud get upset when my bf had just left and I would cry because I missed him, and people would tell me, "he'll be back, he won't be gone for that long." I knew that already butIt was still hard for me to deal w because I was so used to his company. It will take a few days to get used to it all. I advise you to write tohim everyday! Stay strong!! <3
  • Bryanna

    Yeah he told me to add you so I was like finally someone I can get to know. I'm glad that Kreig and Zack get along really well. Zack can be a difficult guy to get along with haha. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you. Since Zack left I've been trying to stay busy with school but it doesn't help me at all. Nights are the worst for me. Zack lives with my family because his mom just got married and he needed a place to stay so I'm used to seeing him before I go to bed and waking up to him. I am trying my hardest to stay strong for him. I know Kreig just left so how are you holding up?

  • Bryanna

    I'm glad someone understands haha. My mom is trying her hardest to support me but she just doesn't understand. I got Zack a puppy last year for Christmas and she's staying with me now, she's been moping around lately because she knows he's gone. It kind of helps to have her with me but she always stays mad at me like its my fault he's gone. Thank you for talking to me and you know if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. We should definitely hang out one day. I think that would be great. I hope Zack and Kreig graduate together so we can all hang out together also.

  • Bryanna

    Yeah I'm going up to Chicago. His mom wants to make a road trip out of it but I'm not sure if we're driving or flying yet. I guess it will depend on money and all that jazz. I've been writing Zack letters every night before I go to bed, it helps me put my mind at ease a little. I can't wait to get my first letter from him.

  • Bryanna

    I think we're supposed to find out his graduation date sometime in the next two weeks. What about Kreig, do you know around what day he's supposed to graduate?

  • Bryanna

    They said the same thing to Zack. He left two days before Kreig, and he didn't like that haha. He wanted me to meet him before he left, he always talks about all the shenanigans they're up to at the meetings. I think the recruiter said we can call next week and they'll have the address and graduation date. From what it sounds like Zack and Kreig may be graduating at the same time.

  • Bryanna

    I'm excited now. Cause it won't be just me and a bunch of adults. If they graduate together we should all definitely get together for a night out in Chicago. :)
  • Bryanna

    No we're not sure yet. Everyone won't make up their minds. I think we will know for sure when we find out the graduation date. His mom wants to go ahead and book the hotel as soon as we get the date so we will at least have somewhere to stay haha. I do know that if we fly we will have to rent a car when we get there and a lot of people said we would have to do it ahead of time because they run out of cars around that time. I'm hoping to get a game plan set by next week.

  • Bryanna

    I've never flown before so I kind of want to just for the experience but I don't want to do it alone. I think the guys would appreciate time together. I have the hardest time sleeping too. I have to take sleeping pills but lately I've been staying up until 2 or 5 in the morning. It's exhausting. 
  • Lucy

    Hey :) I've been really good. Thanks. I'll sometimes get my moments, but I'm pretty sure it's cuz of the time if year. I'm excited for PIR on
    The 23!! I'm going to Illinois in like two weeks. How have you been??
  • Bryanna

    Aw. I heard third shift sucks. Where do you work? And it would be so awesome to fly together. I will most definitely let you know what we decide to do.
  • Lucy

    Yes I'm super excited! Well it took me two weeks to receive his first letter. In about a week you'll get a box w his clothes and phone if he took it. Or have you got it already? He told me it took six days for him to get my first letter, so I write every single day so he can get as much letters as possible! Don't worry katiee it will only get better. I think you already dealt with the worst sk just try to hang in there and stay tough as nails! :] I know how you feel and I'm totally here for you girl. Before you know it, you'll be going to your bf's graduation too. 
  • Bryanna

    When I read Caterpillar I was so confused at first haha. I wish I could find a job instead of just volunteering at the hospital. I need money. Haha. I wish January was here already. I'm excited for the four of us to get together
  • Bryanna

    Oh okay. Haha. No I haven't gotten his address yet. Have you
  • Lucy

    You're hecka welcome. You should send your bf pictures! :)
  • Bryanna

    Whos his recruiter? Zacks is Wheeler

  • Lucy

    Yes! :) just not provocative ones lol. I sent my bf a whole bunch of pictures already. He says he sleeps with them and I sprayed them on the
    Back w my perfume. He loved that. I actually cut out a piece of laced underwear and sprayed it w his favorite perfume. He
    Told me he carries it in his uniform pocket everywhere he goes. You should totally do that!
  • Lucy

    Lol great minds think alike! How exciting! He's gonna sniff the scent off of your gift ;) lol. You should kissYour letter w lipstick on! Or trace your hand on one of the pages. Aww I hecka hopeYou hear from your sailor soon! It would have been cool if him and Alan coulda met, but their in totally different divisions!
  • Lucy

    Al is ship:12, div:008. I remember it took me about two weeks to
    Be able to accept my lonely nights. I would dream about my bf and it felt so real so when I would wake
    Up it hecka sucked! I'm much better now. Now the problem w my nights are being able to fall
    Asleep! I'm just so excited to see my baby! :) 
  • Lucy

    Dang it :/ you're going to his graduation for sure? I know what u mean. Yeah it's best to keep
    Busy! I've just been keeping busy w school. Where do you work?
  • chelsealoo

    Hey katiee. Im doing alright how are you? Im just waiting on letters and hoping for a call:))
  • chelsealoo

    You just got the address? When did he leave? I've been sending soo many letters, im sure. Im embarrassing my husband but I don't even care:)) I've been spraying just a little perfume on them and kissing the backs. Sending tons of pics too:)) ahhh I hope we get calls soon! :) you've been keeping busy?
  • chelsealoo

    Im the same way. Nights are the hardest. We've lived together for two years and spent every night together so its hard to get used to sleeping without a warm body beside me. So I usually end up staying up late and sleeping the day away. Writing hubby when im not too sad so I can stay upbeat in the letter, lol. Yeah, I've been planning my trip for pir so I've been busy. Counting down the days, for sure:)
  • Lucy

    That's awesome! I'm glad you're going. I wasn't going to go because Alan said itWas a waste of money, but he called last week and realized it wasn't a waste of money lol duh! So now I'm doing everything lastMinute. You don't wanna do that! Lol. Is your job difficult? I hope you get better katiee! It's not healthy to beSad all day. I lost six pounds the first week that Alan left after that, I decided I would make theBest of the time he was away. You'll make it through this! :] it took like three weeks for him to call.
    We talked for 23 minutes.